Tag: early elections
Macedonia 05.02.21 | 14:51

Mickoski: Macedonia is a hybrid regime, stuck in corruption, early elections needed as soon as possible

VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, stressed that in Macedonia it is necessary to hold early parliamentary elections as soon as possible. Early parliamentary elections should be held as soon as possbile because this unstable, small, slim government majority has shown that Macedonia is a hybrid regime,...

Macedonia 28.12.20 | 23:26

Nikoloski: Absolute catastrophe happening to the government, VMRO-DPMNE demands early elections

The Vice President of VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Nikoloski,said in an interview with Sitel TV, that VMRO-DPMNE demands early parliamentary elections and the formation of a government of national unity, because, as he pointed out, absolute catastrophe was happening to the government. VMRO-DPMNE is already...

Macedonia 19.10.19 | 13:15

Prime Minister Zaev calls for early elections as soon as possible

In a TV address on Saturday, Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev called for early parliamentary elections as soon as possible after the country did not receive a date for opening EU accession negotiations. Huge injustice was done to us in Brussels. We have delivered reforms, we have resolved...

Macedonia 17.10.19 | 09:56

Sela: If there is no date for EU talks, early elections to be held in the spring

The leader of the Alliance for Albanians, Zijadin Sela, said on TV2’s Click Plus show that if the country does not get a date for the start of negotiations with the EU, a technical government would be formed according to the Przino Agreement. Sela stressed that early parliamentary elections would...

Macedonia 16.10.19 | 09:53

Klekovski: No date? Government resignation and early elections!

Executive Director of the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, Sasko Klekovski believes that if France’s decision to block opening accession talks with Macedonia remains the same until Friday, early parliamentary elections should be called immediately so that Macedonia does not come...

Macedonia 08.10.19 | 23:34

Mickoski: We demand early parliamentary elections, the difference will be at least 100,000 votes

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said Tuesday on TV24’s “Otvoreno” show that VMRO-DPMNE demands early elections and that the difference will be at least 100,000 votes. Mickoski said the party’s position is clear, ie that immediately after the European Council’s decision...

Macedonia 22.09.19 | 11:20

SDSM is synonym for corruption: From nepotism, through crime, the embarrassing prank to “Racket”

Zoran Zaev and SDSM are a synonym for crime and corruption. The SDSM government has not done anything for the citizens for three years, only commits crime, VMRO-DPMNE said. The nepotism epidemic was one of the first scandals to shake the public that exposed the criminogenic face of the government. Relatives...

Macedonia 09.09.19 | 13:49

Question of early elections to be raised: Meeting between Mickoski and Zaev on Tuesday?

Working groups on the prosecution law will meet Tuesday at 20h, and a meeting could be held between SDSM and VMRO DPMNE leaders, Zoran Zaev and Hristijan Mickoski, Alsat reports. Final agreement on the prosecution law is expected to be reached, and the question of early parliamentary elections is also...

Macedonia 30.08.19 | 10:21

Mickoski: Early elections to be organized, so we can hear the response of the people!

People are so disappointed that they even threaten to take radical steps and that it is not at all to plant their fields without being planted, Mickoski said in an interview with Alfa late on Thursday. I would conclude at the end of this meeting that VMRO-DPMNE is together with the farmers and their...

Macedonia 24.08.19 | 15:34

Nikola Dimitrov threatens “Republika”, calls for early elections

In a Facebook post, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov makes open threats to the Republika news portal over the reporting on Infomax’s writings which included a record of a witness statement in the BPPO’s “Racket” case, Orce Kamcev, and prosecutor which prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska...

Macedonia 15.08.19 | 11:25

Sela: All DUI officials are protected by the current SDSM-DUI semi-regime

The time has come to change the government, early elections should take place in Macedonia, Alliance for Albanians leader Zijadin Sela told Wednesday evening RTV “Ora” via Skype. We, as Albanians, as an Albanian party, believe that early elections should take place as soon as possible. This...

Macedonia 10.08.19 | 22:52

Taravari calls for early elections: No date for start of EU negotiations with the current government

Following the publication of the latest set of tapes related to the “Racket” affair, General Secretary of the Alliance for Albanians Arben Taravari, who is the mayor of Gostivar, demanded that early parliamentary elections take place. This Government no longer has any credibility, at least...

Macedonia 30.07.19 | 20:58

VMRO spokesman says Zaev’s offer of early elections in October 2020 is a “reasonable basis” to begin talks

VMRO-DPMNE spokesman Naum Stoilkovski said today that Zoran Zaev’s proposal for early elections in October 2020 is a “reasonable basis for negotiations”. The opposition party demands early elections in light of the massive corruption and criminal scandal that enveloped Zaev’s...

Macedonia 10.07.19 | 16:45

DUI agrees holding early elections, but next year!

The ruling DUI considers that the second half of May, beginning of June or October next year at the latest are good terms for holding early parliamentary elections. The coalition partner of SDSM says that it is not in favor of holding early elections this year when the country’s NATO accession...