Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 28.01.22 | 09:55

Foreign Minister Osmani will discuss the dispute with Bulgaria in the Parliament

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is expected to discuss the latest developments in the dispute with Bulgaria before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Macedonian Parliament today. The remarks will likely be closed to the public, and the opposition expects to hear answers from Osmani about what exactly...

Macedonia 27.01.22 | 11:32

VMRO: Memorandums signed with Bulgaria are used to obstruct the concessions on national identity issues

According to VMRO-DPMNE, the numerous new lines of negotiations and memorandums signed with Bulgaria serve only to obscure the fact that the Kovacevski Government is preparing to give away Macedonian national identity and history. Earlier this week in Sofia the two governments entered into talks on the...

Macedonia 26.01.22 | 13:25

VMRO calls on Government representatives to come to Parliament and discuss new developments with Bulgaria

VMRO-DPMNE calls on the Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani and other representatives of Kovacevski’s cabinet to come to Parliament and inform the representatives about the state of negotiations with Bulgaria. Representatives from both Governments met in Sofia yesterday and initiated negotiations in four...

Macedonia 25.01.22 | 14:54

Macedonia and Bulgaria renew the decades old pledge to build a railroad and a proper road link

Macedonian and Bulgarian representatives signed a memorandum in Sofia today to work on improving the state of Corridor 8, the infrastructure link that should connect both countries, but remains in dismal state for decades. Transportation Minister Blagoj Bocvarski and Nikolaj Sabev agreed to work on finally...

Macedonia 25.01.22 | 12:57

Governments of Macedonia and Bulgaria begin intensive negotiations that are supposed to unblock the EU path

The governments of Macedonia and Bulgaria are holding rounds of meetings in Sofia today, to kick off the next six months of negotiations which are expected to bring results that will allow Bulgaria to lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Prime Ministers Kiril Petkov and Dimitar Kovacevski...

Macedonia 24.01.22 | 11:22

Final preparations for the joint meeting of the Governments of Macedonia and Bulgaria

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski and much of his cabinet are on a return visit to Sofia today, and tomorrow a joint session of the Governments of Macedonia and Bulgaria will be held. The two countries are putting in place four teams that will discuss infrastructure, economy, culture and EU integrations,...

Macedonia 21.01.22 | 21:58

Mickoski: Don’t expect any compromises from the Bulgarian side

Responding to the visit by Bulgaria’s new Prime Minister Kiril Petkov to Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that Macedonia enters in the new round of talks after losing on several key positions. Ali Ahmeti is already announcing changes to our Constitution (to include the Bulgarian...

Macedonia 20.01.22 | 22:34

Kovacevski hopes to improve relations with Bulgaria by early summer

In a TV interview, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said that he hopes relations with Bulgaria will be sufficiently improved by June or July, so that we are a step away from resolving the open issues. This corresponds with the earlier announcement from Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov that he hopes...

Macedonia 20.01.22 | 22:21

Kovacevski prepares teams that will negotiate with Bulgaria in four areas

The Kovacevski Government formed its four teams that will negotiate with Bulgaria on various issues, besides the on-going negotiations on the historic narrative. The committee on the economy, trade and innovations will be led by Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Bytiqi, and it includes economy and finance...

Macedonia 20.01.22 | 17:25

Petkov: We have a chance to do something that wasn’t done for 30 years

Before the meeting of his cabinet today, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said that there is an opportunity to “accomplish something that wasn’t done for 30 years” in the relations with Macedonia. After his visit to Skopje, Petkov seems enthusiastic to focus on the infrastructure...

Macedonia 20.01.22 | 17:18

President Radev insists that Bulgaria does not engage in double standards as it demands minority rights in Macedonia while denying them at home

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev dismissed accusations from Macedonia that his country demands a privileged position for the ethnic Bulgarians in Macedonia, while completely denying even the existence of the ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria. This lack of reciprocity in the dispute between the two countries...

Macedonia 20.01.22 | 11:54

Negative PCR test mandatory for travel to Bulgaria

As of today, all citizens of Macedonia are allowed to enter Bulgaria by presenting a valid Covid-19 vaccine certificate a certificate of recovery, together with a negative PCR test not older than 72 hours. A negative PCR test is also mandatory for minors aged between 12 and18 years, informs the Ministry...

Macedonia 18.01.22 | 22:14

Maricic: If there are Macedonians in Bulgaria, they can self-identify as such, but we can’t support them

Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Maricic spoke out about the controversy he caused, when he refused to stand up for the minority rights of ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria. The same position was later adopted by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, even as Bulgaria is pushing very strongly to demand minority...

Macedonia 18.01.22 | 18:02

Gruevski calls on Nikola Petkov to drop his claim that the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria does not exist

Former Prime Minister and VMRO leader Nikola Gruevski strongly reacted to the recent statement from newly elected Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, who denied that there is a Macedonian minority Bulgarian. Petkov made the statement days ahead of his visit to Macedonia, even as he demands that Macedonia...

Macedonia 18.01.22 | 14:10

FAZ: Petkov demands that the Bulgarian minority be included in the Macedonian Constitution, but doesn’t want to hear about the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov is paying his first official visit to Macedonia today, and before the visit he announced a new approach to the talks on resolving the dispute between Skopje and Sofia. The newspaper “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (FAZ) today published an analysis on...

Macedonia 18.01.22 | 12:17

Washington confident Sofia and Skopje can find solution, sanctions against Bulgaria aren’t considered

The United States strongly supports the accession of Macedonia and Albania into the European Union believing that it is of great benefit for all the countries in the region, reads a statement by Department of State spokesman Ned Price released by the US embassy to Bulgaria. According to the MIA correspondent...

Macedonia 17.01.22 | 23:13

Petkov insists that he will not undermine the Macedonian nation and language

In a Sitel TV interview, conducted ahead of his visit to Macedonia tomorrow, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said that Bulgaria will not push to negate the Macedonian identity or language. In no way do we bring under question the identity and the language, Petkov said. Bulgaria demands that Macedonia...

Macedonia 17.01.22 | 16:52

Corona restrictions: Bulgaria closed its border with Macedonia for non-essential travel

Due to the renewed spike in coronavirus cases in Macedonia Bulgaria decided to close its border, putting Macedonian citizens on the black list, starting Wednesday. Only essential travel is allowed, which includes medical professionals, humanitarian workers, students or official delegations. Minors from...

Macedonia 17.01.22 | 16:44

VMRO-DPMNE strongly condemns Deputy Prime Minister Maricic for his refusal to stand up for the rights of Macedonians in Bulgaria

VMRO-DPMNE strongly condemned the statement from the newly elected Deputy Prime Minister for EU affairs Bojan Maricic, who said that Macedonia has no right to claim that there is a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria or elsewhere. The issue was raised after new Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov strongly...

Macedonia 17.01.22 | 09:20

Macedonians in Bulgaria told Petkov that they exist: Denying our existence is a shame for the Bulgarian state

The Macedonians in Bulgaria responded to the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov’s statement that there is no Macedonian minority in his country. They ask him how absurd it feels to tell obvious lies that no one but the deceived citizens of Bulgaria believe? According to Omo Ilinden Pirin, the...
