An Omnibus poll conducted by the Brand Concepts agency found that optimism is growing among the citizens about their lives in Macedonia and the country in general, and that the VMRO-DPMNE led Government will be better than the previous SDSM – DUI one in protecting national interests and tackling corruption.
The phone poll was conducted in the last week of January on 1,200 participants. In the question – if they personally feel optimism for the future of the country, 23 percent said that they are very optimistic and 37 percent declared moderate optimism. 19 percent of participants were neutral on the issue, 14 percent said that they are moderately pessimistic and 7 percent were very pessimistic.
Asked for a five year forecast, 43 percent believe that life in Macedonia will improve in this period, 32 percent expect things to remain the same, and 25 percent – that it will deteriorate. Faith in institutions was measured on a scale, and the Government was rated 3.2, the Parliament – 2.8, the police at 3.6 and the judiciary was lowest ranked at 2.4.

The new Government is seen as far superior to the previous one in terms of managing the economy (52 percent of the participants opted for the former and 24 percent for the latter), protection of national interests (57 to 21) and fight against corruption – 46 to 29.
A large majority of citizens is opposed to joining the EU under the current Bulgarian demands – 64 percent are against, and only 22 percent are in favor of accepting the demands.
Also, large majorities support increasing salaries in the public education system (69 percent) and pensions (72 percent).