Tag: vat
Economy 22.01.24 | 10:25

The IRS disputes the claims and tries to disseminate rumors about crimes done in the organization that were made by VMRO – DPMNE

The Public Revenue Administration refutes the allegations made by VMRO – DPMNE and dismisses attempts to propagate speculations. The institution asserts that the statements by VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski, regarding purportedly committed crimes related to a VAT refund, are entirely...

Economy 15.01.24 | 16:12

PRO prevents fraudulent activity related to VAT refund for oil companies

On Monday, the Public Revenue Office (PRO) disclosed detailed information regarding the deceptive practices employed by oil companies to secure a Value Added Tax (VAT) refund through personal income tax channels. The PRO conducted audits on three companies engaged in wholesale and retail trade of oil...

Economy 02.01.24 | 16:55

The PRO requires foreign entities without a local subsidiary to assign a tax agent for VAT purposes

From January 1, foreign entities lacking a base or subsidiary in Macedonia, yet distributing VAT-taxable goods or services, must appoint a tax agent. Amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax dictate this requirement. To qualify as a tax agent, VAT-registered entities or individuals need at least a year...

Macedonia 13.09.23 | 12:45

The government’s latest amendments will raise the prices of over 4,000 products

At Wednesday’s parliamentary plenary session, the SDS and DUI MPs proposed amendments to the Law on Added Value, which would cause a rise in the prices by 5% or 13% of over 4,000 products immediately upon its coming into force, VMRO-DPMNE MP, Bojan Stojanovski, said at the press conference following...

Economy 30.06.23 | 14:22

Higher electricity price from July 1

Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi said on Friday that there will be no legislative intervention in the VAT for the electricity bills, and the tax will jump to 18% from July 1. Minister said that as a compensation for the citizens, the Government will continue subsidizing the electricity production and...

Economy 29.06.23 | 18:30

Kochoska – Dimitrioska: The 2023 Budget will be 200 million euros short

VMRO-DPMNE Vice-Chair Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska claims that the Budget will be €200 million short this year, due to poor VAT collection. The Budget will be filled by the social contributions and the personal tax, collected from the salaries, because, as worthless as the salaries are, their total...

Macedonia 01.08.22 | 16:23

Several companies are part of over 90 million euro fraud through VAT, pre-investigation procedure into PRO launched

The basic public prosecutor’s office for prosecuting organized crime and corruption confirms for MKD.mk that a pre-investigation procedure is being conducted for alleged fraud with fictitious VAT collection made by companies with the help of the PRO. There are no details from there, because as...

Macedonia 08.06.22 | 08:41

Government refuses to reduce excise duties on fuel and VAT on food

The majority composed of SDSM and DUI, today voted against the need to pass the Law on Excise Duties which should have reduced the excise duties on liquid fuels by 50%, as well as the Law on VAT which exempts food from VAT and reduces VAT on liquid fuels from 18% to 5%, Bojan Stojanoski, MP of VMRO-DPMNE...

Economy 12.03.22 | 09:53

Zero VAT on bread, flour, eggs, butter, milk, rice, lower excise tax on fuels

At its 27th session, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, based on the accepted amendments to the Law on Excise Tax in the Parliament, adopted a Decision on determining the type of energy sources, the time period and the manner of calculating the excise tax. At this session, a Decision on determining...

Economy 15.07.21 | 19:10

Parliament adopts law amendments on lowering VAT rate for household electricity

The Parliament adopted Thursday the amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax on lowering the VAT rate for household electricity from 18 to 5 percent. The reduced rate in accordance with the legal solution will be applied on the day of entry into force of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Value Added...

Macedonia Economy 10.10.20 | 10:52

Government declares tax free weekend to entice shoppers to spend despite huge spike in coronavirus cases

Shops and malls across Macedonia are bracing for a flood of new customers as a three day tax free weekend begins today. Until Monday, citizens can a value added tax rebate on any purchase of domestic products and any IT equipment worth a total of 30,000 denars (500 EUR). The VAT rate is 5 or 18 percent,...

Economy 29.06.20 | 12:28

Tax rebate app shows consumers spent twice as much on imported products

The VAT rebate app that was introduced by the Finance Ministry revealed some worrying trends. It shows that Macedonian consumers have spent nearly twice as much on imported products than on domestic products. According to the app, which allows citizens to claim a small rebate on the value added tax paid...

Macedonia 21.06.20 | 21:48

VMRO reports a major tax fraud operation involving a businessmen linked to the Zaev family

During a press conference, VMRO-DPMNE spokesman Naum Stoilkovski presented details about several little known companies from Strumica, the stronghold of SDSM party leader Zoran Zaev, who have collected astronomical sums in tax rebate. In the first five months of the year, these companies have received...

Economy 26.04.20 | 11:13

Government asks taxpayers who claimed a rebate to donate it back into the budget

Some 1.500 taxpayers decided to donate the tax rebate that is due to be paid out in early May. Several months ago the Government introduced a rebate program that gives back 5 percent of the value added sales tax that is paid on all purchases. The MyVAT rebate program was heavily promoted with award games...

Economy 14.04.20 | 22:20

New stimulus measure: Donations to Covid-19 solidarity fund will be exempt from VAT

The Government adopted Tuesday a decree having the force of law that exempts the donations in the solidarity fund for dealing with the consequences of Covid-19 from the value added tax. According to the adopted decree amending the decree having the force of law for application of the Law on Value Added...

Economy 01.08.19 | 13:07

App redesign causes confusion in the value added tax rebate scheme

Less than a month after it was put in use, the MyDDV phone application meant to allow citizens claim a small tax rebate, is undergoing a redesign. This is prompting confusion among users, many of them elderly, who had trouble installing the application in the first place and figuring out how it’s...

Economy 28.06.19 | 10:33

Tax rebate law pushed through Parliament

In an expedited procedure, the Parliament yesterday adopted the proposed law for value added tax reimbursement. The law provides that consumers will be able to claim a rebate of 15 percent on the amount they pay in value added tax. The VAT tax, set at 18 or 5 percent, depending on the product, is the...

Economy 22.06.19 | 20:20

Consumers confused over the promised value added tax reimbursement

Initial reactions following the promised reimbursement of 15 percent of the 18 percent value added tax are that the process will be difficult and the results will be low to none. Instead of simply lowering the VAT tax rate, the Zaev Government initiated the process of reimbursement, which will involve...

Economy 18.03.19 | 12:46

Average families will not even notice: VAT return will only be felt by the richest

With the VAT return measure, the poorest households will be able to return only 738 denars. The effects of the newly announced measure, which is to be launched by mid-year, will only be felt by the richest households that spend 1.2 million denars annually. With the VAT return, they will be able to return...

Economy 07.03.19 | 21:24

VMRO-DPMNE proposes reducing the VAT rate from 18 to 16 percent

The opposition conservative VMRO-DPMNE party intends to reduce the value added tax rate from 18 to 16 percent, in a push to improve living standards. VMRO leader Hristijan Mickoski announced that the party’s group in Parliament will propose the measure, adding that this will ensure that consumers...
