Tag: strumica
Macedonia Culture 10.02.21 | 09:29

Actors from the Strumica theater protest against their unqualified new director

Actors from the Strumica theater will hold a protest today. They object to the appointment of an unqualified gym teachers as their new director. Vasil Bubev was appointed over several candidates from the institution, and better qualified outside candidates. Bubev was appointed to the position after managing...

Macedonia Culture 30.01.21 | 12:20

Gym teacher named head of the Strumica theater

Actors from Strumica are protesting that a gym teacher was appinted as head of the main Anton Panov theater and culture center. Vasil Bubev, the newly appointed director, worked as gym teacher and director of a local kindergarten, and won over two other candidates who had more than five years experience...

Macedonia 26.01.21 | 13:54

Traffic accident scams reported in Skopje and Strumica

Motorists in Skopje and Strumica are warned to be careful as fraudsters are trying to fake traffic accidents and extort money. The scheme includes men who pick a slow moving vehicle and throw themselves on it, and then insist they will call the police unless the driver pays them money. One taxi driver...

Macedonia 19.01.21 | 18:52

Zaev’s Government instructs all public institutions to donate for the reconstruction of “his” burnt shopping mall

The Zaev Government adopted a request from an association set up to rebuild the burnt down Global shopping mall in Strumica, and called on all public institutions to donate money for its reconstruction. The mall was unlawfully built during Zaev’s term as Mayor of Strumica, by investors who have...

Macedonia 08.01.21 | 17:10

Global shop-keepers divided into categories based on the damage they sustained from the fire

Shop-keepers in the burnt Global mall in Strumica have been divided into three categories, and will press their claims for reimbursement. The categories involve businesses who suffered total loss, partial loss, or no loss at all. The ground floor of the large mall developed under controversial circumstances...

Macedonia 04.01.21 | 19:23

Police officers had to fire warning shots during an arrest in Strumica

Police officers were forced to fire warning shots in Strumica yesterday evening, during the arrest of a 32 year old man. The man, identified as S.M., resisted arrest for several prior crimes, and was joined by a group of others who assaulted the officers. During the attack in which blunt objects were...

Macedonia 03.01.21 | 14:49

Zaev visited the site of the charred shopping mall in Strumica

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev visited the site of the Global shopping mall, built in Strumica during his term as Mayor, which suffered a major fire yesterday. The entire ground floor and large parts of the upper floors were badly damaged in the blaze, and dozens of stores have been destroyed. Fortunately,...

Macedonia 03.01.21 | 12:10

Entire floor in Strumica’s Global shopping mall has been destroyed in the fire

Apocalyptic images surfaced from the Global shopping mall in Strumica, where the ground floor seems completely burnt out in the large blaze that broke out yesterday evening. Firefighters said that they had to approach the mall from three sides, and needed assistance from teams across the region. The...

Macedonia 03.01.21 | 09:07

Major fire in the Global shopping mall in Strumica

A major fire broke out yesterday evening in the Global shopping mall in Strumica. There are no casualties but serious damage was inflicted on the shops. The fire started on the ground floor and then spread upwards. At least ten stores were burnt down, as well as much of the marketplace. Mayor Kosta...

Macedonia 24.12.20 | 17:13

Woman charged with leaving the Strumica hospital while positive to the coronavirus

A 58 year old woman from the village of Veljusa near Strumica is being charged for leaving the Strumica hospital while diagnosed with the coronavirus. The woman was hospitalized in early November, but decided to leave for a total of five days, without signing a dismissal statement and informing the staff.

Macedonia 23.11.20 | 16:38

No spare beds in the Strumica hospital

The Covid-19 ward in the Strumica hospital is filled to capacity. Currently 83 patients are treated there, 40 of them inpatient. We have 23 specialists who are helping out and given the relatively good level of staffing, things are more or less normal. But we are concerned about the high number of patients,...

Macedonia Sport 12.11.20 | 23:39

Parties break out across Macedonia

Parties celebrating the historic entry in a European Championship are breaking out across the country. In Strumica, Sasko Pandev, the brother of team captain Goran Pandev who scored the crucial goal against Georgia, had the famous Angusevi brass band to celebrate. Sasko got Goran on the phone to share...

Macedonia 01.11.20 | 10:10

Kostadinov is hypocritical, it’s a shame that Zaev family’s car collection is worth as 10 ambulances

The director of the Strumica hospital confirmed the chaos and crime of the Zaev and Filipce families in the healthcare. While SDSM and Filipce spend the money from the healthcare on their own luxury expensive cars and haciendas, the Strumica hospital has no money for a new ambulance and asked for donations,...

Macedonia 17.10.20 | 12:36

Strumica patient given medical assistance outside the hospital doors

A video sent by a reader from Strumica to the news portals “Faktor” and “Hashtag” shows that health facilities are overwhelmed. According to his claims, it is about the Strumica hospital, which due to the overwhelmed capacities, can not accommodate all citizens, so some are given...

Macedonia 15.10.20 | 11:52

Parties in “Avatar” night club made Strumica Covid-19 hotspot

After the numerous parties in the “Avatar” night club, contrary to the regulations of the Commission for Infectious Diseases, Strumica became the largest COVID-19 hotspot in Macedonia, Kurir writes. In the past 10-15 days, one of the most serious candidates for introduction of stricter measures...

Macedonia 22.09.20 | 13:10

Healthcare officials insist they will conduct autopsy on the body that was stolen from the Strumica hospital

Healthcare officials insist that they will conduct an autopsy on the man from Strumica who died with coronavirus symptoms yesterday, but whose body was stolen by a large group of family and friends. Over 20 men carried the deceased patient in the hospital bed he died in and drove off in a van, planning...

Macedonia 22.09.20 | 09:45

Two incidents in the Strumica hospital: Body stolen to prevent autopsy and the family of a deceased boy attacks doctors

A second incident erupted in the Strumica general hospital yesterday after a nine year old child died, prompting angry reactions from his family. Early in the day a group of 20 men stole the corpse of a deceased patient to prevent his autopsy and to have him buried according to their religious rites. Hospital...

Macedonia 20.09.20 | 22:32

First corona cluster in kindergarten after reopening: Children in Strumica kindergarten infect each other

The two children from the kindergarten in Strumica, who tested positive for Covid-19, most likely contracted the virus in the kindergarten. Despite initial claims that the two cases had nothing to do with the first infected child, epidemiological surveys completed this afternoon showed the opposite. The...

Macedonia 05.09.20 | 12:50

Zaev’s family members partying in a night club that openly defies coronavirus restrictions

The long running issue with the Avatar night club in Strumica, which continues to hold mass attended parties despite the coronavirus restrictions appears to have a political angle. Social media users have posted pictures of the son of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and their cousins partying in Avatar. Zaev...

Macedonia 04.09.20 | 17:15

Trafficker arrested near Kumanovo while transporting 34 illegal migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh

A man from Strumica was arrested wile transporting 34 illegal migrants near Kumamovo. A police chase after the vehicle ended up when the driver, fleeing the pursuit, hit into the fence of a house and then tried to flee on foot. Officers arrested the 28 year old man from the village of Banica near Strumica....
