Tag: grubi
Macedonia 30.10.22 | 10:17

Rift in DUI was not healed during the marathon meeting in Tetovo

Alsat TV reports that the meeting of the DUI party leadership held yesterday only deepened the rift between Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi and the large rival Skopje based faction which wants his dismissal. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, who is also spokesman of the powerful Albanian party, acknowledged...

Macedonia 29.10.22 | 12:25

Another showdown in the DUI party

Another meeting meant to put an end to factional infighting in the DUI party begins today. Party leader Ali Ahmeti will have his key government officials report before the new party leadership, which now includes members from the rebellious Skopje faction led by Izet Mexhiti. The party leadership is...

Macedonia 14.10.22 | 23:40

Reports that Ahmeti agreed to remove his right hand man Artan Grubi from the leadership of the DUI party

Telma TV is reporting that DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti has agreed to remove his deputy Artan Grubi from the party leadership. Grubi is the main target of a large faction of angry DUI officials, who want more say in the running of the party. The rival factions met near Tetovo yesterday, and initial reports...

Macedonia 22.03.22 | 14:56

Artan Grubi brags about the fact that DUI officials have been exempt from any criminal investigation for decades

DUI party official Artan Grubi is widely mocked in the public today following his exchange with VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. Mickoski fired the first shot, accusing officials of the SDSM – DUI coalition of being corrupt and having entered politics as paupers but now are millionaires. Grubi...

Macedonia 16.03.22 | 19:14

Deputy PM Grubi asked Ambassador Byrnes for greater US involvement in the dispute with Bulgaria

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi asked US Ambassador to Macedonia Kate Byrnes for increased US involvement to get Bulgaria to lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks. The two met today to discuss the war in Ukraine and the strategic partnership between Macedonia and the US. Grubi...

Macedonia 21.02.22 | 10:59

Open Society Foundation offers to help Artan Grubi better spend his NGO budget

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi has a budget of over 20 million denars (300,000 EUR) to distribute to non-Governmental organizations. Fani Karanfilova – Panovska, the director of the largest such organization, the George Soros funded Foundation Open Society Macedonia (FOSM), called Grubi...

Macedonia 17.02.22 | 18:03

Grubi denies reports that unqualified journalist is being sent as consul in New York

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi denied media reports that a TV journalist close to his DUI party was rewarded with the post of consul general to New York. Besmira Ejupi is seen as completely unqualified for the job, and is not a career diplomat which is a requirement. She was reportedly named...

Macedonia 13.01.22 | 12:11

SDSM and DUI are likely preparing another referendum as an excuse to impose a new treaty with Bulgaria

Comments from First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi made yesterday raised the prospect of yet another referendum to give away the Macedonian national identity. Grubi addressed the shocking revelation from outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov, once a loyal associate of Zoran Zaev and signatory...

Macedonia 12.01.22 | 14:27

Deputy Prime Minister Grubi denies Dimitrov’s allegations, says that he and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani protect Macedonian national identity

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi addressed the bombshell revelations made by Nikola Dimitrov today, who informed the public that the Government, and especially its Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, are working to accept all key Bulgarian demands that undermine the Macedonian national identity. Similarly...

Macedonia 05.01.22 | 17:50

DUI led ministries go on a hiring spree

Over the past three months, the Government ministries led by DUI hired more than 220 new employees. Chief among them is the Ministry that was built around the Secretariat for the implementation of the 2001 Ohrid peace treaty, currently led by top DUI official Artan Grubi. A total of 166 new jobs were...

Macedonia 14.12.21 | 10:56

Zaev could postpone his resignation as Prime Minister for several months to reach a new deal with Bulgaria

Zoran Zaev’s First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi said that Zaev’s resignation as Prime Minister could be postponed for several months, to try to get him to reach a new agreement with Bulgaria. I think that the process could be completed so he can leave office by the middle of January,...

Macedonia 14.12.21 | 09:41

VMRO dismisses Grubi’s claim about appointing an ethnic Albanian Prime Minister

Zaev’s First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi, from the DUI party, told TV21 that their demand to have an ethnic Albanian Prime Minister for 100 days at the end of the term of the Government will also apply in coalitions with other parties, such as VMRO-DPMNE. The demand was accepted by Zoran...

Macedonia 09.12.21 | 22:17

DUI expects that SDSM will honor their agreement to name an ethnic Albanian Prime Minister for a term of 100 days

Zaev’s First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi said that his DUI party expects to have an ethnic Albanian candidate named Prime Minister in the last 100 days of its term with SDSM. The agreement was reached between Zoran Zaev and DUI leader Ali Ahmeti as they made their new coalition deal in mid...

Economy 09.12.21 | 19:50

Constitutional Court reportedly approved the exclusive highway contract with Bechtel – Enka

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi said that, according to his information, the Constitutional Court approved the special law adopted to give the American – Turkish Bechtel – Enka consortium exclusive right to build several key highways in Macedonia. The contract was strongly supported...

Macedonia 09.12.21 | 18:59

Bulgarian sources deny Grubi’s claim of a new French diplomatic initiative to resolve the dispute over Macedonia

Bulgarian Foreign Ministry officials and EU officials told BGNES news agency that there is no new French initiative to resolve the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria, as Zaev’s First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi claimed. In the diplomatic circles there is no such proposal, EU sources told...

Macedonia 09.12.21 | 16:48

Despite Bulgaria’s “NO”, Grubi tries to assure the public that opening EU accession talks is still possible

The claim by First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi that there is a chance the European Union allows Macedonia to open its EU accession talks in the first few months of 2022, reminded the public on a similar claim made by member of Parliament Kastriot Rexhepi. Rexhepi was widely believed to have been...

Macedonia 27.11.21 | 16:37

DUI again calls on Zaev to remain as Prime Minister until he resolves the dispute with Bulgaria

Zaev’s First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi again reiterated that Zoran Zaev needs to remain as leader of the Government. DUI rejected Zaev’s resignation as soon as he announced it, and the party continues to point out that it has an arrangement with Zaev, either as a way to push him to...

Macedonia 22.11.21 | 19:38

The Long Farewell: Even if Zaev resigns tomorrow, it could take him a month to actually leave

Zaev’s First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi said that the, even with Zaev expected to finally resign tomorrow, new coalition talks could protract this process for a month. Zaev announced that he will resign after badly losing in the local elections to VMRO-DPMNE, but he is trying to cobble together...

Macedonia 12.11.21 | 18:59

Zaev’s expression made it look like it is he who is held against his will

One of the most commented developments from the crisis situation yesterday, when an opposition member of Parliament was apparently kidnapped or otherwise prevented from casting a vote of no confidence in the Zaev Government was his face when he finally entered the Parliament late in the evening. Zaev...

Macedonia 12.11.21 | 11:38

DUI triumphant after the outcome of the drama in the Parliament

Zoran Zaev avoided addressing the public after the chaotic scenes in the Parliament yesterday, when an opposition member of Parliament disappeared before the vote of no confidence, and was feared kidnapped. Zaev came to the Parliament before midnight and sat ashen faced while Speaker Talat Xhaferi can...
