Tag: stefan
Macedonia 25.05.24 | 22:42

Macedonian church rejects demands from the Greek Patriarchate

Bishop Petar joined with Archbishop Stefan, in warning that the Macedonian Orthodox Church is facing excessive demands from the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul in order to complete the process of the official recognition of the Macedonian church. Now it is clear that the issue of the church is not...

Macedonia 05.05.24 | 12:36

Archbishop Stefan calls for unity against attempts to undermine the Macedonian state

Archbishop Stefan, the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, urged the flock to be true followers of Christ and carry their burdens with joy. During the Easter mass at the St. Clement cathedral in Skopje, the Archbishop condemned attempts to deny the identity of the Macedonian nation and to undermine...

Macedonia 16.03.24 | 21:29

Construction of a belltower begins at the site of the 2012 Good Friday massacre

Archbishop Stefan today sanctified the foundations of the belltower that will be built north of Skopje, near the small Smilkovsko lake. This is the site where, in 2012, before Good Friday, a group of Albanian Islamists killed four Macedonian youngsters and one man, in an attack apparently meant to spark...

Macedonia 04.06.23 | 23:31

Joint service by the heads of the Macedonian and the Serbian Orthodox churches

The heads of the Macedonian and the Serbian orthodox churches, Archbishop Stefan and Patriarch Porfirij, will hold a joint service in the church of St. Sofia in Ohrid tomorrow, to mark the anniversary of the recognition of the Macedonian church by Serbia. This move began to put an end to the decades...

Macedonia 10.01.23 | 22:42

Archbishop Stefan demands an apology from the state MRT television after they dropped “Macedonian” from his title

Archbishop Stefan, the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Archbishopric of Ohrid (MPC-OA), demands an apology from the Macedonian state television MRT, for presenting him only as Archbishop of Ohrid during the Christmas concert. What could be a small omission comes at a time when the church...

Macedonia 06.01.23 | 18:01

Archbishop Stefan prepares for the first Christmas service after the Macedonian church was internationally recognized

Archbishop Stefan congratulated the faithful Orthodox Christians on the coming Christmas holiday, which is being celebrated after the Macedonian Orthodox Church was recognized by the rest of the Christian churches. After turbulent 55 years, this past summer the all-merciful God turned to our suffering...

Macedonia 24.05.22 | 19:08

Phanar expected to recognize the Macedonian church on June 12

Macedonian Archbishop Stefan expressed his gratitude to the Serbian Patriarch Porfirij for finally recognizing the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which declared its independence in 1967 but was not recognized by other Orthodox churches because of Serbian resistance For 55 years we waited at the entrance....

Macedonia 24.05.22 | 09:08

Heads of the Macedonian and the Serbian church will hold a joint service in Skopje

The heads of the Macedonian and the Serbian Orthodox church, Archbishop Stefan and Patriarch Porfirij, will hold a joint service in the St. Clement of Ohrid cathedral in Skopje today. This is the second such service, after the large gathering in Belgrade last week. The two churches are reconciling after...

Macedonia 23.05.22 | 10:32

Serbian Patriarch Porfirij visits Macedonia for a joint service with Archbishop Stefan

Serbian Patriarch Porfirij and a number of his bishops are in Macedonia, for a return visit after the joint service with Macedonian Archbishop Stefan in Belgrade. The two churches are reconciling their decades long dispute, while it still remains unclear whether the process will end with Serbian recognition...

Macedonia 19.05.22 | 12:40

Archbishop Stefan calls on the Serbian church to give full independence to the Macedonian church

Archbishop Stefan, the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, called on the Serbian church to approve the full independence of the Macedonian church. Stefan joined Serbian Patriarch Porfirij in the St. Sava cathedral in Belgrade today, for a mass of reconciliation, that was attended by the leading bishops...

Macedonia 19.05.22 | 09:39

Macedonian Archbishop Stefan arrives in Belgrade to reconcile with the Serbian church – their final agreement remains a secret

Archbishop Stefan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church today arrived in Belgrade, for a mass of reconciliation with the Serbian Orthodox Church. He was cordially welcomed by Serbian Patriarch Porfirij, who had the bells rung in his favor. As the bells ring, so our hearts beat with joy on this blessed day....

Macedonia 16.05.22 | 11:31

Macedonian archbishop Stefan will hold a service with Patriarch Bartholomew in early June?

Macedonian Archbishop Stefan will hold a service together with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in early June. Bulgarian outlets are reporting that this step is planned to solidify Bartholomew’s decision to admit the Macedonian church in canonical unity with the other Orthodox churches that...

Macedonia 03.01.22 | 16:33

Archbishop Stefan calls for extreme caution in the negotiations with Bulgaria: “We can’t give up what is ours”

The Macedonian nation, state and church face numerous trials and need to be extra careful while resolving the issues imposed on us, said Archbishop Stefan, the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, in his Christmas message to the faithful. In a message clearly aimed at the growing dispute with Bulgaria,...

Macedonia 08.06.21 | 19:21

VMRO demands action against the police officer who brutally arrested a young activist

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski expressed support to the young party activist who was briefly detained today, simply for filming the on-going protest in Skopje. “Stay strong Stefan, we will carry on forward, for Macedonia”, Mickoski said. Stefan Kaloshev was brutally arrested by the...

Macedonia 02.05.21 | 11:22

Archbishop Stefan condemns planned changes to the education system, calls on all Macedonians to register in the census

In his Easter message, Archbishop Stefan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church urged the faithful to register in the on-going census, and condemned the planned education reforms by the left wing Government. A census was announced and then postponed due to the pandemic. Whenever it takes place, we as Macedonians...

Macedonia 28.04.21 | 21:56

Archbishop Stefan condemns proposed changes to public education as imposing radical minority views on the majority

Archbishop Stefan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church condemned the proposal by the Education Ministry to make school books digital only, and to abolish history as a stand-alone class in elementary schools. The proposals have caused controversy as they come at a time when the Zaev regime is working to...

Macedonia 27.07.20 | 15:08

Archbishop Stefan condemns the conversion of Hagia Sophia

Archbishop Stefan, the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, condemned the decision by Turkey to convert the Hagia Sophia cathedral into a mosque again. We share the concern of all Chistendom at the decision to change the status of the temple dedicated to God’s Wisdom – Hagia – Sophia,...

Macedonia 16.04.20 | 11:00

Churches will hold Easter services without the faithful, Archbishop Stefan and Minister Culev agree

Archbishop Stefan, the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, met with Interior Minister Nake Culev to discuss the coming Easter holiday. The Archbishop assured Minister Culev that the church will ensure that the faithful celebrate the holiday from home, without mass gatherings that could prove dangerous...

Macedonia 03.04.19 | 13:55

Macedonian Archbishop Stefan travels to Jerusalem with the Bulgarian church delegation

Macedonian Archbishop Stefan will join the Bulgarian Orthodox Church delegation in Jerusalem, to bring the holy fire back to Macedonia. This is the second time the Bulgarian Orthodox Church has shared the holy fire with Macedonia, and the first time the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church –...