Members of Parliament from Macedonia attended a gathering of the Macedonians in Albania that took place in the city of Korca, organized by the MAEI party. The main topic was how to deal with the strong pressure from Bulgaria, whic is recruiting ethnic Macedonians in Albania, especially those from poor backgrounds, to declare their ethnicity as Bulgarian in exchange for passports that give easier access to the European Union.
We are here with one goal – to defend our identity and build a stronger foundation for the future of Macedonians in Albania. As a political entity that comes directly from the Macedonian community in Albania, our main mission is to defend and promote the Macedonian identity, culture, language and traditions. Our battle is not just political, it is a battle for survival, said MAEI President Vasil Sterjovski.
Liljana Zaturoska and Lidija Petkovska from VMRO-DPMNE, Metodija Ilievski from SDSM, Katerina Todorovska from ZNAM, Dimitar Apasiev from Levica and Zoran Dimtirievski and Zoran Petrov from the Democratic alliance attended the meeting, to show their support for the Macedonians in Albania. Sterjovski presented a national strategy that the Macedonian Government can use to improve the position of the Macedonians in Albania and to resist the Bulgarian propaganda.