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Grubi ran bills of tens of thousands of euros with kebab restaurants

Artan Grubi abused public funds in his Political System Ministry, with outrageous spending, said Minister Ivan Stoilkovic, who is now tasked with reforming and reorganizing Grubi’s personal department.

There was no review of the equipment in the Ministry, we see that there were some cameras that were installed in his office and they went missing, but we don’t know what else was here and is gone now. The practice in the Ministry was to put all expenses on the public tab. Every day they would run tabs of 20 to 40 thousand denars. I can understand if they had some guests once or twice a month, but every day?, Stoilkovic said. Only the costs for two kebab places run to 20 thousand EUR.

Stoilkovic added that Grubi didn’t even leave the plastic basketball hoops that he used to entertain himself in his office.

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