A social media initiative inspired by a boycott in Croatia is spreading to Macedonia – citizens are preparing to boycott all supermarkets on Friday, blaming the chains for keeping the prices artificially high. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski today expressed his support for the initiative, after some supermarket chains undermined the push to lower prices for the New Year holidays by hiking the prices shortly before the measure went into effect.
I’ve spoken out about the behavior of individuals in this business from the start. There are speculative attepts tp generate extra profits. The institutions, market inspectors, are following the situation and act timely, said Prime Minister Mickoski.
Asked by a journalist about the alleged practice of the Vero and Tinex supermarket chains to push their suppliers to accept changes to their contracts with higher profit margins, Mickoski said that, if confirmed, the practice would constitute a criminal act and urged the journalist to deliver his evidence to the prosecutors.