Jovan Cvetanovski, one of the two prosecutors who were targeted by chief prosecutor Ljupco Kocevski, filed criminal charges against Kocevski.
Cvetanovski and his superior Muhamed Hajrullahi faced disciplinary procedures imposed by Kocevski because they worked on a case against the disgraced group of SPO special prosecutors who illegally awarded themselves huge bonuses.
The disciplinary procedures against me were launched by Kocevski over four cases. In all of them, there is not even the minimum amount of evidence. The alleged disciplinary violations under article 91 should include deliberate and unjustified. The explanation of Kocevski’s proposal has no indications that I made serious professional errors. It was written by two prosecutors who have conflict of interest and should not have been tasked to oversee the work of the Skopje office, and especially the cases I’m involved in, Cvetanovski told Repiblika.
In his charges, Cvetanovski accused Kocevski of violating the independence of this branch of the judiciary and its principles of hierarchy. The charges are also filed against two prosecutors who conducted oversight over the Skopje branch of state prosecutors.
The Government recently launched a procedure to dismiss Kocevski from his position, saying that he failed to show the necessary drive to fight corruption.