Tag: pandov
Macedonia 02.07.24 | 19:35

Appointments of new managers in the public healthcare system, foreign investments zones and the prisons bureau

The Governmenttoday appointed a number of new officials, and proposed a law to abolish the dual position of “economic manager” of the clinics in the main clinical center in Skopje. Former NGO activist Saso Klekovski was named director of the FZO public healthcare insurance fund. Zdravko Trajanov...

Macedonia 24.04.21 | 16:57

Pandov: Join the rally tomorrow to send a message to Zaev

The Patriotic Institute of VMRO-DPMNE held an event today to mark the 116 anniversary of the battle in which famous VMRO voyvoda Hristo Uzunov was killed, fighting Ottoman forces in the village of Cer near Kicevo. The fighters committed suicide as they were about to run out of ammunition in the battle...

Macedonia 23.04.21 | 12:58

Pandov: The defendants of the April 27th process deserve a retrial

The protesters detained after the April 27th trial deserve a retrial, a new chance for justice that was granted to the Islamic killers of the Good Friday massacre and to former Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski. This is the demand from Aleksandar Pandov from the Patriotic Institute of VMRO-DPMNE, ahead...

Macedonia 24.12.20 | 22:22

Pandov: Macedonia may be left without vaccines

Macedonia can easily be left without coronavirus vaccines, if Bulgaria uses its stockpile in full, said Aleksandar Pandov from VMRO-DPMNE during a TV event. Macedonian healthcare authorities were unable to independently provide the vaccine, even as neighboring countries accomplished the task and some...

Macedonia 25.11.20 | 20:49

Zaev faces criticism from all sides over his BGNES interview

If the Bulgarian rule in Macedonia in World War Two was an administration, does that make our partisans who fought them “terrorists”, asked VMRO-DPMNE party official Ilija Dimovski after the shocking interview by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Speaking with the Bulgarian BGNES news agency, Zaev...

Macedonia 27.09.19 | 11:51

Pandov claims that healthcare officials were extorting 60.000 EUR a month, then asked for 3 million in bribes from a dialysis provider

Political activist Aleksandar Pandov reveals additional details about the major corruption scandal affecting the leading public healthcare officials in Macedonia. According to Pandov, Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce and FZO healthcare fund manager Den Doncev were extorting 60.000 EUR a month from a...

Macedonia 09.01.19 | 10:57

Another suspicious public contract could be used to influence today’s vote in Parliament

Another apparently politically motivated public contract was awarded by the Zaev Government. The Public Roads utility company hired the JA-MI company from Kavadarci for snow clean up work in a contract worth 16.3 million denars (250.000 EUR). As commentator Aleksandar Pandov revealed, JA-MI is a company...

Macedonia 27.12.18 | 13:51

Colored Revolution activists distraught at the latest round of amnesties

Another day, another disappointed Colored Revolution activists denounces Zoran Zaev for his violation of the promise that he will ensure that all cases initiated by the Special Prosecutors Office are followed up in full. Actress Simona Spirovska wrote on the social media account that as the SPO reversed...