In the speech from Gumenje, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 121st year of the Ilinden Uprising, the Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski referred to the demands that create conflicts and attack the unity and integrity of Macedonia.

The feeling that not all subjects and political actors feel Macedonia as their homeland is inevitable. That is, in the narratives they will always respect it, but with the works and demands they put on the table, they do the exact opposite. Be it requests for regionalization, bicameralism and similar steps of redefinition. And that’s why I told you earlier about the unity on which the Krushevo Manifesto was built, which we have less and less today, and it is an ideal for which every struggle is worth today, and therefore the struggle must continue. And this is the political folklore, although in the very essence, the motives for this behavior towards the state as if it were someone else’s, are found in the personal interests and lucrative goals that they have. They come up with demands to get to power, which for them means privileges, money, empires, buildings, properties, comforts acquired on the backs of the people. And when they get so angry with demands that they hit the country with, they should be aware that I, as a leader, can and in fact have demands that can easily be put on the table, but will that solve the problems. Will it bring trust to each other and will it secure a future for all of us. And we are all under the same sky and share a common destiny. The essence is not the political demands that can be invented, but the effort to make the life of the citizens better. It is not more important what kind of word will be on a piece of paper, than what kind of life it has in reality. It is not more important than what kind of law there will be than whether Lipkovo, Želino, Tetovo or Delčevo has drinking water. Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Roma, Serbs, Vlachs, and Bosniaks are really tired of the abuse of their positions and the fact that political elites are building careers on their backs while we all share the same fate, Mickoski said.

Therefore, in the name of a better life for all, Mickoski declared a moratorium on talking about topics that divide, create tensions and abuse ethnic issues, and called on all parties, subjects and leaders to talk about what is really important, the economy, education and innovations that they bring a future.

Let’s talk about more money for the people and the economy. Let’s open a debate about the economy and how to solve the problems of the citizens here in Krushevo, Gostivar, Debar or Strumica and Prilep, Kavadrci or Kichevo. I lend a hand for solving problems, for constructive dialogues and for suggestions for a better life. Here I am listening to your suggestions. Let’s ensure unity for an economic future, Mickoski called in his Ilinden message.

This is how we will build unity and create a future for everyone.

We have an economic vision for a developed Macedonia. A new era of development and new jobs is coming. This is just the beginning of our economic renaissance, and the best is yet to come. Our goal is to create a stable and prosperous economy that will provide all our citizens with a better life and a secure future.