Tag: alliance
Macedonia 02.06.24 | 12:22

Sela accuses VLEN of making a bad deal with VMRO

The Alliance of Albanians party – its faction loyal to the former leader Ziadin Sela – condemned its former colleagues from the Arben Taravari wing and his broader VLEN coalition of failing to secure enough seats in the next Government with VMRO-DPMNE. This is the first time Albanians have...

Macedonia 10.02.24 | 10:14

DUI and SDSM remove two rebellious ministers from the Government

The DUI – SDSM coalition narrowly approved the removal of two disobedient ministers from the Alliance of Albanians, further complicating the work of the interim Government whose only task is to organize the elections. Healthcare Minister Fatmir Mexhiti and Public Administration Minister Azir Aliu...

Macedonia 08.02.23 | 21:55

Kovacevski gave a lowball offer to Gashi, is trying to push his party to leave the coalition

Republika has learnt that the Alternative party is on the verge of leaving the Government after they received an exceptionally lowball offer from Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski to remain in his coalition. Afrim Gashi’s party received enormous concessions a year ago, when they got three Government...

Macedonia 24.01.23 | 13:48

Ahmeti tries to keep his coalition with Kovacevski intact, promotes the new highway deal

DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti, who is facing an unprecedented revolt from party officials, called on his supporters that a “European front” is made. Ahmeti is looking to bring other Albanian parties in the coalition, mainly the Alliance of Albanians, to preserve the Government he rules together...

Macedonia 25.12.21 | 22:10

Ziadin Sela will remain leader of the Alliance of Albanians at least until March

The Alliance of Albanians held a meeting of its Central Assembly and decided that leader Ziadin Sela won’t offer his resignation, at least until the party congress in late March. Sela offered to resign after the party fared poorly in the local elections, winning only Gostivar of the major races...

Macedonia 16.12.21 | 14:15

Ziadin Sela expected to offer his resignation as leader of the Alliance of Albanians

Sources in the Alliance of Albanians party say that its leader Ziadin Sela will offer his resignation. It’s not clear whether resignation will be accepted, as Sela made the same move in 2020, after the general elections. Sela’s deputy, Arben Taravari, also said that he will resign. The AA...

Macedonia 08.11.21 | 20:21

Alternative will announce on Wednesday how it will vote in the push to bring down Zaev’s Government

The Alternative Party said that it will announce on Wednesday how its representatives will vote in the push to bring down the Zaev Government, its representative Orhan Murtezani said. Alternative, which is part of the broader coalition of Albanian opposition parties with the Alliance of Albanians, supports...

Macedonia 20.10.21 | 14:41

The Alliance of Albanians could support the VMRO candidate even in Kicevo

Arben Taravari from the Alliance of Albanians said that they will most likely support the VMRO-DPMNE mayoral candidate in Kicevo Aleksandar Jovanovski. If confirmed, this will be a rare situation where an Albanian party support an ethnic Macedonian candidate against an Albanian candidate – DUI...

Macedonia 09.06.21 | 19:08

Alliance of Albanians wants to see the Biden decree implemented in full – including its anti-corruption message

The Alliance of Albanians called on the Biden-Harris administration to focus on corruption in Macedonia and the region, in light of the Biden decree that announced sanctions for people who do not follow up on several regional treaties, including the Prespa and Ohrid treaties. The Aliance of Albnaians...

Macedonia 18.05.21 | 09:19

Alliance and Alternative will consider possible coalitions after the first round of the municipal elections

The two Albanian opposition parties, Alliance of Albanians and Alternative, announced they will compete together at the first round of the municipal elections scheduled in October. After the first round, the parties are expected to decide what candidates to support in the second round, said coalition...

Macedonia 22.03.21 | 15:42

Albanian opposition parties add additional obstacles before the Parliament can resume work

The coalition of the Alliance of Albanians and the Alternative party condemned Speaker Talat Xhaferi for refusing to hold a session of Parliament even after the opposition offered to provide the quorum. VMRO-DPMNE and the opposition Albanian coalition offered to help Xhaferi get to 61 votes needed to...

Macedonia 14.02.21 | 20:47

Albanian opposition parties accuse Zaev of allowing the spread of Serbian influence in Macedonia

The Alliance of Albanians and Alternative parties accused the Zaev Government of paving the way for partnership with Serbia, and against Macedonia’s national interest. According to the two opposition ethnic Albanian parties, Serbia is buying influence in Macedonia on the cheap, with the delivery...

Macedonia 02.01.21 | 21:27

Alliance blames BESA of firing ethnic Albanian employees it hired in the Macedonian Railways

The Alternative party accused its rival BESA of firing 21 ethnic Albanians from the Macedonian Railways company. Alternative had its official in charge of the company while it was allied with Zaev and had a number of people hired on a part time basis. It now claims that the newly appointed manager Adnan...

Macedonia 29.08.20 | 09:27

Sela: Zaev faked his conflict with Ahmeti, he always wanted to renew their coalition

In an interview, Ziadin Sela from the Alliance of Albanians said that he never received a serious offer from SDSM to form a coalition, adding that from the start, Zoran Zaev seemed determined to reach a deal with DUI leader Ali Ahmeti. We allowed DUI to have a first shot at negotiating with SDSM to see...

Macedonia 21.08.20 | 15:33

VMRO-DPMNE representatives reject the nomination of Talat Xhaferi for Speaker

As the Parliament convened to discuss a proposal from SDSM and DUI to re-appoint Talat Xhaferi as Speaker, opposition representatives came out to voice their protest. Nikola Micevski from VMRO-DPMNE said that the largest party in Parliament won’t support Xhaferi’s nomination. While Xhaferi...

Macedonia 18.08.20 | 14:34

Alternative and Alliance could boycott the Parliament if an Albanian is not named Prime Minister

The Alliance of Albanians and its coalition partner Alternative are considering a boycott of the next Parliament, unless an ethnic Albanian is elected Prime Minister. The two parties are accusing their main competitor in the Albanian bloc, DUI, of winning votes on the promise that it will secure an Albanian...

Macedonia 22.07.20 | 20:20

Court rejects allegations of ballot stuffing, Ziadin Sela responds with a call for a mass protest against DUI on Monday

The Administrative Court rejected all 75 charges submitted by the Alliance of Albanians and Alternative. The two ethnic Albanian parties claim that its rivals for the Albanian vote, primarily DUI, used intimidation and ballot stuffing to win 15 seats as opposed to AA’s 12. Before the decision was...

Macedonia 21.07.20 | 22:17

Taravari: The Alliance of Albanians is open for any coalition that would leave DUI in the opposition

The Alliance of Albanians, which is projected to win 12 seats together with its coalition partner Alternative, will be open to any combination in Parliament, provided it leads to pushing the DUI party into opposition after almost uninterrupted 18 years in power. Arben Taravari from the Alliance of Albanians...

Macedonia 18.07.20 | 19:40

SEC receives more than 150 complaints, and a request for mass hand recount

The Alliance of Albanians submitted additional over 70 complaints about the course of voting on Wednesday, as the party protests what it calls serious intimidation and ballot stuffing on the part of DUI and SDSM – its direct rivals for the Albanian vote. There are now over 150 complaints that the...

Macedonia 17.12.19 | 21:08

Albanian opposition parties preparing a coalition to take on DUI

The Alliance of Albanians and the BESA party, as well as the smaller Alternative party, have announced they are in talks over the creation of a pre-election coalition. The two conservative parties that represent ethnic Albanians are planning to join forces for the purpose of getting DUI out of office...
