Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 10.06.21 | 19:04

Minister Stoev says that Bulgaria wants its demands to be made part of Macedonia’s EU accession process

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev said that the country expects its demands from Macedonia to be made part of Macedonia’s EU accession process. Bulgaria demands major concessions from Macedonia in the areas of national identity and history, and is blocking Macedonia’s EU accession...

Macedonia 09.06.21 | 18:45

Mickoski: Zaev’s treaty with Bulgaria only created new problems

By now it’s obvious that Zoran ZAev lied and that his 2017 treaty with Boyko Borisov did not resolve problems – it is creating new problems, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in a social media statement, as he joined protests the party is conducting in Skopje and across Macedonia....

Macedonia 08.06.21 | 19:14

“We demand to know what Zaev is discussing with Bulgaria”

Our demand is very simple – Zoran Zaev needs to come out before the Macedonian public and reveal the content of the secret negotiations he is conducting with Bulgaria, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski during today’s protest in Skopje and a dozen cities across Macedonia. Nikoloski...

Macedonia 07.06.21 | 18:35

Bulgarian Minister Stoev demands guarantees from Zaev that he will implement the 2017 treaty

Bulgarian interim Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev said that the country expects legal guarantees from Macedonia that it will implement the 2017 Zaev- Borisov treaty, and a long-term plan to resolve historic and national identity disputes between the countries. Bulgaria has always shown will for constructive...

Macedonia 07.06.21 | 17:09

Mickoski calls citizens to turn out in large numbers for protests against Zaev’s new concessions to Bulgaria

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called on the citizens to join protests against the expected attempt by the Zaev regime to agree to a new round of concessions in the dispute with Bulgaria. Mickoski today warned that Zaev is ready to agree to have the Bulgarian claims on Macedonian national identity...

Macedonia 06.06.21 | 18:32

Zaev announces frequent meetings with Bulgarian officials before June summit

PM Zoran Zaev said on Sunday that the frequent contacts and meetings with the Bulgarian officials will follow aimed at reaching a solution to the dispute with Bulgaria prior to the EU summit in June, for which there is optimism that the green light will be given for holding the first intergovernmental...

Macedonia 04.06.21 | 20:18

Milososki: We have information from diplomatic circles that Buckovski is in Sofia for secret negotiations on Zaev’s orders

VMRO-DPMNE EC member and MP Antonio Milososki said Friday in an interview with TV Kanal 5 that Buckovski on Zaev’s orders is holding secret negotiations in Sofia to accept some of Bulgaria’s demands and another betrayal which Zaev was about to do last year. In July 2017, VMRO-DPMNE told...

Macedonia 04.06.21 | 20:09

Mickoski: I publicly call on Zaev to say what the document that he and Buckovski are negotiating contains and why it is being hidden from the public

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski responded Friday to Zaev’s statement that it was irresponsible that Mickoski published a post sharing information from diplomatic circles that refers to the negotiations led by the Zaev-Buckovski duo with official Sofia to sign another betrayal of the...

Balkans 04.06.21 | 17:15

Under the Borisov’s government organ transplants were performed on poor people from Ukraine and Moldova for super rich clients

Bulgaria’s health ministry revealed on Thursday that under the former government of Boyko Borisov the state hospital performed organ transplants on poor live donors for rich “uncles” operating under a false identity for which the ministry has “every reason to believe that they are not relatives,...

Macedonia 03.06.21 | 09:20

Zaev literally begs Bulgaria to allow the start of EU negotiations

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev assures that the country is doing everything to find a solution with Bulgaria and if it succeeds, immediately on June 23 it will hold its first intergovernmental conference with the EU. At the same time, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said in Sofia that Bulgaria requires guarantees...

Macedonia 02.06.21 | 21:01

Solution to Bulgaria dispute highly unlikely because of the caretaker government: Zaev ready to go to beg in Sofia

I believe we’ll all be smart and finally reach a solution to make progress. Portugal’s proposal is a good basis for finding a solution with Bulgaria. If we succeed, the first intergovernmental conference should be held on June 23, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said on Wednesday. Answering a reporter’s...

Macedonia 31.05.21 | 20:58

Mickoski: Zaev is ready to sign everything with Bulgaria, but crime and corruption are not the values that will help on the EU road

In an interview with TV Sitel, VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, spoke about the current political situation in the country, the daily problems of the citizens, as well as the bad government policies regarding the negotiations with the Republic of Bulgaria. Mickoski stressed that VMRO-DPMNE wants...

Macedonia Culture 31.05.21 | 12:57

Simon Trpceski receives standing ovation at a good-will concert in Sofia

The best known Macedonian pianist Simon Trpceski received a standing ovation in Sofia where he performed works by Beethoven with Macedonian violinist Aleksandar Kraposki and Bulgarian chelist Aleksandar Somov and the Sofia Philharmonics Orchestra. Both Culture Ministers, Irena Stefoska and Velislav Minekov...

Macedonia 29.05.21 | 18:27

Even as experience advises caution, optimism builds before the European Council in June

Croatian Jutarnji List daily is picking up the recent more optimistic announcements regarding Macedonia and the possibility that Bulgaria will lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks. The main source of this renewed optimism is German diplomat and outspoken supporter of the Zaev regime...

Macedonia 28.05.21 | 18:57

Mickoski warns Zaev and Pendarovski not to make any additional concessions to Bulgaria

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski warned the Zaev regime not to make additional concessions to Bulgaria on Macedonia’s national identity and history. During a Konrad Adenauer Foundation event in Ohrid, Mickoski said that VMRO will not accept any additional treaty Zaev and Pendarovski may...

Macedonia 27.05.21 | 13:35

Kiril Topalov: Macedonia should treat its mother Bulgaria with respect

We have always had the best brotherly, friendly, kinship intentions and wishes for that country…. It cannot treat her mother-Bulgaria like that. We should be treated with respect, as any other country, but it does not treats like any other country, it treats us with deep hatred, the member of the Bulgarian...

Macedonia 27.05.21 | 11:36

Zaev: We have no dilemmas to deliver the guarantees required by Bulgaria, we are building friendships and cooperation

Regarding the statement of Bulgarian President Rumen Radev that Bulgaria wants clear guarantees for its national security and its national interests, Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaevsaid that there will be no dilemmas to deliver the guarantees. We are a peaceful people and one can only expect building...

Macedonia 26.05.21 | 22:09

Pendarovski is happy that at least Radev is not openly insulting Macedonia as their joint flight to Rome brings no initial results

The Presidents of Macedonia and Bulgaria, Stevo Pendarovski and Rumen Radev, had a brief meeting at the Skopje airport today before they flew together, on Radev’s plane, to Rome for the annual honoring of Ss. Cyril and Methodius. With the relations between the two countries at a low, after Bulgaria’s...

Macedonia 26.05.21 | 15:41

Mickoski: I am not optimistic that there will be changes in the positions of Bulgaria

 VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski is not optimistic that there will be changes in the positions of Bulgaria regarding the EU integration process of our country. I’m not optimistic. I would like this to be true, but I am not optimistic. Bulgaria will not move an inch if we do not accept the...

Macedonia 25.05.21 | 16:15

Bulgaria will ask the EU to provide guarantees that Macedonia will keep its promises

Bulgaria’s interim Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev said that talks on the dispute with Macedonia are the highest priority for the country. He implicitly accused Macedonia of violating the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty and said that Bulgaria will turn to the EU to demand guarantees that the treaty...
