Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 12.11.21 | 19:36

Borisov warns that France will force Bulgaria to compromise on Macedonia

Former Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who initiated the policy of vetoing Macedonia’s EU accession talks in exchange for concessions, and who now faces a difficult electoral battle, said that he fears the EU will force Bulgaria to give up on some of its demands. Borisov was talking about...

Macedonia 05.11.21 | 13:19

Nikola Dimitrov claims that Bulgarians are not discriminated in Macedonia

In an interview, Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov denied allegations that Bulgarians in Macedonia are being discriminated. This is one of the key claims from Bulgaria as the country blocks Macedonia from opening its EU accession talks. We have no complaints, there are no verdicts in the Court in...

Macedonia 04.11.21 | 10:08

Zaev shouldn’t resign, should continue to work on the dispute with Bulgaria, former PM Buckovski says

Zoran Zaev’s envoy to Bulgaria, former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski, joined in the calls for Zaev not to resign. In a TV interview, Buckovski insisted that there is chance that the Bulgarian veto is lifted and Macedonia opens its EU accession talks in December, but if there is a political Government...

Macedonia 03.11.21 | 22:25

“Jutarnji list”: EU let down many countries, but none like Macedonia

The European Union let down many countries, but almost destroyed one. It is indisputable that the European Union bears the responsibility for possible new tensions in the country and political instability, writes “Jutarnji List”, commenting on the resignation of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev...

Macedonia 02.11.21 | 15:03

Bulgaria condemns Zaev for his brutal election campaign attacks

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry condemned the brutal pre-election campaign that Zoran Zaev and his SDSM party directed against the newly elected Mayor of Skopje Danela Arsovska. Faced with defeat in the local elections, Zaev announced that he will resign as Prime Minister if Arsovska beats his candidate...

Macedonia 02.11.21 | 15:00

DUI wants Zaev to remain Prime Minister because nobody else would accept the Bulgarian demands

A comment made by Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi yesterday, as he urged against the resignation of Zoran Zaev, indicated the main motive behind the push to keep Zaev in office even after his major defeat in the local elections. Grubi said that “only this Government can resolve the dispute with...

Macedonia 01.11.21 | 12:42

There are no obstacles while Zaev is formally still prime minister to give away the language and history to Bulgaria

Zaev’s resignation from his position as Prime Minister raises the question of what will happen to the negotiations with Bulgaria, on which the start of negotiations with the EU depends. Although it was Zaev and the then Prime Minister Borisov who signed an Agreement on Good Neighborliness and Friendship,...

Macedonia 29.10.21 | 16:38

Mickoski: We will be a sincere friend to Bulgaria, ready to cooperate on the basis of reciprocity

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that under the future VMRO led Government relations with Bulgaria will be based on mutual respect, tolerance, and built up through work in the areas of mutual interest. We will not try to drag them into unprincipled relations, like Zaev does, or use frauds...

Macedonia 28.10.21 | 18:00

Zaev’s Government accuses Bulgaria of interfering in Macedonia’s internal affairs

As it pushes an aggressive campaign to declare the opposition mayoral candidate in Skopje Danela Arsovska a “Bulgarian agent”, the Zaev Government today also issued a statement admonishing Bulgaria for interfering in Macedonian affairs. The likely motive is the meeting of Bulgarian President...

Macedonia 27.10.21 | 11:41

VMRO-DPMNE: The only Bulgarian link in Macedonia is Zaev, he destroys the positions of Macedonia

The only Bulgarian link in Macedonia is Zoran Zaev. The only person in politics who has a connection with Bulgaria, together with Ljubco Georgievski is him and both are part of the government, said VMRO-DPMNE. I want to send a message to all citizens of Bulgaria, We are brotherly people, the same folk,...

Macedonia 26.10.21 | 22:07

Danela Arsovska denies having a Bulgarian citizenship

Mayoral candidate Danela Arsovska campaigned in Aerodrom today, part of the city where she and other VMRO-DPMNE candidates scored major wins in the first round, and urged her supporters to finish the campaign with a win on October 31st. She decried the increasingly negative campaign from her opponent,...

Macedonia 26.10.21 | 10:32

The fifth war for Macedonia is ongoing – a step backwards: Bulgaria is waging an open political and diplomatic war

The website of Sofia-based “Trud” published Tuesday a shocking article entitled “The fifth war for Macedonia is underway – not a step back”! The author of the article is a certain Simeon Kostadinov. In a longer analysis, the author reflects the current state of relations...

Macedonia 23.10.21 | 15:20

Historian Gjorgjiev says he was threatened by a top Foreign Ministry official because he refused to accept the Bulgarian demands

Historian Vanco Gjorgjiev, who resigned yesterday from the joint commission of historians with Bulgaria, told PressingTV that he was told by a top Foreign Ministry official that he will face “revenge” after resigning. Even though the commission was supposed to work independently and based...

Macedonia 22.10.21 | 21:17

Following a high level protest resignation, Macedonian and Bulgarian historians failed to make progress in their meeting

Following the resignation of Macedonian historian Vanco Gjorgjiev, the joint committee of historians with Bulgaria continued its work today but reached no conclusions. The Zaev regime was desperate for progress in this online meeting, hoping it would allow Bulgaria to lift its veto against Macedonia’s...

Macedonia 22.10.21 | 18:54

Historian Gjorgjiev resigns from the historic commission, blames Zaev of putting pressure on his team to deliver urgent concessions to Bulgaria

Guided by professional integrity and personal principles, I inform the Macedonian public that from today, 22.10.2021, I leave the work in the Joint Multidisciplinary Expert Commission on Historical and Educational Issues between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria, historian Vanco...

Macedonia 21.10.21 | 10:14

As the latest EU deadline draws near, new meeting of the Macedonian – Bulgarian historic committee

The joint committee of historians between Macedonia and Bulgaria is set to hold its first online meeting after the local elections in Macedonia. Bulgaria is still in pre-election mode – the citizens there will vote in the presidential and general elections on November 14th – but the committee...

Macedonia Culture 19.10.21 | 10:21

Culture Minister Stefoska opens an event dedicated to the fight against the Bulgarian occupation in World War Two

Culture Minister Irena Stefoska opened the event dedicated to the writers, poets, painters and other artists who were inspired by the partisan movement in the Second World War. At a time when the Zaev regime is preparing the Macedonian public for major concessions to Bulgaria on national identity issues,...

Macedonia 16.10.21 | 18:17

Nikola Dimitrov accused of spreading hatred toward Bulgaria

The Bulgarian BGNES news agency accused Zaev’s Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov of spreading hatred toward Bulgaria. Dimitrov has a hard time in Bulgaria since last year, when he led a campaign to get Germany involved in pressuring Bulgaria to lift its EU veto against Macedonia – the...

Macedonia 15.10.21 | 18:27

Foreign Ministry denies allegations that a Bulgarian WW1 monument near Kavadarci was damaged due to construction work

The Macedonian Foreign Ministry issued a statement denying reports in Bulgaria that a monument to Bulgarian soldiers from the First World War was damaged during road work near Kavadarci. The monument is dedicated to 193 Bulgarian soldiers killed near Kavadarci, and it is on the route of the new Gradsko...

Macedonia 15.10.21 | 09:32

Osmani confirms that the government is preparing a response to Bulgaria’s five demands

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, said in an interview with Kanal 5 on Thursday that for all six points of the bilateral protocol between Macedonia and Bulgaria, arising from the Brdo summit, there is room for finding a solution and it would be really unfortunate if we miss this chance. He...
