Tag: maricic
Macedonia 17.02.21 | 21:56

Mickoski warns Minister Maricic that he will be held accountable for his move to ban the use of the name Macedonia

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski announced that the party will hold responsible Zaev regime officials who undermine Macedonian national interests. This, Mickoski said, will include Justice Minister Bojan Maricic who is now banning private organizations from registering if they use “Macedonia”...

Macedonia 12.02.21 | 15:27

The Justice Ministry banned an organization that wanted to use Macedonia and ASNOM in its name

An organization that wanted to set itself up under the name Associative Assembly for the Popular Renewal of Macedonia is one of the organizations that was denied registration by the Justice Ministry, reports MKD.mk. To make the humiliation even worse, this civic organizations was aiming to replicate...

Macedonia 12.02.21 | 14:05

Ministers Spasovski and Maricic denied NATO clearance because of corruption and cooperation with foreign intelligence services?

After the revelation that Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski and Justice Minister Bojan Maricic were denied NATO security clearances, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski asked whether this is because of their corruption and cooperation with the intelligence services of Eastern states? The...

Macedonia 12.02.21 | 12:47

Justice Ministry confirms it is banning the use of the name Macedonia by private organizations

The Justice Ministry confirmed media reports that it will begin to deny applications from organizations and companies who want to register using the name Macedonia or its adjectives in their name. The issue was raised yesterday, after media outlets reported that a civic organization was denied the right...

Macedonia 11.02.21 | 14:18

VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament alleges that Justice Minister Maricic was denied NATO security clearance

VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Branko Petrusevski claims that two members of the Zaev cabinet were denied a NATO clearance certificate. This has become a major issue for Zaev as NATO rejected the nomination of his and Defense Minister Sekerinska’s choice for a military representative to Brussels. Petrusevski...

Macedonia 04.02.21 | 17:44

Nikola Dimitrov survived the vote of no confidence, but the ruling majority was shown as weaker than expected

Nikola Dimitrov survived the vote of no confidence in the Parliament yesterday, but the number of votes he got – 55 in favor of him remaining as Deputy Prime Minister, was 7 votes short of the nominal majority of the SDSM – DUI – BESA coalition. Aleksandar Nikoloski from VMRO-DPMNE,...

Macedonia 03.02.21 | 21:40

Justice Minister Maricic given a rug as present after media outlets report that his father – while a top prosecutor – asked for a rug as a bribe

A carpet was left as present for Justice Minister Bojan Maricic today, after a scandal involving his father Momir Maricic broke out in public. Two lawyers told Netpress that years ago Momir Maricic, a former powerful prosecutor, asked them to buy him a pricey rug if they want to have favorable treatment...

Macedonia 30.01.21 | 22:38

After the disastrous corruption report, VMRO initiates vote of no confidence in Maricic and Nikolovski – the two most responsible members of the Government

Following the disastrous Transparency International report, which ranked Macedonia 111th in the world in fighting corruption (historic worst for the country), VMRO-DPMNE announced it will call for a vote of no confidence in the two most responsible officials – Deputy Prime Minister Ljupco Nikolovski...

Macedonia 30.01.21 | 22:28

Justice Ministry wants to make stalking a crime

Following the reports about a Telegram group with thousands of members where some were sharing nude pictures and contact information of underage girls, the Government announced it will work to enter stalking in the criminal code. The article would ban unauthorized stalking, following or other forms of...

Macedonia 04.11.20 | 13:26

Partisan takeover: Justice Minister Maricic used money from his SDSM party to promote his Government department on Facebook

Justice Minister Bojan Maricic had the official Facebook page of the Justice Ministry sponsored with funds from his SDSM party. The move is a blatant blurring of the lines between the ruling party and a key institution of the Government, which is meant to operate impartially. SDSM, whose officials have...

Macedonia 08.10.20 | 14:54

Justice Minister Maricic confirms that Macedonia has a few weeks to reach settlement with the victims of political persecution

Justice Minister Bojan Maricic confirmed that the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg is confronting the Macedonian Government over the persecution of political opponents during the past several years. Maricic initially tried to deny the fact that the ECHR has taken up several major cases,...

Macedonia 23.08.20 | 13:25

“Nobody seriously expects rule of law reforms or fight against corruption from Bojan Maricic”

VMRO-DPMNE expects no rule of law reforms or fight against corruption from the newly proposed SDSM – DUI Government, especially after Zoran Zaev’s foreign policy adviser Bojan Maricic was proposed as the next Justice Minister. VMRO official Stefan Andonovski says that Maricic was best known...

Macedonia 20.02.20 | 22:35

Zaev’s adviser reveals that he tipped Boki 13 off that he is being investigated

Zaev owed his position as Prime Minister to former Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva, who is now charged with high level corruption in the Racket scandal, and also had a relationship with the other two defendants, Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13 and Zoran Mileski – Zoki Kiceec. During the scandal,...

Macedonia 08.07.19 | 00:00

The wife of Zaev’s foreign policy adviser was involved in granting a huge scholarship to the daughter of his foreign minister

The Infomax news site reveals that the controversial decision to award a 40.000 EUR scholarship to Jana Dimitrova, daughter of Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, was partially made by the wife of one of his foreign policy associates Bojan Maricic. Maricic’s wife, Marinela Maricic Tuseva, herself...