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Mickoski calls on the opposition to stop trying to undermine Macedonia’s relationship with the United States

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski called on the SDSM and DUI parties to stop undermining Macedonia’s relationship with its strategic partners with their slanders. The Prime Minister was referencing loud comments from the opposition over Macedonia’s active diplomacy and the endorsement of a US proposed resolution for ending the war in Ukraine.

There is no doubt that our strategic goal is full membership in the European Union, while our strategic partner are also the United States of America. In the past I was criticized heavily by the former Government and commentators who support it that we are turned toward the East rather then toward the West. Now that we are heavily turned toward the West, they criticize us for being too close to the West. I understand them and their anger. I can’t justify their lies and manipulations, but I understand why they do it. They’re frustrated, they see hope returning among our citizens, they see new construction and positive indicators, but with their comments they endanger our strategic interests and those of our strategic partner – the United States, Mickoski said.

Without naming him by name, he discussed the example of pro-SDSM commentator Saso Ordanoski, who called President Trump a neoNazi and wished for his death, and asked the opposition parties why they didn’t condemn these comments.

Regarding the UN resolution, the Prime Minister said that Macedonia made the right decision in supporting it, because it was eventually adopted in the Security Council and is now a binding resolution, with the EU member countries and the UK abstaining from vote and not opposed.

I’m convinced that as a country we should position ourselves along with our strategic partner, and that is why we gave our support to the resolution proposed by the United States on the third anniversary of the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Prime Minister Mickoski said.

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