Tag: aggeler
Macedonia 28.06.24 | 21:08

Nikoloski discusses intensifying cooperation with US Ambassador Aggeler

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler met with Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Nikoloski, who also holds the position of Transportation Minister in the new Government. Nikoloski and Aggeler discussed the reform plans of the Government and the strategic priorities of both the Government and the Transportation...

Macedonia 27.06.24 | 17:49

Foreign Minister Mucunski met with US Ambassador Aggeler

Macedonian Foreign Minister Timco Mucunski met today with the US Ambassador Angela Aggeler. Great start and productive meeting with MFA Timco Mucunski today to reaffirm the strong bilateral relationship between *US flag emoji* & *Macedonian flag emoji*. Looking forward to continuing to advance our...

Macedonia 26.06.24 | 16:31

Mickoski meets with US Ambassador Aggeler

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski met today with US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler. Productive meeting with Prime Minister Mickoski today to discuss priorities of the new government. Reiterated the abiding support of *US flag emoji* in advancing *Macedonia flag emoji* goals for security, prosperity,...

Macedonia 24.06.24 | 15:13

Ambassador Aggeler congratulates to the new Government on its formation

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler congratulated to Hristijan Mickoski and his Government on their election yesterday. Congratulations to the new government on its formation. As the Prime Minister and his cabinet take office, we look forward to continuing our partnership in strengthening rule...

Macedonia 21.06.24 | 12:54

VMRO is not required to choose DUI as coalition partner, says Ambassador Aggeler

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler acknowledged the right of the winning party VMRO-DPMNE to choose the Albanian VLEN coalition as its partner and to shun the DUI party. DUI was hoping that, as has happened in the past, international officials will pressure VMRO to select them as coalition partner. In...

Macedonia 20.06.24 | 19:04

EU integration must not be subject to pressures, President Siljanovska tells Ambassador Aggeler

President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova met with US Ambassador Angela Aggeler today. During the meeting, President Siljanovska raised the issue of Macedonia’s delayed EU accession. The European accession process has a positive impact on the democratic and economic consolidation of the region....

Macedonia 18.03.24 | 18:22

Disgraced Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva and Mayor Stevco Jakimovski put on a US black list

The US Embassy in Macedonia informed the public that the United States have placed disgraced former Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva and the Mayor of Karpos Stevco Jakimovski on their black list. Today’s designations of former Special Chief Prosecutor Katica Janeva and current presidential candidate...

Macedonia 15.03.24 | 20:29

Aggeler: In order for judges to practice law, pressures on the judiciary must end

“We must halt the pressures exerted on the judiciary in Macedonia to ensure the freedom of judges in practicing law,” stated United States Ambassador Angela Aggeler during her address at the international conference commemorating the Constitutional Court’s 60th anniversary. Aggeler...

Macedonia 03.02.24 | 14:31

Osmani confirms that the “US black list law” will be put back on the legislative agenda

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani announced that the Government will not abandon a controversial law that was going to mean an automatic criminal investigation for any person put on a US black list. The US Embassy in Skopje and the State Department began to use the black list to point officials from the...

Macedonia 17.12.23 | 19:57

VMRO calls on Minister Spasovski to resign after Ambassador Aggeler’s criticism

VMRO-DPMNE called on Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski to resign, if he really agrees with US Ambassador Angela Aggeler, and her scathing comments about the rule of law in Macedonia. Aggeler has taken to describing the situation in Macedonia as “epidemic of corruption”, as the US hastily...

Macedonia 16.12.23 | 22:20

Ambassador Aggeler announces that additional names will be put on the US black list

In an interview with Kanal77, US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler repeated her call for urgent measures to fight the “epidemic of corruption” in the country. Aggeler also discussed the tragic murder of 14 year old Vanja Gjorcevska, asking how was it possible that the culprits were allowed...

Macedonia 13.12.23 | 17:21

Zaev comes to defense of his friend Koco Angjusev while Ambassador Aggeler warns about an “epidemic of corruption”

Former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev came to the defense of his once deputy Koco Angjusev, after Angjusev was put on the US black list as a corrupt businessman who uses his influence to subvert investigations. Zaev was also named in a recent update on the US Treasury black list, not as a primary target,...

Macedonia 20.11.23 | 23:40

Aggeler: We know who are the corrupt actors in this country

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler called for a corruption investigation in former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. The statement comes days after the US Treasury Department published the new black list of corrupt Balkan politicians – Zaev was not sanctioned by it, but he was prominently mentioned...

Macedonia 31.10.23 | 10:05

Aggeler: Judges in any court, any country need to make decisions based on law, without interference

Interference in judicial processes, whether by private individuals or public officials, is unacceptable to the judiciary, the government, and the people of Macedonia. Such interference erodes public trust in institutions and officials. Justice must remain transparent. US Ambassador Angela P. Aggeler,...

Macedonia 16.09.23 | 21:14

Albanian opposition parties accuse DUI of using the US Ambassador to cover up their corruption scandals

Albanian opposition parties accused the ruling DUI party of corruption, citing a number of recent scandals. Among them is the hiring of the Eurovia company, owned by people close to DUI, for major public contracts, after the company donated large sums to the party. Eurovia was named a major subcontractor...

Macedonia 12.09.23 | 21:17

Ambassador Aggeler still hasn’t reviewed the changes to the Criminal Code

US Ambassador Angela Aggeler said that their legal team is still reviewing the changes to the Criminal Code that were urgently adopted last week, and will greatly reduce the penalties for abuse of office on the part of appointed officials. Speaking at the most recent ground-breaking ceremony by the Bechtel...

Macedonia 10.08.23 | 21:49

Aggeler: Corruption continues to be the biggest challenge facing this country

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler again warned that corruption is the worst issue that the country faces. Corruption continues to be one of if not the biggest challenge facing this country. It was when I was here before and frankly it has also been a systemic problem since independence. So one...

Macedonia 25.04.23 | 22:37

Leaked letter shows that the US Embassy issued a warning to the judiciary

Two weeks ago US Ambassador Angela Aggeler sent a letter to the key judicial and government institutions, expressing her concern that a number of high profile cases were draggd out by the Appeals Court in Skopje. The letter was leaked, and it does not include specific cases, but it is widely assumed...

Macedonia 01.04.23 | 11:13

Why did the US Embassy stop talking about corruption, asks former official

Former Finance Minister Xhevdet Hajredini notes that the interest of the US Embassy in Macedonia to go after corrupt high level officials has greatly diminished in the past months. Recently appointed US Ambassador Angela Aggeler began her term by declaring that a team of US sanctions experts have come...

Macedonia 08.03.23 | 16:57

US Ambassador Aggeler pledges to restore trust in the judiciary in Macedonia
