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Mickoski and his family were subjected to police surveillance under false pretense

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski revealed that the security services were spying on him under false pretenses that he is organizing an armed “parapolice, military structure”. Under this excuse, Mickoski was subjected to physical surveillance.

At the beginning of 2020, they made up a source who was registered as submitting credible information. The allegation was that me, a professor, was creating and funding a paramilitary organization, allegedly to intimidate voters at the 2020 elections. This claim was used as an excuse to submit a number of us under physical surveillance, Mickoski said in the Parliament, during the question time session.

The police “source” that was cited in these reports was named “Cylinder”. In one note, Mickoski said, he even reported that he was following Mickoski as he was hiking up mount Vodno with his company.

In 2021, a different police “source”, this time named “Joker”, was reporting that the then opposition leader met with a number of people formed in a patriotic organization in the St. John Bigorski monastery. “He makes an allegation that the purpose of our meeting was to undermine the stability and security of Macedonia. Again, this claim was used as an excuse for my physical surveillance. Additionally, my wife and one of my minor sons were covered with physical surveillance”.

The claims come days after Mickoski said that there is evidence of abuse of the secret services to go after the opposition. Mickoski announced that he will reveal these abuses.

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