After a left wing activist organization called for a protest on March 8th over the death of Frosina Kulakova, her family urged the organization not to insert its activism in their tragedy. The Helsinki Committee called for a march from the site of the accident in downtown Skopje where 23 year old Frosina was killed by a reckless driver to the Parliament.
This March 8th we are calling for a Women’s Boycott for freedom and autonomy against the brutal system. We live in an inhumane and unsustainable system based on systemic brutalism that occupies our lives. And in time of crises, the burden falls on the women… We call on you that we all march together, starting from the Universal Hall where we will pay respect to the victims of this system, the Helsinki Committee said in its statement, which also calls for a boycott of large supermarket chains as well as a boycott of household chores.
Although the statеment from the Helsinki Committee does not mention Frosina by name, the starting point of their march, at the site where she was killed in front of the Universal Hall, makes a clear allusion. The Kulakov family dismissed the call from the organization known for being heavily politicized.
Instead of allowing us to mourn in dignity, we are again faced with a heartless manipulation of her death. Why must this march start from the site where Frosina lost her life? She was not a victim of gender based violence by of hooliganism that is allowed in Macedonia through impunity and non-enforcement of the laws. Our struggle is not for gender equality but for justice that was denied to countless victims of vehicular violence. Why didn’t the Helsinki Committee make a statement about the other victims of vehicular violence? Where were they when judges would reach shаmеful verdicts about the killers on the streets?, the Kulakov family said in a statement, in which they urge the Helsinki Committee to change the starting location of their march.