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“The Government will not interfere in the judiciary, and neither should anyone else”

The Government will not interfere in the work of the judiciary and judicial appointments, and this should go for all parties, said Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski today, referring to the threats issued from the DUI party against the Constitutional Court. DUI insists that it will not participate in the local elections and will even prevent them from taking place in Albanian majority areas if the Court amends a controversial law that greatly expanded the official use of the Albanian language. US Ambassador Angela Aggeler yesterday visited the Constitutional Court to express her support for independent judiciary.

I would agree that this is perhaps a message from the US embassy that interference in the judiciary is unacceptable – something that DUI probably does not understand. They are accustomed to working in unison with their prosecutors and judges, and together with SDSM, they determined the work of the prosecution and the judiciary in their party offices. We must be careful though – not all judges and prosecutors are part of their structures. We know full well which of them were receiving orders from DUI and SDSM, Mickoski said.

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