Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 21.10.20 | 12:09

Sekerinska gets angry with Bulgaria, says the blockades were not according to NATO standards

Macedonia’s Minister of Defense Radmila Sekerinska stressed Wednesday that the time has passed when the defense ministers in the region make statements, such as the one made by the Bulgarian Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov, and that someone should consider them serious and that such communication...

Macedonia 20.10.20 | 16:45

Osmani does not want the big EU investment to fail due to the dispute with Bulgaria

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani believes that the large EU investment for the entire region should not fail due to the dispute with Bulgaria. We have strengthened political communications with neighboring Bulgaria on several levels, and our Joint Commission on Historical Issues has intensified its work....

Macedonia 20.10.20 | 13:39

Zaev says no need for a new treaty with Bulgaria, wants a solution that will recognize the Macedonian language and people

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that he expects any solution to historic disputes with Bulgaria to focus on the fact that Bulgaria recognizes the Macedonian language and the Macedonian people. As Bulgaria wants concessions on historic figures such as Goce Delcev, who their side considers a Bulgarian,...

Macedonia 19.10.20 | 11:34

Kathimerini reports on the growing dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria

Greek daily Kathimerini believes that Zoran Zaev does not actually fear that Bulgaria will actually block Macedonia from opening the EU accession talks. The paper reports on the growing dispute, and how Bulgaria is now taking up the role Greece played in blocking Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic integration,...

Macedonia 19.10.20 | 11:20

Milososki: Bulgaria wants Goce Delcev declared an ethnic Bulgarian who was Macedonian only in the regional sense

Former Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki reports that the Bulgarian request regarding Goce Delcev is that the legendary VMRO leader is declared as an “ethnic Bulgarian who is a Macedonian in the regional sense”. This formulation would have to be used by both countries, Bulgaria reportedly...

Macedonia 16.10.20 | 18:59

After two days of meetings, no progress between Macedonian and Bulgarian historians on the dispute over Goce Delcev

The meeting between Macedonian and Bulgarian historians in Skopje concluded this afternoon with both parties stating that the progress that was achieved was modest and “not essential”. Bulgaria demands concessions from Macedonia on historic and national identity issues, which it mainly expects...

Macedonia 15.10.20 | 18:53

Zaev again offers to visit Bulgaria after the failed mission of his Foreign Minister Osmani

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev publicly offered to visit Bulgaria, even as the Bulgarian authorities appear unprepared to welcome him. Zaev said that he is in contact with the authorities in Sofia for his visit a month ago, and he dispatched his Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani there last week, only to be forced...

Macedonia 15.10.20 | 15:05

Osmani again fails to say whether Bulgaria wants constitutional changes, tells Mickoski to call him on the phone

Regarding the statement of the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani repeated the statement of President Stevo Pendarovski that everything that happens to us from outside does not happen only to the Government but to all citizens, including the opposition, and that hence...

Macedonia 15.10.20 | 11:39

Bulgaria maintains its position, chances for agreement in joint historical commission are slim to none

TV Alfa sources in the Macedonian team of the joint historical commission, briefed that given the firm position of the Bulgarian colleagues, but also the political nomenclature in Sofia, Thursday’s meeting will be practically of a formal nature, and the chances for progress are slim to none. The...

Macedonia 15.10.20 | 09:30

Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry: We will not comment on whether Zakharieva asked Osmani for a new agreement

The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not comment, ie it neither confirms nor denies that the Minister Ekaterina Zakharieva asked the Macedonian Foreign Minister, Bujar Osmani, Macedonia and Bulgaria to sign a new agreement similar to the Prespa agreement, which will implement Sofia’s...

Macedonia 14.10.20 | 22:55

Pendarovski denies report that Bulgaria asked Macedonia to amend its Constitution

President Stevo Pendarovski said that so far there is no written or verbal demand from Bulgaria that Macedonia amends its Constitution. The statement comes after opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski yesterday revealed that Bulgaria demands constitutional amendmends under which Macedonia would redefine...

Macedonia 14.10.20 | 19:58

FAZ on Macedonia: The dispute with Bulgaria is about to surpass the dispute with Greece in its absurdity

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) journalist Michael Martens published a report on the latest pressure from Bulgaria, which threatens to block the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. The report, titled “You are not what you think you are” notes that Bulgaria is using the leverage...

Macedonia 14.10.20 | 13:04

Osmani: There is no new agreement, but strengthening communication with Bulgaria

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, said that there was no new agreement with Bulgaria, but strengthening of mutual communication at all levels. Regarding the relations with Bulgaria and my visit, I would like to emphasize: there is no new Agreement, but there is a strengthening of mutual...

Macedonia 14.10.20 | 11:35

Macedonia-Bulgaria joint commission to meet in Skopje on Thursday and Friday

After a long break, the commission established to resolve the historical disputes between Macedonia and Bulgaria will hold meetings in Skopje on Thursday and Friday. It is planned to end with the already started discussion regarding the harmonization of recommendations for history textbooks for 7th grade...

Macedonia 13.10.20 | 20:13

Mickoski asks the Government to answer if it’s true that Bulgaria wants a new treaty, with constitutional redefinition of the Macedonian nation?

Speaking about the veto threat from Bulgaria aimed at the opening of EU accession talks, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that Macedonia can’t allow politicians from the current Government to give away the Macedonian nation and destroy the modern Macedonian state just to save their...

Balkans 12.10.20 | 17:27

The Council of Europe calls on Bulgaria to enter into dialogue with the Macedonian minority

Bulgaria has made progress in the implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities through advancing non-discrimination legislation, promoting education for Roma children and supporting religious rights, the Council of Europe’s advisory committee said in a report. ...

Macedonia 11.10.20 | 16:38

Be prepared for a Bulgarian veto, Zaev tells the country

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev warned the country to be prepared for a bad outcome as Bulgaria threatens to block the opening of EU accession talks. Zaev sent his Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani to Sofia for a meeting with his counterpart Ekaterina Zaharieva that was crashed by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko...

Macedonia 09.10.20 | 14:08

EU criticism of Bulgaria reopens the issue of its Macedonian minority

A side effect of the criticism that Bulgaria is facing in the European Parliament, sparked by protests at home over corruption and violations of the rule of law, is that the country is also urged to finally recognize Macedonian cultural and political organizations. Bulgaria has refused to allow such...

Macedonia 09.10.20 | 10:52

Osmani visits Bulgaria to discuss the latest historic dispute

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is in Sofia today to discuss the objections the Bulgarian Government has raised ahead of the expected opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. Osmani will meet with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and his counterpart Ekaterina Zaharieva, and is expected to discuss...

Macedonia 07.10.20 | 17:16

Fouere: EU should not underestimate Bulgaria’s threats to Macedonia

Former EU Ambassador to Macedonia Erwan Fouere told MIA that the EU should be concerned by Bulgaria’s threats to block the EU negotiation process. As MIA’s correspondent in Brussels reported after the publication of the report on the reform progress of Macedonia and other countries in the...
