Tag: Supreme Court
Macedonia 30.12.23 | 12:07

Supreme Court President Besa Ademi is one step closer to removal

Besa Ademi, who presides with the Supreme Court, is one step closer to removal after the grilling she endured yesterday at the Judicial Council. The attack on her was led by Miljazim Mustafa, a DUI party appointee who was nominated to the Court by President Stevo Pendarovski. The main issue Mustafa raised...

Macedonia 13.09.23 | 21:46

Supreme Court condemns changes to the Criminal Code

The department of criminal acts at the Supreme Court believes that the changes to the Criminal Code that were rushed through Parliament are contrary to European values and standards. The Court was not consulted -practically nobody was – before the Parliament adopted the changes that greatly reduce...

Macedonia 18.09.20 | 18:54

Gruevski is not surprised by Supreme Court’s decision to uphold “Tank” case verdict

There is no surprise at all in the decision of the Supreme Court to uphold the verdict for the “Tank” case, which is only part of the wider and more intense political persecution conducted by the government, former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Friday in a Facebook post. According to...

Macedonia 18.09.20 | 15:00

Supreme Court rejects appeals of convicts in “Tank” case

The Supreme Court rejected the appeals of the convicts in the “Tank” case Nikola Gruevski, Gjoko Popovski and Gordana Jankuloska and upheld the verdicts of the Skopje Court of Appeals. The second instance court reduced the sentence of the former Assistant Minister of Interior, Gjoko Popovski,...

Macedonia 29.03.20 | 17:37

Supreme Court judge tested positive for the coronavirus, Republika has learnt

A Supreme Court judge was tested positive for the coronavirus, Republika has learnt. Two weeks ago the judge was sworn in before the entire Judicial Council, and had previously worked at the Skopje Appeals Court. Republika asked Healthcare Minister Venko Filipice, who did not confirm or deny the report...

Macedonia 18.03.20 | 14:03

The Supreme Court could close down after the sister of a judge tested positive

The Supreme Court is about to lose after the sister of a judge was diagnosed with the coronavirus. According to 360 Degrees, some of the judges and employees decided to stop coming to work after the patient was diagnosed, and are blaming the acting Chief Justice Fair Arslani for hiding the fact from...

Macedonia 01.10.19 | 14:19

Supreme Court prepares to review the Special Prosecutor’s case against former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska

The Supreme Court announced the five justices who will decide on a case initiated by former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska, to re-examine the Appeals Court verdict sentencing her to four yeasr in prison. The review should be completed in October, despite complaints from the Supreme Court that they...

Macedonia 10.09.19 | 15:22

Faik Arslani elected Acting President of the Supreme Court

Supreme Court judge Faik Arslani has been elected Acting President of the Supreme Court, immediately after the dismissal of Jovo Vangelovski. At Tuesday’s session, the Judicial Council dismissed Vangelovski as President of the Supreme Court. The decision for his dismiss is due to unprofessional...

Macedonia 24.06.19 | 14:21

Supreme Court accepts Jankuloska’s request, postpones her order to report to prison

The Supreme Court accepted a request from former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska, and postponed her arrest order which was supposed to come into effect. Jankuloska was sentenced to four years in prison after being charged by the Special Prosecutor’s Office in the procurement of an armor plated...

Macedonia 30.01.19 | 19:07

Supreme Court decides that the SPO cannot file charges after the expiration of 18 months

The Supreme Court has decided that the SPO cannot open investigations and file charges after 18 months from the date of taking over the cases under its jurisdiction. The Public Prosecutor’s Office for prosecuting crimes related to and arising from the content of the illegal interception of communications...