The shortage of chemotherapy drugs at the Oncology Clinic has bee resolved in a record time, and will not happen again in the future, said Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski in a 360 Degrees interview this evening.
Mickoski said that the Government is trying to resolve the issue caused by the exclusive contracts given to “Panovski”, a drug trading company close to SDSM party leader Venko Filipce, which has been providing chemotherapy drugs to the Clinic.
This company cooperates with the global manufacturer of these drugs. And it is natural that this company which works with one of these top companies will continue to receive contracts from the Clinic. But it will no longer be able to loan the drugs. The difference is also that there will be strict control of the vials that are being used, Mickoski said, pointing to the major scandal last year when it was revealed that chemotherapy drugs were denied to the patients or were watered down, in order to sell them at the black market.
The Prime Minister promised that these abuses and shortags of vital drugs will become a thing of the past.