Tag: audi
Macedonia 22.04.24 | 09:34

Where did Filipche get the money for the 250 thousand euro Audi and the Vodno hacienda?

Stevo Pendarovski appears quite nervous. He seems aware of what will likely happen to him in the upcoming election, understanding that the gap after the first round will be significant in favor of Gordana Siljanovska Davkova. I’ve said she’ll win by six digits, which is why he decided to...

Macedonia 09.03.22 | 12:52

Mafia attack against former Mayor Silegov – his Audi was torched

An Audi owned by former Skopje Mayor Petre Silegov was torched overnight. The mafia style attack happened at 3 in the morning, in front of Silegov’s home in Skopje. Three other vehicles that were parked nearby were damaged in the attack – all are owned by the same person. Silegov’s...

Economy 17.04.20 | 14:43

Audi Hungaria engine plant partially restarts production

German carmaker Audi on Tuesday said it has partially restarted production at its engine plant in Győr, in north-western Hungary. Audi Hungaria shut down its plant on March 23 because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. The plant on Tuesday restarted a six-cylinder engine assembly line with about a hundred...

Economy 27.11.19 | 15:35

V4: German automaker plans massive layoffs

Audi is to cut 9.500 jobs at its two plants in Germany, according to the Handelsblatt newspaper. The largest layoffs of the past 20 years may have to do with the diesel emissions scandal – which erupted at Volkswagen at the end of 2015 – and with Germany’s economic slowdown this year,...

Economy 22.11.19 | 14:51

Mickoski meets German manufacturers in an attempt to put Macedonia back on the investment map after April 2020

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski met with representatives from German automotive companies such as Audi in Leipzig, where he is attending the CDU congress, and discussed their potential investments in Macedonia. Our goal is to offer our human and professional capacities and to show that Macedonia...