Tag: struga
Macedonia 12.10.24 | 12:27

Struga Mayor Merko has more staff than the city of Bitola – they have nowhere to sit

Controversial DUI official and businessman Ramiz Merko, who is ending his term as Mayor of Struga next year, plans to hire 73 new staff in 2025. At the same time, the small lakeside city will see only 8 retire. This move will bring the total number of employees to 280 – more than the much larger...

Macedonia 17.09.23 | 17:48

Police officers and a witness attacked in the Struga police station

Two men from Struga assaulted police officers in the police station, and sprayed tear-gas toward a witness. The brazen attack happened on Saturday evening. The two 32 year old men came to the police station as a witness was filing a report against them. They attacked the police officers who were present...

Culture 27.08.23 | 16:20

Poet laureate urges Macedonia to stop discussing its language with Bulgaria

Vlada Urosevic, the recipient of the Golden Wreath at the Struga Poetry Evenings, urged the politicians to steer clear from negotiations about the Macedonian language with Bulgaria. We write in Macedonian and we can’t put then into question, because it would mean putting our identity and existence...

Macedonia 22.08.23 | 21:23

Healthcare Ministry defends its ER team who stopped for a coffee while transporting a patient

The Healthcare Ministry came to the defense of its emergency response team from Struga, who were photographed drinking coffee at a gas station while transporting a patient, who later died. The incident caused outrage. But the Ministry says that the patient was not an urgent case, but a case of terminal...

Macedonia 30.07.23 | 11:56

After the stabbing, Minister Spasovski visits his police chief in Struga, vows revenge

Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski visited the Struga police chief Driton Ajro, who was stabbed yesterday. Spasovski said that the stabbing constitutes an “attack on the state”. Violence is the last refuge of the criminals, their last attempt to intimidate those charged with upholding the...

Macedonia 29.07.23 | 10:11

Struga police chief stabbed

The police commissioner of Struga, Driton Ajro, was stabbed yesterday evening. The attacker is a man from the lawless village of Velesta, which is the regional organized crime center. The attacker fled with his car, and while doing that, hit a pedestrian. He was arrested several hours later. Ajro is...

Macedonia 26.06.23 | 17:03

PRO is inspecting the regional offices in Bitola and Struga on cases related to Struga mayor

The Public Prosecutor Office is conducting controls in the regional offices in Bitola and Struga, in relation with the cases against the Struga mayor Ramiz Merko. The US State Department put Merko and his family on the black list because of involvement in high corruption, abuse of funds, and interfering...

Macedonia 16.06.23 | 09:10

Maricic: We need EU’s clear vision for Western Balkans

We need the European Union’s clear vision for Western Balkan countries. There is no time for the enlargement process to keep stalling, given Europe’s new geopolitical situation, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, said participants in the ‘EU Enlargement in the Transforming...

Macedonia 15.06.23 | 13:06

The Third Prespa Forum Dialogue 2023 begins in Struga, titled “Widened European family by 2030: Mission (Im)possible)”

The third annual Prespa Forum Dialogue will take place at Struga’s Drim hotel on June 15–16, ahead of the five-year anniversary of the Prespa Agreement between North Macedonia and Greece on June 17. This year’s forum will feature discussions on the topic “Widened European family by...

Macedonia 15.06.23 | 09:30

OSCE Conference in Struga focuses on promoting security through sustainable development and economic growth

Promoting security and stability in the OSCE area through sustainable development and resilient and inclusive economic growth was the focus of the 2023 Conference on the Economic and Environmental Dimension of the OSCE held in Struga on Wednesday. OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani,...

Macedonia 24.02.23 | 15:55

Earthquake felt in Struga

An earthquake was felt in Struga and its surroundings this afternoon at 12:19 p.m. According to the European Mediterranean Seismology Center, the epicenter was 11 kilometers northwest of Ohrid at a depth of two kilometers with a magnitude of 2.3 degrees. The earthquake was also felt in Albania.

Macedonia 19.01.23 | 16:43

Jovan Raftoski retrieves Struga cross from Crn Drim

Thirty-two-year-old Jovan Raftoski from Struga retrieved the holy cross from the cold Crn Drim River on Thursday. I have been jumping for the cross for five to six years, and this year I retrieved the cross for the first time. The cloudy waters were not a problem for me because I am an experienced diver...

Macedonia 06.01.23 | 23:11

Moldy walls and ruined toilets – the hospital in Struga is a public health hazard

Shocking pictures from the hospital in Struga were shared with the public today by a local politician, whose comment was that the hospital is not a place where patients can be treated properly. The pictures show decaying walls eaten away by water and mold and unsanitary toilets. This is the result of...

Economy 14.05.22 | 12:45

Powerful DUI official wants to change the recently adopted law that restricted work on Sundays

The powerful DUI party boss in Struga Ramiz Merko is apparently lobbying hard in his party to overturn the recently adopted law that makes Sunday a day off for most businesses. The law ground much of the economy to a halt on Sundays, with only large shopping malls and essential businesses still open....

Macedonia 07.05.22 | 12:15

After two years, prosecutors announce charges in the high profile medical malpractice case in Struga

Struga prosecutors announced charges against two doctors and a nurse from the Struga general hospital who badly mishandled a delivery in 2020. Due to medical error, the mother, Yildiz Veaposka from Debar, lost a kidney, an ovary and her womb. The case caused outrage in the country after the Healthcare...

Macedonia 05.04.22 | 15:43

Spanish woman was held in a hotel room in Struga against her will and repeatedly raped

A 39 year old woman from Spain was kept in a hotel in Struga for several days and raped by a 29 year old local man. The attacker, identified by the police only as Sh.S. from the village of Radolishta, invited the woman over from Tirana. After she arrived, he kept her in the hotel room against her will...

Macedonia 24.12.21 | 17:48

Struga: High school teacher detained after hitting a pupil on the head with brass knuckles

The Struga court ordered eight days of detention to a teacher from the “Ibrahim Temo” high school who attacked a pupil with brass knuckles. The shocking incident was reported yesterday and it followed an argument the teacher had with the pupil’s mother. The 57 year old English language...

Macedonia 31.10.21 | 21:27

DUI keeps Struga, opposition candidate Istrefi acknowledges defeat

The Mayor of Struga Ramiz Merko from DUI won re-election against the Albanian opposition candidate Idri Istrefi. Istrefi acknowledged defeat in the second round vote. We fought with all our energy, but obviously it was not enough to win in Struga. I want to express my gratitude to all supporters and...

Macedonia 28.10.21 | 14:58

Mickoski in Struga: The new future is common victories and patriotism

The new future is common victories and common patriotism. It is our vision and chance to take society out of the lethargy it has entered. We owe the common patriotism to our ancestors, but also to the future generations, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, wrote on Facebook. He wrote that the...

Macedonia 23.10.21 | 16:11

Zaev goes to Struga to endorse the notorious local boss Ramiz Merko for another term

Zoran Zaev campaigned in Struga today, to support the DUI party mayoral candidate, incumbent Ramiz Merko. Zaev is desperate for the DUI votes in his race against VMRO-DPMNE in the capital Skopje, so he has to repay the favor by campaigning for the DUI candidates in contested races. The coalition...
