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VMRO-DPMNE: we did not and we will not discuss changing the national anthem

The VMRO-DPMNE party today dismissed suggestions from DUI that Macedonia should change its coat of arms but also its national anthem.

VMRO proposed changes to the coat of arms, since it has remained almost unchanged from the Communist era and is made in the typical style of socialist-realism. But the Albanian parties, including DUI as well as the VLEN coalition, have said that if emblem is changed, and presumably adopts a symbol associated with the Macedonian history such as the lion, the anthem should also be changed, as it does not mention the Albanians – only the Macedonian people.

The DUI matrix is to bring ethnic issues into every important matter. This must stop. We’ve never discussed changing the national anthem and we won’t do so in the future. The citizens can rest safely knowing that the time of DUI and SDSM, with all the losses and defeats, has passed, VMRO-DPMNE said in a statement.

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