Tag: Bulgaria
Balkans 25.12.20 | 18:07

Bulgaria and Greece receive the first shipment of coronavirus vaccines tomorrow

Greece expects to receive its shipment of coronavirus vaccines tomorrow, and to start inoculating the most critical categories of citizens on Sunday. The same day Bulgaria will begin its vaccination campaign. Greek hospitals will open over 1,000 vaccination sites and will begin by inoculating the Prime...

Macedonia 25.12.20 | 09:21

Bulgaria’s position is in EU documents: After Zaev failed to meet EU requirements, issues with Bulgaria arose

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski publicly on Alfa TV called on Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to answer whether he knew that his Vice President Dimitrov had gossiped about him with journalists and public opinion creators that he was ready to sign everything, but the “great patriot”...

Macedonia 23.12.20 | 22:58

Buckovski expects a response from Bulgaria after New Year

Zaev’s envoy to Bulgaria, former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski, said that he is awaiting comments and possible objections from Bulgaria on the document he presented there weeks ago. Yesterday it was revealed that Bulgaria still hasn’t responded to the document, which is believed to contain...

Macedonia 23.12.20 | 12:40

Historian Jovanovski: Bulgaria did not do this without silent support from the EU

After the controversy with Bulgaria, when it became clear that Bulgaria would not agree to Macedonia starting EU accession talks, speculation began. Whether anyone influenced Bulgaria, the decision, they have strong pro-Russian feelings. The Bulgarians now say, we have not vetoed, but we must monitor...

Macedonia 22.12.20 | 11:34

Bulgaria will donate part of the Covid-19 vaccines to Macedonia

The Republic of Bulgaria will donate to our country a part of each shipment of Covid-19 vaccines, which they bought directly from the manufacturers. This was decided this morning at a government session in Sofia, which was also attended by Macedonia’s Minister of Health Venko Filipce. With this...

Macedonia 22.12.20 | 09:53

Filipce in Sofia to discuss Macedonia receiving part of Covid vaccines that will arrive in Bulgaria

The Ministry of Health informs that Health Minister Venko Filipce, at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Boyko Borisov and the Health Minister Kostadin Angelov will attend Tuesday’s session of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria. The session in Sofia is expected to discuss...

Macedonia 21.12.20 | 23:42

“Zaev agreed to open issues no sane person would negotiate about”

If Zaev really doesn’t understand the nature of the dispute with Bulgaria and what he is negotiating about, he shouldn’t have made all the promises and concessions he did, opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski said, reacting to a recent comment from Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who declared...

Macedonia 21.12.20 | 23:26

Xhaferi: No nation would agree to negotiate on the issues Bulgaria demands from Macedonia

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi said that no nation would accept to negotiate on the issues Bulgaria is raising with Macedonia. Xhaferi, who is an ethnic Albanian, spoke during a TV21 interview where he denounced Bulgaria’s claims on Macedonian history and national identity. Bulgaria and Macedonia...

Macedonia 21.12.20 | 22:17

Mickoski: If Bulgaria continues to insist on its demands, we will rescind the treaty and call for a new one

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski announced that if Bulgaria continues with its current set of demands, Macedonia needs to abandon the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty and seek a new one. Under the treaty, Bulgaria demands a number of concessions on issues of history and national identity, and...

Macedonia 20.12.20 | 11:34

VMRO: Zaev is a proponent of Bulgarian interests in Macedonia and he can’t make a good deal with Borisov

Zoran Zaev is the main proponent of Bulgarian interests in Macedonia, said the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party in a press statement. After removing the Star of Kutles from our squares, Zaev now prepares to scrape out the mention of Bulgarian occupation and part of the fascist Axis from World War Two plaques....

Macedonia 19.12.20 | 19:42

VMRO blasts Zaev for his offer to edit the text on World War Two memorial plaques

VMRO-DPMNE responded immediately after Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced that he is prepared to scrape World War Two plaques and remove any mention of the Bulgarian occupation from them. Zaev declares he’s ready to scrub WW2 plaques and erase any mention of “Bulgarian fascist occupiers” Zaev’s...

Macedonia 19.12.20 | 19:30

Zaev declares he’s ready to scrub WW2 plaques and erase any mention of “Bulgarian fascist occupiers”

During his visit to Bitola, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that he is prepared to order that World War Two plaques that mention the “Bulgarian fascist occupiers” are scrubbed from the word “Bulgarian”. These plaques are commonplace and symbolize the place where Bulgarian soldiers...

Macedonia 19.12.20 | 14:56

Border guards intercept shipment of 100 kilograms of marijuana meant for Bulgaria

A shipment of 100 kilograms of marijuana was intercepted on the Macedonian – Bulgarian border near Strumica. A Bulgarian trucker was trying to transport the drugs into Bulgaria when he was caught by border guards. The 48 year old man is being charged. Macedonia is a growing marijuana source country,...

Macedonia 19.12.20 | 08:50

Bulgaria rejected a proposal that German historians are added to the joint committee

In a TV interview, President Stevo Pendarovski said that Bulgaria refused a proposal that two German historians are included in the joint historic committee. The work of the committee, set up under the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty, is blocked as Bulgaria takes a hard line and demands that practically...

Macedonia 18.12.20 | 23:19

Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry says that their position towards Macedonia will not change

Bulgaria will not change its position towards Macedonia in the coming months, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry told “Trud.bg”. In the coming period, Bulgaria will continue its efforts to explain to our partners the Bulgarian problems regarding Macedonia. We expect a realistic approach of solidarity...

Macedonia 18.12.20 | 13:44

Zaev goes to Albania to send a message to Bulgaria

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has maintained his currently defiant posture toward Bulgaria with a visit to Pustec, a majority Macedonian municipality in the south-eastern corner of Albania. Zaev was there to deliver textbooks for the children of this impoverished rural town and announced donations to build...

Macedonia 18.12.20 | 09:00

Other EU member states also stand with Macedonia against Bulgaria, Zaev’s adviser says

One of Zaev’s advisers, Edmond Ademi, insisted that besides Slovakia and the Czech Republic, other EU member states also support Macedonia in the dispute with Bulgaria. Slovakia and the Czech Republic blocked the proposed enlargement conclusions after Bulgaria inserted clauses that would block Macedonia’s...

Macedonia 17.12.20 | 23:31

Czech Republic and Slovakia on ‘veto on Bulgaria’: We will not allow EU be the judge of our shared history, how we identify ourselves or the language we use

We will not allow that the Union be the judge of our shared history, how we identify ourselves or the language we use, Czech and Slovak Foreign Ministers Tomàš Petríček and Ivan Korčok said in a joint statement, after they did not agree on the EU conclusions on the enlargement. In the final text...

Macedonia 17.12.20 | 22:23

Bulgaria complains to EU about the blockade of the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Bulgaria has reacted to the blockade on the conclusions on the enlargement of the Western Balkans to the EU Council by the Czech Republic and Slovakia, TV 24 reported. The position of official Sofia has been sent to all 26 other member states of the Union, where the Government of Prime Minister Boyko...

Macedonia 17.12.20 | 15:24

EU: Slovakia and the Czech Republic pushed back against Bulgaria on the Macedonia issue

The MIA news agency reports that Slovakia and the Czech Republic had objections to the conclusions of the European Council on enlargement, and spoke out in support of Macedonia which is being blocked by Bulgaria. Bulgaria insisted that a clause protesting misreading of history is added to the enlargement...
