Monday, 27 May 2024
Economy 27.05.24 | 21:22

The price of diesel increases from midnight

The Energy Regulatory Commission has announced the new fuel prices that will apply from tonight at midnight. The retail price of EUROSUPER BS-95 gasoline is reduced by 0.50 den/liter, in relation to the retail price determined by the decision to determine the highest retail prices of petroleum products...

Macedonia 27.05.24 | 20:18

Kovachevski will not run for SDSM president again

After submitting his resignation, the outgoing president of SDSM, Dimitar Kovacevski, announced that he will not run for the highest party office. Before the beginning of the meeting of the Executive Board of the party in the headquarters of Bihaćka, he said that he will not submit documents for candidacy...

Macedonia 27.05.24 | 18:37

VMRO and VLEN close to a coalition deal, the departments are divided 11:4

Republika has learnt that VMRO-DPMNE and VLEN are close to an agreement on the make-up of the next Government. According to the proposal that is on the table, VMRO would get 11 departments, while VLEN would have four. VMRO officials would be named to the Interior Ministry, Foreign Ministry, the departments...

Macedonia 27.05.24 | 18:29

President Siljanovska meets with ambassadors of Ukraine, EU and Switzerland ahead of the peace conference

President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova met with the ambassadors of Ukraine Larissa Dir, Switzerland – Veronic Ulman and the European Union – David Geer. The focus of the meeting was to prepare for the upcoming Ukraine summit in Switzerland, which begins on June 15th. Siljanovska had...

World 27.05.24 | 17:01

At least 45 killed in Israeli airstrike on displaced persons camp in Rafah, health ministry says, hours after Hamas fired rockets into Israel

The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry raised the death toll to 45 Monday from Israeli airstrikes in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, AFP and Reuters reported. Gaza officials said the strike hit tents for displaced people in Rafah, with “numerous” others trapped in flaming debris. The airstrike...

Macedonia 27.05.24 | 16:56

What does it mean for Macedonia that Kosovo has become an associate member of NATO: It is important to have another neighbor who will be a source of stability

Today, Kosovo was accepted as an associate member of NATO. Such a decision was made by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Alliance and advanced the status from observer to associate member. At the vote, 14 NATO members abstained, and only Hungary was against. In addition to Kosovo, Malta also became an...

Macedonia 27.05.24 | 16:44

The surgical rooms in the Clinical Center remain closed, waiting for an answer from the German laboratory where the stench is coming from

The Minister of Health, Ilir Demiri, informed that so far no one has resigned for the collapse that occurred in the health system following the problem with the compressor stations, due to which the surgical rooms of the “Mother Teresa” Clinical Center in Skopje have not been working for...