Tuesday, 20 August 2024
Macedonia 20.08.24 | 20:39

Mickoski at a meeting with the Judicial Council: We will do everything to bring justice

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski met with the president of the Judicial Council, Vesna Dameva. As Mickoski informed, the meeting was held at the request of the Council. We will do everything to bring justice. There must not be first-class citizens, there must not be second-class citizens, the few from...

Sport 20.08.24 | 19:40

Barcelona unveiled the design of their upcoming stadium

The massive Spanish football team Barcelona revealed the design of their new stadium through a series of social media posts.As is well known, work is presently underway to repair the fabled Catalan institution, with completion anticipated in 2026. With 104.000 seats, Camp Nou will be the biggest stadium...

World 20.08.24 | 17:52

Blinken in Egypt seeking progress towards Gaza ceasefire deal

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pushed for progress towards a Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal as he visited Egypt on Tuesday, but major areas of dispute are still to be resolved in talks planned for later this week. Blinken’s visit to the region included meetings in Israel on Monday...

Economy 20.08.24 | 17:46

The minimum union basket in August is more expensive by 629 denars compared to July and now amounts to 61,199 denars

The minimum monthly expenses for a family increased by MKD 629 in August compared to July, the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) announced today. The SSM, which prepares the union’s minimum basket, calculated that in August, the value of the minimum basket reached MKD 61,199. From January...

Sport 20.08.24 | 17:38

The Football Cup of Macedonia’s 1/16 final pairings have been decided

The Football Cup of Macedonia’s 1/16 final pairings have been decided.The couples from the 1/16 finals of the biggest football competition in Macedonia were decided by drawing in the “House of Football” today.On September 18, there will be Cup of Macedonia competitions. The Tikvesh...

Macedonia 20.08.24 | 17:32

In two minutes, six Gashi “wedding” cars crossed the border

According to Interior Minister Panche Toshkovski, six vehicles connected to the wedding attended by Assembly President Afrim Gashi in Kosovo crossed the Blace border within just two minutes. Gashi had announced the trip two days prior, and between 18:40 and 18:42 on Sunday, six vehicles, escorted by...

Macedonia 20.08.24 | 17:26

Arsovska is at a loss as to why, over a two-year period, she failed to request a meeting with Mickoski to discuss common issues

In Skopje, the issues with public transport are set to continue, and come September, residents will face significant challenges in getting to work or school on time. Mayor Danela Arsovska places the blame squarely on the VMRO-DPMNE councilors, accusing them of not supporting the purchase of new buses....

Macedonia 20.08.24 | 12:41

This morning, a lawyer was shot in front of the “Mavrovka” shopping center

This morning, a lawyer was shot in front of the “Mavrovka” shopping center. According to media reports, before committing the murder, the assailant opened the trunk of the victim’s Peugeot, which was owned by a private company, took out a package, and then shot the man. Unofficial sources...

Macedonia 20.08.24 | 10:33

State Department says the US is in constant communication with the Macedonian Government, following concerns about ethnic destabilization

The United States are in regular communication with Government officials on matters of mutual concern, the US State Department told Voice of America, when asked about concerns raised by Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski. Mickoski is warning that the DUI party, recently disenfranchised after...

Economy 20.08.24 | 09:07

Price increase for diesel but not for other fuels

The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) announced that starting of Monday at midnight, the price of diesel will increase by Mden 0.5, while the pricing of other fuels will stay the same. The new retail prices for EURODIESEL and extra light household oil are Mden 71.5 and Mden 71 per litre, respectively....

Macedonia 20.08.24 | 08:43

Foreign Minister Mucunski exposes financial misconduct and inconsistencies in diplomatic missions abroad

Apart from the situation at the Permanent Mission to the UN in New York, we have indications of financial misconduct in at least two other diplomatic-consular representations abroad, stated Foreign Minister Timcho Mutsunski tonight, without specifying which embassies are involved. “Unfortunately,...

Macedonia 20.08.24 | 08:33

Over 120 schools can abolish the afternoon shift, Minister Janevska says

Education Minister Vesna Janevska expects over 120 elementary and high schools to begin teaching in one shift only, and to end their afternoon shift, which is seen as a significant drain on the students. In some instances, in about 50 schools, all it takes is that from one to five classrooms to be added...

Economy 20.08.24 | 07:37

Durmishi – Ulusoy: Fostering corporate collaboration to increase trade

Besar Durmishi, the Minister of Economy and Labour, met with Turkish Ambassador Fatih Ulusoy on Monday to discuss enhancing economic relations between the two nations. In a press release from the Ministry of Economy and Labour, Minister Durmishi expressed gratitude to the ambassador for Türkiye’s...

Macedonia 20.08.24 | 07:32

Foreign Minister Mucunski Advocates for Delayed Constitutional Amendments to Ensure Reciprocity and EU Integration

The postponement of constitutional amendments is crucial for us, as it represents a logical approach that ensures there will be no further bilateral claims from Bulgaria. However, we must also address the issue of reciprocity, not just from a constitutional perspective, but in terms of respecting minority...