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Mexhiti expects VLEN to unify after the local elections

Deputy Prime Minister Izet Mexhiti said that he expects the parties of the VLEN coalition to compete together at the local elections this fall, and said that he is not opposed to early general elections but that he doesn’t find them necessary.

We showed at the general elections that we can compete with a joint program and a joint campaign, we are in the Government together and I see no problem in participating together, under the VLEN umbrella, at the local eletions as well. After the elections, we will probably be able to speak about VLEN as a unified entity, Mexhiti said. The coalition is currently made up of four Albanian political parties.

Asked during a TV interview about the prospects of holding early general elections, Mexhiti said that he is not opposed to such a move but doesn’t think it’s necessary. “This Government has the highest majority, a two-third majority in Parliament and it is not natural to go for early generl elections. My former party DUI is not trusted, it’s sad how low they have come, and they are still not reforming themselves. As thing stand, they will remain as they are. Polls show that they will be in the opposition for a long time”, Mexhiti said.

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