Tag: tourism
Economy 24.03.20 | 11:37

Government vouchers to reimburse canceled tourism trips

Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi said that tourist companies that are losing business because of the coronavirus epidemic will be given vouchers from the Government. These will be used to reimburse the customers, who now demand their money back, Bekteshi said.

Economy 23.03.20 | 20:54

Zoran Nikolovski: Coronavirus killed tourism and catering in Macedonia, urgent measures needed to save these sectors

Zoran Nikolovski, an expert on tourism and catering, at today’s Live Chat panel titled “Because Every Life Matters”, said the coronavirus has caused major damage to tourism and the catering business. According to him, tourism is dead at the moment. Not only here but around the world....

Economy 18.02.20 | 16:31

Coronavirus and Chinese tourists not affecting Macedonian tourism

Macedonian tourism will not be significantly affected by the negative effect of the coronavirus. About 7,000-10,000 Chinese tourists annually visit Macedonia, most often as part of regional tours, a relatively small number that has no major impact on the sector, says Agency for Tourism Promotion and...

Macedonia 10.06.19 | 11:14

Greek parties argue over the Macedonia Timeless tourism promotion site

Greek opposition New Democracy demanded that Foreign Minister Georgios Katrougalos taes action after it noted that the Macedonia Timeless site created to promote Macedonia as a tourism destination continues to use the name Republic of Macedonia. This provocative and brazen use of the term Macedonia...

Economy 12.03.19 | 15:05

Drop in the number of foreign tourists

The number of tourists in Macedonia dropped by 0.7 percent in January, and the number of nights they spent in the country was down 4.3 percent. Statistics show that the number of domestic tourists grew by 2.6 percent, and the drop was due to the 2.7 drop in foreign tourists. A total of 49.021 tourists...