The two-act ballet performance “Don Quixote” by Ludwig Minkus, choreographed by Viktor Yaremenko from Ukraine, will be staged at the National Opera and Ballet on December 24, starting at 8:00 p.m. The conductor of the performances is the guest from Armenia, Eduard Ambartsumyan, the set designer is Andrey Zlobin, while the costume designer is Gana Ipatieva from Ukraine, and the concertmaster is Kliment Todoroski.
The roles of Kitri and Basil will be performed by: Natasha Trendafilova Gitsev and Viktor Ishchuk (Ukraine). Soloists, the ballet ensemble and the orchestra of the National Opera and Ballet will perform, together with children from the ballet department of the State Music and Ballet School “Ilija Nikolovski – Luj”.
“Don Quixote” is a magical tale of windmills, the “perfect” woman, and true love. The ballet is set to music by Minkus with an expressive tempo that results in the famous “Don Quixote pas de deux,” which provides the accent for the entire performance.
Kомпозиторот и виолинист Лудвиг Минкус (1826-1917) напишал неколку популарни балети, а речиси сите од нив, а особено балетот „Дон Кихот“ и денес се изведувани низ целиот свет. „Дон Кихот“ е балет базиран на познатиот истоимен роман од Мигел де Сервантес.
Composer and violinist Ludwig Minkus (1826-1917) wrote several popular ballets, almost all of which, especially the “Don Quixote” ballet are still performed around the world today. “Don Quixote” is a ballet based on the famous novel of the same name by Miguel de Cervantes.