Tag: prespa
Macedonia 25.06.24 | 11:12

Tsipras asks European countries to warn Macedonia about consequences if it violates the Prespa Treaty

Former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras who, along with Zoran Zaev, signed the Prespa Treaty, warned Macedonia of consequences if it doesn’t uphold the imposed treaty. Speaking at a Council of Europe event on the Balkans, Tsipras called on the other European countries to counsel Macedonia on...

Macedonia 20.06.24 | 00:08

Tsipras brags that Greece caught the last train to force Macedonia to change its name

Former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsiphras, who signed the Prespa Treaty with Zoran Zaev, gave a shocking revelation into the Greek thinking at the time. According to Tsipras, international pressure was about to get so strong to bring Macedonia into NATO, presumably especially from the US, that in a...

Macedonia 13.06.24 | 21:30

Osmani defends Greece’s positions on the Prespa Treaty

Outgoing Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani continues to undermine Macedonia’s positions even as he is days away from leaving office. During the regional summit in Skopje held today, Osmani blamed Macedonian institutions of undermining the Prespa Treaty with Greece, because they have refused to change...

Macedonia 28.05.24 | 18:24

President Siljanovska: I did not violate the Prespa Treaty, but I reserve the right to say Macedonia

Presient Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova spoke to the press about the dispute with Greece, which reacted angrily when Siljanovska used the term “President of Macedonia” during her inauguration. Speaking to the press during an event in Skopje, President Siljanovska said that she did not...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 09:58

DUI welcomes State Department position on the Prespa Treaty

The DUI party issued a statemetn in support of the recent State Department position, that Macedonia must “uphold the spirit of the Prespa Treaty”. The State Department was asked by the Voice of America about the practice to drop the imposed adjective “North” when speaking about...

Macedonia 13.09.23 | 20:40

Zaev urges Greece to implement some of its obligations under the Prespa Treaty

Former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev urged Greece to begin implementing its few obligations under the Prespa Treaty – Greece has blocked ratification of treaties for cooperation, is not working to open a border crossing near Prespa, and has not even changed its road signs to use the imposed name “North...

Macedonia 02.07.23 | 10:58

Zaev praises Tsipras after disastrous elections

Zoran Zaev praised the former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for resignation as leader of the SYRIZA party. In 2018 Zaev teamed up with Tsipras to impose the Prespa Treaty on the Macedonians – which led to forcible renaming of the country and redefiinng of the Macedonian history and identity,...

Macedonia 25.08.22 | 09:49

Prespa fruit farmers stage protest

The fruit farmers from Prespa are staging a protest this morning from 10 am to 12 pm at the place called “Makazi” and will block the regional Bitola – Resen – Ohrid road section. The protest of the fruit farmers is organized due to unpaid compensation for damage caused by a storm...

Macedonia 18.05.22 | 21:02

Mickoski: We showed what we can do for the Prespa region

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called on the Government to increase funding to protect lake Prespa and the wider Resen region, and lauded the work of VMRO-DPMNE appointed mayors and local officials in the region. Their accomplishments are not the work of VMRO-DPMNE,they are accomplishments of...

Macedonia 08.02.22 | 13:12

Some improvement in lake Ohrid water levels, lake Prespa remains critical

Water levels in lake Ohrid are up by two centimeters from yesterday. The level is still 14 centimeters below the February average, while lake Prespa is whole 1.63 metes below the average. Prespa is just three centimeters above the absolute minimum. Relatively warm weather is already melting the snow...

Macedonia 02.02.22 | 17:55

After Constitutional Court refuses to review the Prespa Treaty, professor Karakamiseva announces she will file a case with the European Court of Human Rights

Law professor Tanja Karakamiseva responded to the prompt decision of the Constitutional Court to refuse to review her petition against the Prespa Treaty, and the way it was rammed through Parliament. According to judge Osman Kadriu, the treaty is not an individual act and its effects are not individual...

Macedonia 14.01.22 | 13:05

More blackmail: Mitsotakis says that Greece will use its leverage in the EU to correct mistakes made in the Prespa Treaty

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that Greece will use the accession process to make “corrections” in the implementation of the Prespa Treaty with Macedonia, signaling that Macedonia can expect new demands and conditions as it waits to open its EU accession talks. Mitsotakis opposed...

Macedonia 18.11.21 | 12:58

Lake Prespa water levels are 1.62 meters below the November average

Lake Prespa is 1.62 meters below its November average and 12 centimeteres below the level considered the absolute minimum for the lake, said the UHMR hydro-meterological institute. Macedonia’s second largest lake now measures just 842.25 meter. Lake Ohrid, which is linked to Prespa, is also two...

Macedonia Economy 27.09.21 | 18:28

Ahead of the elections, Zaev promises subsidies to Prespa apple farmers

Zoran Zaev campaigned in Resen and the Prespa area today, promising subsidies of 3 denars per kilogram to planters of apples for industrial use. The harvest is poor this year and many farmers will be forced to sell their apples for a lower price, to juice and baby food manufacturers. Zaev is eager to...

Macedonia 08.09.21 | 15:28

Tozievski: Due to incompetence, critical local infrastructure projects in Prespa are left unfinished

The Prespa region sits on a major lake, yet has problems with the water supply, said Jovan Tozievski, the candidate for Mayor of Resen, in an interview with Republika. It’s a small remaining issue, the replacement of asbestos water supply pipes for about 40 individual homes, and the entire system...

Macedonia 26.08.21 | 14:20

Greek Foreign Minister Dendias will come to Macedonia to review the implementation of the Prespa Treaty

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias will visit Macedonia by the end of the month with the purpose of evaluating implementation of the Prespa Treaty and the imposed name change. After years of relative quiet from Greece, it’s evident that it demands more concessions from Zaev – such as the...

Macedonia 09.07.21 | 19:42

Greek diaspora group wants the Australian Government to impose the Prespa Treaty of Macedonian Australians

An association of Greeks in Australia demands that Australian authorities impose the Prespa Treaty over the Macedonian community in Australia. In an open letter rife with insults and nationalist messages, the Australian Hellenic Council insists that Macedonians in Australia do not have the right to wave...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 15:53

Zaev and other participants at the Prespa Forum express their disappointment in the betrayed EU promise

During the second day of the Prespa Forum Dialogue – a large gathering of international supporters of the Zaev regime and the Prespa Treaty – the discussions were again dominated by the failure to have progress on the key promise of the treaty – Macedonia’s EU accession aspirations. Zoran...

Macedonia 01.07.21 | 12:01

Supporters of the name change gather in Prespa as Macedonia faces a new veto – issue warnings about the high level of corruption

A number of high profile international supporters of the Prespa Treaty are gathering for the Prespa Forum Dialogue that is held in Oteshevo and Ohrid over the next two days. American and European diplomats and officials gather with representatives of the Zaev regime and think tank people and journalists,...

Macedonia 18.06.21 | 11:41

VOA: Biden’s sanctions will not apply to individual citizens who criticize the Prespa treaty

A State Department spokesman told VOA – Macedonian that the recently announced sanctions against people undermining the Prespa treaty will not apply to individual citizens who are critical of the treaty. The spokesman said that the intent of the United States is not to prevent private citizens...
