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Pendarovski urged to stop attacking Trump and harming Macedonia’s international positions

Deputy Parliament Speaker Antonio Milososki condemned former President Stevo Pendarovski for his recent comments against US President Donald Trump. Pendarovski accused Trump of corruption and condemned the push of the Macedonian government to establish close ties and coordination with the Trump administration.

The fact that Pendarovski is publicly lobbing insults at the US and their newly elected President can be seen as an implicit position of SDSM, but also as part of their right to free speech. Still, the governance of a democratic state, in this case the United States, is a matter for the American citizens. Regardless of the fact that Pendarovski is close to Team Soros, he has no right to dispute the democratic legitimacy of the President and the administration of the United States. Macedonia and the US signed a document for strategic partnership in 2008, which is mutually useful and should be expanded regardless of the procession of governments and presidents in the two countries. If Pendarovski does not want to help Macedonia on the international arena, he should at least stop hurting our positions, Milososki said.

Other commentators and politicians close to SDSM have similarly attacked the new US President, and especially the growing personal ties between Prime Minister Mickoski and people from Trump’s orbit.

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