Tag: strumica
Macedonia 05.05.24 | 16:08

VMRO accuses SDSM of pressuring poor Turkish voters in Strumica

VMRO-DPMNE officials in Strumica accused the ruling SDSM party of bribery in the city’s Turkish neighborhood.   According to Strumica Council member doctor Nikola Madzunkov, a group of SDSM activists weree pressuring citizens in this part of the city to vote SDSM. “They came in a car without...

Macedonia 21.01.24 | 20:18

Girl from Strumica was neglected to the point of endangering her life

A four year old girl from Strumica was admitted to hospital in life threatening condition due to serious neglect. The girl was badly malnourished, with serious frostbite and gangrene on her limbs, badly neglected in personal hygiene and with various other injuries. She was first admitted at the Strumica...

Macedonia 17.08.23 | 19:27

Relative of Strumica Mayor Kostadinov buys an influential regional TV station

An in law of Strumica Mayor Kostadin Kostadinov bought the regional VIS television. The TV station was supportive of the ruling SDSM party, and now this editorial policy will be formally fortified. Owner Janko Micev sold the station that airs in the region of Strumica to Vasko Jordanov and Nikola Milusev....

Macedonia 05.07.23 | 18:05

Environmental activists shocked by Government decision to allow the construction of a huge copper mine near Strumica

Activists from the organization “Healthy Valley” are asserting that the construction of the new copper and gold mine “Ilovica – Shtuka” will lead to the deterioration and death of the fertile and heavily populated Strumica valley, where it will be built. The activists say...

Macedonia 18.03.23 | 17:57

Alfa: Zoran Zaev and Ljubco Georgievski are in business together in Strumica

Alfa TV reports that Ljubco Georgievski, the former Prime Minister of Macedonia who has now fully embraced Bulgarian positions on the origin of the nation, has extensive business interests with Zoran Zaev in Zaev’s stronghold of Strumica. Georgievski originally sought Bulgarian citizenship to avoid...

Macedonia 14.02.23 | 10:53

There is no greater reward than a saved life, say Strumica firefighters who rescued a woman after five days under the ruins

The eight firefighters-rescuers from the Strumica fire department returned last night after midnight from the rescue mission in the area affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey. They were welcomed last night by the mayor of Strumica, Kostadin Kostadinov, who received them in his office and rewarded...

Macedonia 17.10.21 | 23:56

SDSM’s Kostadinov declares victory in Strumica

SDSM candidate Kostadin Kostadinov declared a victory in the first round of the mayoral elections in Strumica – the main power-base of SDSM and its leader Zoran Zaev. Kostadinov said that he won by 4,000 votes ahead of the VMRO-DPMNE candidate Zan Drvosanov in an otherwise brutal night for SDSM.

Macedonia 17.10.21 | 21:13

Initial results: SDSM expects to win outright in four smaller municipalities

SDSM is lagging behind VMRO-DPMNE in announcing wins in the local election. While VMRO already claimed Aerodrom, Kisela Voda, Gjorce Petrov and Gazi Baba – all significant municipalities in Skopje and the city of Prilep, SDSM is briefing the press that it has an outright win in several smaller...

Macedonia 04.10.21 | 23:17

Mickoski: When I talk about Zaev’s little helpers, I mostly refer to Kostadinco, Zaev’s shadow

At Monday’s rally in Strumica, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski pointed out that for more than a decade the city has been a prisoner of one family, honest people are outvoted with bought votes, and money is circling in the same closed circle, and blackmail, threats and pressure rule. And when...

Macedonia 04.10.21 | 22:41

Mickoski: Strumica has become a prisoner of Zaev’s greed, honest people are outvoted with bought votes, it’s time to stop this

At Monday’s rally in Strumica, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski pointed out that for more than a decade the city has been a prisoner of one family, honest people are outvoted with bought votes, and money is circling in the same closed circle, and blackmail, threats and pressure rule. And when...

Macedonia 01.10.21 | 15:43

Drvosanov in Strumica: We will reduce the price of water and utility fees

Our program is made in cooperation with the citizens as a solution to specific problems. We will not offer an unrealistic program with projects that will never be realized, says the candidate for mayor of Strumica from VMRO-DPMNE, Zan Drvosanov. He says that the municipality of Strumica is an example...

Macedonia 09.07.21 | 16:29

Only 15 months in prison for the driver who killed a 20 year old woman in Strumica

An 18 year man from Strumica was sentenced to just 15 months in prison for the hit and run killing of 20 year old Verica Belcovska. The incident happened in early April in downtown Strumica. The driver fled the scene after running over Belcovska, but turned himself in the next day. Belcovska’s family...

Macedonia 27.04.21 | 16:34

Strumica high-school students plan a boycott over Minister Carovska’s latest plan to rewrite school books

High school students from Strumica are organizing to boycott classes in protest against plans by Education Minister Mila Carovska to switch to electronic school books. The students are repeating their old request for in-person schooling and insist that e-books will just solidify the Ministry’s...

Macedonia Culture 24.04.21 | 10:45

Strumica culture center statement shows you can’t always rely on Google translate

The newly appointed director of the Strumica culture center Vasil Bubev is off to a great start. The gym teacher who was decried as completely unsuitable for the position by the local actors and employees, is putting together an exhibition of sculptures. The “Anton Panov” center shared a...

Macedonia 23.04.21 | 14:01

Three men detained in Strumica for rape

The Strumica court ordered three men to be detained for carrying out a rape of a local woman. The attack was perpetrated on April 8th in an underground garage in the city center. One of the men raped the woman while the other two are charged as accomplices.

Macedonia 08.04.21 | 08:46

Girl badly injured after a hit and run in Strumica

A 21 year old woman was badly injured in a hit and run incident in downtown Strumica yesterday evening. The woman, from the village of Rusinovo, was residing in Strumica. She was hit while crossing a street on a pedestrian crossing. Due to the severity of her injuries, she had to be taken to Skopje for...

Macedonia 19.03.21 | 18:03

Roma man brutally beaten in Strumica says that the attackers were from Zoran Zaev’s security detail

Igor Vckov, the Roma man from Strumica who was brutally beaten yesterday, spoke out today about the assault. Vckov blamed the attack on the men from a security company that is linked to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev – who was Mayor of Strumica for a decade and practically runs the city. Vckov said...

Macedonia 18.03.21 | 19:50

Attack in Strumica: Roma man was brutally beaten by Zaev’s bodyguards

With the police still silent over the brutal beating in Strumica, an official from a People’s Roma Party revealed that the attacked person is a Roma and the leader of the attackers was a local thug close to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Zaev was Mayor of Strumica for a decade and he and his family...

Macedonia 18.03.21 | 16:38

VIDEO: Man brutally beaten up in Strumica

Shocking footage of an assault on a man was shared today from Strumica. The footage show a group of man chasing a person, and beat him up mercilessly after they caught up with him. The video, which is difficult to watch, is available here. Local news outlets report that the attackers were allegedly part...

Macedonia 01.03.21 | 17:18

Two months after the fire, part of the Global shopping mall has reopened

Parts of the Global shopping mall in Strumica reopened today, after the devastating fire on January 2nd. About two thirds of the mall are now reopened, in the parts that were less affected by the fire. The roof is also repaired and by the end of the week work on the most affected sections will be near...
