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Siljanovska: I did not intent to insult anybody with my veto

I had no intention to insult any language with my veto, said President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, who vetoed changes to the law regulating kindergarten applications. The law included a clause that would make applications bilingual, and President Siljanovska, after consultations, found it in violation of the Constitution. This caused a reaction among some of the Albanian parties, who favored the new law.

I’m not a legislator and I will not make a counter-proposal. I simply sent out an appeal to the Parliament to review articles 9 and 10 of the law, and consider whether this way of issuing kindergarten licenses will lead to discrimination. I’m not biased, I simply started from the known constitutional and legal facts, said President Siljanovska.

Parliament can now change or re-approve the law, and if they opt for the latter, President Siljanovska said that she will sign the law. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said that the law will be reviewed and made to fit the Constitution.

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