Category: Balkans
Balkans 19.04.19 | 12:47

Dacic says dual sovereignty in Kosovo unacceptable

Dual sovereignty is unacceptable to Serbia, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told the state TV (RTS) on Friday commenting speculation that the idea would be put forward at a meeting between top officials from Belgrade and Pristina in Berlin. He said that dual sovereignty means that north Kosovo will be allowed...

Balkans 17.04.19 | 18:13

‘First and only statue’ of Alexander the Great in Athens to be unveiled

The statue of Alexander the Great was raised in central Athens on Wednesday morning by workers from the municipality of Athens, the Greek Reporter reports. The statue is located at the intersection of Amalias and Vasilissis Olgas (Queen Olga) avenues in downtown Athens, just a few meters from the...

Balkans 17.04.19 | 14:37

Greek police disperses migrants attempting to enter Macedonia by train

Greek police dispersed a group of migrants who were attempting to enter Macedonia illegally, hidden in a cargo train. The engineer informed the police that he has spotted migrants in the wagon cars. When the police approached the train near Solun/Thessaloniki, the migrants fled. Greece houses tens of...

Balkans 16.04.19 | 22:21

Dutch Parliament wants to re-introduce visas for Albania, move could complicate its EU accession process

Concerned over the growing levels of Albanian criminal activity, the Dutch Parliament voted today to restore visas for Albanian citizens. Albanian media report that the decision of the Tweede Kamer will empower the Dutch Government to go to Brussels and request that the European Union again imposes a...

Balkans 10.04.19 | 12:13

Putin: Respect international law, remember Yugoslavia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again called for international law to be respected in order to avoid situations similar to the bombing of Yugoslavia. Putin, who spoke during plenary session of the International Arctic Forum in St. Petersburg, referenced NATO’s 1999 aerial war against...

Balkans 08.04.19 | 23:45

Ivan Pernar forced out of Croatia’s parliament building

The security in the Croatian Parliament removed Ivan Pernar from the building by force. The MP accused on Facebook that this time he was forced out of the building by order of Miljan Brkic.

Balkans 06.04.19 | 11:07

Protest in Athens railway station ends after small group of migrants allowed to head toward Macedonia

Several dozens migrants who were blocking a major railway station in Athens after they were not allowed to take a train north toward Macedonia, were allowed to depart on Friday evening. Greek authorities tried to prevent the movement of migrants north, toward Solun/Thessaloniki, after a riot erupted...

Balkans 28.03.19 | 21:09

European Parliament confirms its support for Kosovo visa liberalization

The European Parliament has once again confirmed its position towards the Kosovo visa liberalization issue. With a majority of 331 votes pro, 126 against and 12 abstentions, the Members of the European Parliament showed they are ready for negotiations with the Council so Kosovars can start traveling...

Balkans 28.03.19 | 19:44

Rama: Local elections will be held even without opposition

Prime Minister Edi Rama, has commented on Thursday during his speech in the Parliament, the situation created in the protest and the black ink thrown to Interior Ministry. According to him, despite all the actions that the opposition takes, local elections will be conducted within the deadline, with or...

Balkans 28.03.19 | 19:16

Albania opposition supporters try to storm parliament

Albanian opposition protesters on Thursday made further attempts to enter the parliament by force as they demand the government’s resignation and an early election, Washington Post reported. A few thousand center-right Democratic Party-led protesters used smoke bombs and projectiles and repeatedly...

Balkans 28.03.19 | 11:18

Greeks hope that UNESCO will stop Erdogan’s plan to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque

Greek media report that UNESCO officials have asked the Turkish Government to give up on the announced idea to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently criticized the 1935 decision to turn Hagia Sophia into a museum. The massive 6th century A.D. cathedral was the...

Balkans 27.03.19 | 15:47

Djilas: There are no conditions for fair elections in Serbia

Dragan Djilas, one of the founder of the opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) group, told the officials in Washington that Serbia had lost a free country status, N1 reported on Wednesday, quoting the group’s statement. It added the topics during the talks included the peaceful anti-government #1 in...

Macedonia Balkans 26.03.19 | 12:32

Siljanovska Davkova for Bulgarian “Dnevnik”: If I am elected president, it will be the end of SDSM’s government

The post of the President of the Republic is not a substitute for the Government. This Government will pay a high price for its inability, failure to work, indolence, corruption scandals, nepotism and everything else that has gone unnoticed due to international community praises for the Prespa Agreement,...

Balkans 25.03.19 | 18:31

Haradinaj fires Deputy Minister for accusing NATO of ‘genocide against Serbs’

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj fired Deputy Justice Minister Vesna Mikic on Monday for her comment accusing NATO of ‘genocide’ on the 20th anniversary of the start of the military alliance’s bombing campaign against Yugoslavia on March 24, Balkan Insight reported. “The NATO alliance...

Balkans 25.03.19 | 10:58

Erdogan says he may convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the Hagia Sophia could be turned into a mosque again, after more than 80 years as a museum. That is not unlikely. We might even change its name to Ayasofya Mosque. That is not a strange proposal. As you know the mosque was converted to a museum in...

Balkans 24.03.19 | 12:24

Milo doesn’t see Montenegro protests as part of a “Macedonian scenario”

Montenegrin President Milo Gjukanovic, who is facing mass protests along with neighboring countries Serbia and Albania, told Deutsche Welle that he does not like using the term “Macedonian scenario” to describe what is happening to his country. Serbian authorities have adopted the term for...

Balkans 23.03.19 | 17:24

NZZ reports on Rama’s flirting with the idea of “Greater Albania”

In a report, the Swiss Neue Zurcher Zeitung paper details nationalist rhetoric from Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama which comes at a time when Kosovo and Serbia are negotiating a possible swap of cities along their border which would make both countries more ethnically homogeneous. In this light, NZZ...

Balkans 22.03.19 | 21:45

Council of Europe calls on Albania to allow ethnic minorities to be counted in its 2020 census

The Council of Europe demands that Albania conducts a realistic census of its ethnic minorities in 2020, allowing them to freely express their nationality. According to the Council, allowing the expression of national identity should definitely be one of the questions contained in the census forms, especially...

Balkans 22.03.19 | 15:22

Brnabic: We know our mistakes – but NATO bombing wasn’t one of them

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says that Serbia is aware of the mistakes it has made in the past. However, she said, the NATO bombing in 1999 was a mistake made of others, not of the citizens of Serbia. At a conference on the occasion of the (March 24) 20th anniversary of the start of NATO’s aggression...

Balkans 22.03.19 | 15:03

Mitsotakis: Citizens will vote for a new Europe

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a message on the European elections on Thursday from Brussels expressing the certainty that ‘the citizens will leave behind them the lies and the populism”. In a statement upon his arrival to the European People’s Party summit,...
