Tag: sec
Macedonia 08.05.24 | 22:55

With more than 80 percent of the votes counted, VMRO maintains commanding lead, is close to 61 seats in Parliament

With 82 percent of the vote counted, the results from the State Electoral Commission confirm that VMRO-DPMNE scored a historic win over SDSM. The conservative party has over 350,000 votes, while SDSM is barely over 120,000. The historic worst result for SDSM was just over 200,000 votes, in 2008, and...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:44

SEC: VMRO leads SDSM by 58,000 to 19,500 votes

The State Electoral Commission issued a new projection, after having processed almost 20 percent of the votes and 25 percent of all polling stations. It shows VMRO-DPMNE leading SDSM in the general election with 58,252 votes against 19,488 for SDSM, a margin of victory that could put VMRO in a commanding...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:26

Official SEC projection: Siljanovska leads Pendarovski 2:1

After VMRO-DPMNE, the State Electoral Commission also came out with the official first projection of the results, based on 742 out of 3.508 polling stations. It shows VMRO presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova leading incumbent Stevo Pendarovski with 71,777 votes against 35,302,...

Macedonia 24.04.24 | 20:50

State Electoral Commission confirms Siljanovska’s huge lead over Pendarovski 

After VMRO-DPMNE shared several projections showing their candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova beating Stevo Pendarovski with a 2:1 margin, now the State Electoral Commission is confirming this result. In their first projection, out of 39 processed polling stations, Siljanovska has 112,580 votes...

Macedonia 24.04.24 | 10:31

Voting for the presidential elections in prisons is proceeding smoothly

Voting for the presidential elections in the 14 penitentiaries across the country has been proceeding smoothly, the State Election Commission announced. Today, 2,569 voters will be able to exercise their right to vote in 31 polling stations in the Detention Centers for Persons (DCP) where they registered...

Macedonia 16.03.24 | 10:16

Pre-election curbs on public sector spending and hiring will go into effect in April

With the official election campaign expected to begin on April 4th (for the presidential elections) and April 18th (for the general elections), a number of curbs on executive power go into effect. The Government, public officials and public utility companies are not allowed to hold events where they...

Macedonia 16.03.24 | 09:21

Voters have three more days to check their registration in the electoral rolls

Citizens have three more days to check their status in the electoral rolls, and to initiate changes, if needed. The rolls are available online. If the citizen is missing from the rolls, or is listed in an old or invalid address, he or she can apply for changes before the State Electoral Commission. Macedonia...

Macedonia 05.03.24 | 09:06

SEC requests a transitional provision in the IZ to allow voting with previously issued valid documents

SEC President Aleksandar Dashtevski announced that the Commission is proposing to incorporate a transitional provision into the Electoral Code, facilitating voting in upcoming elections using existing valid documents. Additionally, for individuals reaching the age of 18, Dashtevski mentioned that they...

Macedonia 16.12.23 | 13:50

After much stalling, the ruling coalition will allow the Albanian opposition a seat on the electoral commission

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi finally relented and invited the opposition Albanian parties to nominate a candidate for the State Electoral Commission. The SDSM – DUI coalition was trying to keep the seat on the SEC that is reserved for the Albanian opposition parties for itself, which raised...

Macedonia 30.08.23 | 14:41

SEC demands larger team for the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2024

The State Electoral Committee (SEC) needs to complete the necessary team before the pending presidential and parliamentary elections next year, the SEC Chairperson, Aleksandar Dashtevski said on Wednesday press conferemce. Dashtevski informed that since the last elections in 2021, the number of employees...

Macedonia 03.11.21 | 17:41

SEC releases final results of second round of local elections

The State Election Commission (SEC) has released the final results of the second round of the 2021 local elections. SEC President, Aleksandar Dastevski, informed at Wednesday’s press conference, that by voting on the draft conclusion for reporting on the final results for the election of mayors...

Macedonia 01.11.21 | 20:13

Final results: VMRO-DPMNE wins in 42 municipalities and the city of Skopje

The State Electoral Commission released the final results from the local elections. They show that VMRO-DPMNE won mayoral races in 42 municipalities and the city of Skopje. This includes key cities such as Bitola, Prilep, Veles, Stip, Kavadarci, Ohrid and Kocani, as well as nearly all major urban centers...

Macedonia 31.10.21 | 19:26

Polling stations close, turnout reached 48.88 percent

Turnout across Macedonia reached 48.88 percent at 18:30h, said State Electoral Commission President Aleksandar Dastevski, as the polling stations closed at 19h. This is at about the same level as the first round of the elections – turnout was higher early in the day but dropped off in the afternoon. Highest...

Macedonia 31.10.21 | 16:01

SEC receives a total of 311 complaints for violation of voting right by 3 pm

The State Election Commission (SEC) received a total of 311 complaints for violation of voting rights by 3 pm, of which 268 were accepted, 25 were rejected, while 18 of them are on the voter list, SEC, Aleksandar Dastevski said at a press conference. No serious irregularities have been reported, while...

Macedonia 31.10.21 | 15:56

SEC: Voter turnout 34.22% until 3 pm

The State Election Commission informed that voter turnout in Sunday’s second round of local elections by 3 pm is 34.22%. According to the SEC, highest voter turnout is registered in Vevcani, where 66.54% of voters cast their vote. SEC president, Aleksandar Dastevski, said that the election process...

Macedonia 31.10.21 | 12:29

SEC: Voter turnout over 14 % until 11 am

Voting runs smoothly, except for minor technical issues at several polling stations that have been resolved, SEC President, Aleksandar Dastevski, said at a press conference. Voter turnout until 11 am is 14.18%, i.e. 160,035 voters exercised their voting rights. Higher turnout was registered in Rankovce...

Macedonia 31.10.21 | 09:21

SEC to release preliminary results from local elections within 12 hours

The State Election Commission (SEC) should release preliminary results from the local elections as they are being sent by the municipal election committees. Results based on data from records of the municipal election commissions are released within 12 hours after the polling stations are closed. The...

Macedonia 31.10.21 | 09:14

SEC launches free phone line for citizens to report election irregularities

The State Election Commission launched Sunday the free phone line 0800-55544, on which citizens will be able to report election irregularities and voting rights violations for the second round of 2021 local elections. All interested citizens can call or leave a comment to the SEC together with their...

Macedonia 26.10.21 | 22:40

SEC allows counting of unstamped ballots – decision could allow election violations

The State Electoral Commission today changed the voting instructions, allowing polling station boards to count and accept ballots that have not been stamped by the board. This is in clear violation of the electoral code. One member of the SEC, Krenar Lega, who was nominated by the Alliance of Albanians,...

Macedonia 23.10.21 | 10:46

Official local election results published today

The State Electoral Commission is expected to publish the full official results from the first round of the local elections that took place last Sunday. Even though the unofficial results, which showed a major VMRO-DPMNE win over SDSM, are well known and analyzed, the official results will lead to...
