Tag: passports
Macedonia 04.07.24 | 09:51

Issuing of passports will normalize in two months

Interior Minister Pance Toskovski expects that the issuing of passports and other identity documents will be normalized in two months. The Ministry was left swamped with tens of thousands of requests after the previous Government declared all identity documents without the imposed name as invalid. This...

Macedonia 21.04.24 | 18:49

Passports crisis: New delivery of 30,000 blank documents helps, but the printing capacity problem remains

Interim Interior Minister Pance Toskovski announced that 30,000 new blank passports have arrived to Macedonia, but warned that the bottleneck in this vital service will remain. Estimated 600,000 Macedonian citizens had their passports declared invalid by their own Government, as part of the imposed Prespa...

Macedonia 15.03.24 | 12:01

Citizens with documents that were valid until 9 months before the elections will be able to vote

The State Electoral Commission notified the public that citizens will be able to vote with documents that have expired up to nine months before the holding of the elections. This proposal is put in place as a way to respond to the major crisis in the issuing of passports and identity cards, created by...

Macedonia 06.03.24 | 19:54

Toskovski warns that the deliberate passport crisis may leave 100,000 citizens unable to vote

Interim Interior Minister Pance Toskovski angrily rebuffed comments from the interim Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi, who rejected Toskovski’s proposal that the passports with the name Republic of Macedonia are used during the elections in April and in May. The outgoing DUI – SDSM Government...

Macedonia 29.02.24 | 19:37

Over 100,000 citizens may be disenfranchised: Are the 54 MPs engaged in electoral manipulation?

We’re discussing a significant issue affecting at least 100,000 citizens holding valid or expired travel documents with the old state name, rendering them unable to vote due to the actions of these 54 MPs. The obstacle arises because, as per the latest information from the ministry, these 100,000...

Macedonia 29.02.24 | 10:16

Toskovski: There must be accountability for those who created the chaos with the passports

In an exclusive Republika interview, interim Interior Minister Pance Toskovski described the extent of chaos and confusion we are facing after his predecessor Oliver Spasovski completely botched the process of issuing passports. As part of the imposed Prespa Treaty with Greece, the Kovacevski Government...

Macedonia 17.02.24 | 10:49

The man who left half a million citizens without passports

In a brutal TV interview, former Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski acknowledged that the Ministry did not order a sufficient quantity of blank passports with the imposed name “North Macedonia”. After the Government, based on Greek requests, declared all passports with the name Republic of...

Macedonia 12.02.24 | 21:29

Macedonia hit with major crisis as hundreds of thousands of citizens are not allowed to leave the country

The Parliament today adopted changes to the law on traffic safety that will extend the validity of driver licenses with the name Republic of Macedonia until the end of the year. The urgent measure, adopted with 90 votes in favor, is an attempt to reduce one segment of the mess created by the SDSM –...

Macedonia 10.02.24 | 20:12

Greece issues note informing other countries that Macedonian passports without the adjective “North” are invalid

Greek media are reporting that their Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis has notified other countries and international organizations that they should not allow Macedonian citizens to enter their territory with passports that don’t have the imposed name “North Macedonia”. Greece insists...

Macedonia 03.02.24 | 09:34

Tens of thousands of Macedonians could be stuck abroad as the Government declares their passports invalid

Potentially tens of thousands of Macedonian citizens who live or work abroad, and who have not received passports with the imposed name “North Macedonia” yet could face serious problems in ten days. The Government is notifying countries across the world that the passports with the name Republic...

Macedonia 31.01.24 | 11:39

Toshkovski: With this level of passport issuance, it will take another year for all citizens of Macedonia to receive travel documents

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Panče Toškovski, sharing details of yesterday’s meeting with the Greek ambassador, Sofia Filipidou, states that he was informed by the ambassador that our institutions had hinted to her on several occasions that the problem we have would not exist, because 1,250,000...

Macedonia 30.01.24 | 22:47

Minister Toskovski tackles the passport disaster left over by the SDSM – DUI officials

On his first day in office, newly appointed interim Interior Minister Pance Toskovski from VMRO-DPMNE began to tackle the burning problem of issuing of passports. Under the previous, SDSM-DUI administration, the process ground to a halt, as the Government announced that it will declare all passports,...

Macedonia 23.08.23 | 21:11

In 2018 the Government assured citizens they will not face extra costs to add “North” to their passports

As citizens complain about the Government’s decision to force them to take out new identity documents – with the imposed name “North Macedonia” – an old statement has become relevant again. In it, in 2018, then Government spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski assured the citizens...

Macedonia 22.08.23 | 22:16

Ombudsman Ziberi condemns Interior Minister Spasovski’s passports stunt

Ombudsman Naser Ziberi condemned the attempt by Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski to force citizens with valid identity documents to seek new passports, identity cards and driver licenses, because their current documents don’t have the imposed name “North Macedonia” on them. The move...

Macedonia 21.08.23 | 22:38

Criminal charges proposed against Oliver Spasovski for the chaos he made with the issuing of identity documents

A citizen submitted criminal charges against Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski, for his push to nullify valid identity cards and passports, just because they have the name Republic of Macedonia on them. It’s widely assumed that Spasovski is using this move and is trying to create chaos in the...

Macedonia 29.07.23 | 16:15

Foreign Ministry will speed up the issuing of passports in Germany

The Foreign Ministry announced that it is introducing double shifts in the consulates in Bern, Bonn, Berlin and Munich, to speed up the issuing of passports. The reason is the decision of the Government to retire all identity documents that don’t have the imposed name “North Macedonia”...

Macedonia 24.03.23 | 16:13

Issuance of ID cards, passports, driver’s licenses to get more expensive

Personal documents, passports, ID cards, driver’s licenses… will become more expensive after the Government approved the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which should come into force in the coming period after it is published in the Official Gazette. The forms are currently being...

Macedonia 12.08.22 | 13:03

International mobsters got passports, and not even the Court can force the Interior Ministry to give a passport to a young man born to a Macedonian mother

The struggle of Henry de Graaf, born Dimitrov, in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with the Macedonian institutions and administration has been going on for three years. The nebula and illogicality that each of us has faced at least once in the corridors and at the counters, do not sway the 26-year-old...

Macedonia 06.04.22 | 13:01

Bulgaria plans to speed up the issuing of dual passports in Macedonia and other countries in the region

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev convened a meeting of top Government officials to put forward a new policy on issuing passports to ethnic Bulgarian abroad. Under this policy, during the previous administrations, Bulgaria has issued between 80 and 120 thousand passports to Macedonian citizens, as well...

Macedonia 30.03.22 | 20:08

MEP Kovatchev demands that all Macedonians with Bulgarian passports be named, after only 3,500 registered in the census

Bulgarian member of the European Parliament Andrey Kovatchev responded to the census results in Macedonia by demanding that all Macedonians who received a Bulgarian passport are publicly named. Only about 3,500 people declared themselves as Bulgarians in the census, but Bulgaria has issued at least 80,000...
