Tag: levica
Macedonia 05.05.24 | 11:18

Mitrovski: Levica is trying to help SDSM

One of the activists of the Colored Revolution, lawyer Janaki Mitrovski, condemned his former comrades from the Levica party for their refusal to endorse the remaining opposition presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova. Levica badly underperformed on its expectations in the first round,...

Macedonia 20.03.24 | 20:45

Levica reveals the principals of the election list

The list of principals in each of the six election districts for the May 8 parliamentary elections was revealed on Facebook by Levica (The Left). In the first election district, party leader Dimitar Apasiev will lead the list; in the second, party spokesperson Amar Mecinovikj; in the third, MP Borislav...

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 10:24

Divisions appear in the “opposition to the opposition” party Levica after struggles to mobilize support for its presidential candidate

The populist Levica party was able to capitalize on public anger over the imposed Prespa Treaty, to win two seats in the Parliament in the 2020 elections – which is a rare feat for small parties not aligned with VMRO-DPMNE or SDSM. Using the often dramatic speeches and stunts from its two representatives,...

Macedonia 24.01.24 | 22:43

Mickoski warns about dirty tricks coming in the next 100 days

In a Telma TV interview, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski confirmed that the party won’t support Talat Xhaferi as interim Prime Minister. Mickoski presented the VMRO candidates for the interim Government, whose main role will be to reduce the abuse of public institutions and funds during...

Macedonia 20.11.23 | 18:48

MPs from Levica seek a 131st session adjournment, causing a commotion in Parliament.

The 131st session of the Parliament was adjourned for the second time on Monday afternoon due to persistent demands by Levica MPs that the session not take place, strewn papers including changes to the Parliament’s Draft Rules of Procedure, and damaged inventory at the Speaker’s table.

Macedonia 14.07.23 | 12:05

VMRO: Apasiev is in coalition with SDS and DUI

Dimitar Apasiev and his Levica party sold out the Macedonian bloc and launched an open campaign against us, to divide the opposition, VMRO-DPMNE said in a statement, following Apasiev’s call that the voters must deny VMRO a majority in Parliament at the next elections. Apasiev fights so that VMRO...

Macedonia 13.07.23 | 23:34

Nikoloski asks voters not to throw away their votes on small parties like Levica, warns that they are helping SDSM and DUI

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski warned that the nationalist Levica party is – willingly or not – working for the ruling SDSM party. Levica continuously tries to attack VMRO from the right, and recently Dimitar Apasiev’s party called on the voters to deny VMRO an outright...

Macedonia 02.06.23 | 11:41

SDSM contracted Levica to vote for the constitutional amendments?

The coalition between SDSM and  Levica (Left) in Bitola Municipality only corroborates their collaboration that began in the City of Skopje, VMRO-DPMNE emphasizes. They ask if the their current collaboration extends to the voting on the constitutional amendments? “Did SDS and DUI start a partnership...

Macedonia 12.04.23 | 15:40

Levica leader Apasiev bowed on the grave of Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha

The populist Levica party is receiving a lot of criticism after its leader Dimitar Apasiev and party officials visited the grave of Albanian communist dictator Enver Hoxha. The visit was organized on the 38th anniversary of Hoxha’s death. Besides the ugliness of honoring a Communist dictator, Levica...

Macedonia 01.04.23 | 20:24

Mickoski: SDSM and DUI are joining forces with Levica at the local level

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski accused the Levica party of joining with SDSM and DUI to approve a development plan in Skopje’s Karpos district that will allow large residential developments. SDSM and DUI are particularly vocal against Levica on the national level, but are apparently coordinating...

Macedonia 23.01.23 | 09:35

Levica party denies media reports about the incident involving one of its officials

The Levica party issued a statement regarding the incident in which its official was detained for allegedly driving under influence. Bojan Bogeski was described in media reports as bodyguard to Levica party leader Dimitar Apasiev, with a prior criminal record for violent incidents. Levica claims that...

Macedonia 29.12.22 | 10:51

Scandal: The SDS, DUI and Levica coalition at midnight, at an extraordinary session, awarded 630 million denars to Arsovska’s JSP

As smugglers who commit crimes, the councilors of SDS, DUI and Levica at midnight requested an extraordinary session in the council of the City of Skopje, the largest opposition party VMRO DPMNE reacts. According to the party, without any need for an emergency, they requested an emergency session to...

News 01.12.22 | 23:04

Levica party officials accused of demolishing a cafe in Aerodrom

The owner of a cafe in Skopje’s Aerodrom district shared footage of two high level officials of the protest Levica party, who are demolishing his locale. The two party officials, who are well known in the public but are not directly named by the owner, were in an open feud with the cafe owner. The...

Macedonia 30.10.22 | 17:42

Levica leader Apasiev was also assaulted in Blagoevgrad

Bulgarian nationalists also tried to attack the leader of Levica, Dimitar Apasiev, who attended the opening of the Macedonian cultural center in Blagoevgrad. Флашка имаше, па њамаше 🥳 https://t.co/OlRM5Iv0uz — Апасиев (@apasiev) October 30, 2022 The agent provocateur...

Macedonia 12.10.22 | 20:31

The question was inappropriate: Xhaferi rejected another initiative for a referendum, this time Levica’s initiative

The request to hold a referendum submitted by the Levica political party was not prepared in accordance with the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure, and the question was posed inappropriately, according to Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi. Examining your “Request for launching a citizen’s initiative...

Macedonia 07.10.22 | 21:49

Levica submits referendum initiative

With 750 collected signatures, Levica officially submitted the initiative for a referendum with the question “Are you in favor of continuing the negotiations with the EU by accepting the parliamentary conclusions of July 16, 2022”. The leader of the party, Dimitar Apasiev, pointed out today...

Macedonia 16.09.22 | 21:47

Levica files a criminal complaint against Xhaferi for “preventing elections and voting”

The Levica party submitted a criminal complaint to the Skopje Public Prosecutor’s Office against Parliament Speaker Xhaferi. The Parliament Speaker of the Republic of Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, arbitrarily and contrary to the Constitution, the Law and the Rules of Procedure, prevented the implementation...

Macedonia 15.06.22 | 09:11

Levica accuses of planned destruction of children’s resorts in the country

In the previous socialist system in the Republic of Macedonia, numerous children’s resorts were built both in the mountains and along the lakes. Apart from educational activities, they also served for socializing among students, sports activities and so on. It shows us the care for the youngest...

Macedonia 19.05.22 | 12:49

Levica: Foreign Minister Osmani left Macedonians in Bulgaria to fend for themselves

The Levica party accused Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani of sabotaging attempts by ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria to achieve their rights. Macedonia would support their efforts to win support before the Council of Europe and other international institutions, in cases where Bulgaria denies registration...

Macedonia 18.05.22 | 15:33

Inflation watch: Public kindergartens are forced to reduce food quality

The Levica party warns that public kindergartens are not sustainable with the growing inflation, and cites kindergarten directors who say that they are forced to reduce food quality for the children. Kindergartens can’t overcome the problem by themselves. There needs to be urgent reaction from...
