Macedonia today marks the 121st anniversary of the Ilinden Uprising. The central celebration will take place in Krusevo, at the Meckin Kamen – site of the last stand battle between the forces of the short-lived Krusevo Republic and the Ottoman Army in 1903.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski will address the crowds that are arriving at Krusevo. President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova will lead the ceremony at the 2nd Ilinden – honoring the creation of the modern Macedonian state in 1944. She will visit the Pelince memorial center, and then the original site of the 1944 ASNOM assembly – the monastery St. Prohor Pcinski. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will attend this ceremony.

Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi will honor Macedonia’s post-war President Metodija Andonov – Cento, at his monument in downtown Skopje.