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Ambassador Aggeler calls on Grubi to come back and “face the music”

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler called on former Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi, who has fled the country, to return and “face the music”. The Ambassador welcomed the fact that judicial institutions are responding to the designation of Artan Grubi on the US black list.

I hope that this helps spur some action and I have to say that this most recent designation does seem to have created quite a reaction. And that is a good thing because people want those who have been in power to be held accountable, Ambassador Aggeler said in an interview.

The Ambassador discussing working with Grubi during the term of the previous DUI – SDSM Governemnt. “In many instances I have known from the beginning, because I understood many of thee cases go back quite a long time. I have been very aware when people are lying to my face”.

Grubi is charged with abuses in the State Lottery, and the US black list designation was handed down because of attempts to influence the judiciary and corruption. He fled Macedonia to Kosovo and is believed that he is now hiding in Albania.

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