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Businesses can begin to apply for 250 million EUR from the Hungarian loan

A sum of 250 million EUR – part of the billion EUR loan from Hungary – are put at the disposal of the businesses, announced Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski and Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska at today’s press conference. Businesses can now begin to apply for loans, which will have them add their own funds to fund development projects.

This is a historic highest sum put directly at the disposal of the economy and will allow domestic companies to loan funds at extremely low interest rates. The funds are provided through the Hungarian creit line and the methodology to distribute the funds was developed by the Finance Ministry, said Prime Minister Mickoski.

Through the public development bank, the funds will be distributed to commercial anks which will give out loans of up to 15 years, with 3 years grace period, and of up to 10 million EUR. Businesses that apply for the loans will have to provide at least 20 percent from the total amount of the investment. Interest rates will be kept at 1,95 percent. 

I want to express my gratitude to the banks which expresed interest to participate in the distribution of these funds. I expect that this will have significant effect on the economy at a time of crisis and difficult global circumstances, Prime Minister Micoski added.

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