Tag: culture
Culture 29.09.24 | 14:02

Culture Ministry will begin accepting project applications

Culture Minister Zoran Ljutkov said that the Ministry will open its bids for subsidies tomorrow. Artists will have until October 31st to apply for funds for their work. We have reformed the process and changed the way in which the subsidies are applied, and we are focusing on quality instead of quantity....

Culture 24.01.23 | 20:52

Key youth cultural institution in Skopje faces collapse over political infighting

More trouble in the Youth Cultural Center (MKC) in Skopje, where city management replaced the director against the wishes of the employees. The stubbornly independent institution that serves as a concert and exhibition hall for often politically active groups is again falling victim to a dispute involving...

Culture 14.10.22 | 12:10

Culture Minister unable to name one major infrastructure project she is working on

Culture Minister Bisera Kostadinovska Stojceska was stumped when a journalist asked her to name at least one major infrastructure object that she is constructing. Новинарот ја прашува министерката за култура:КОЛКУ и КОЈ КАПИТАЛЕН ПРОЕКТ...

Culture 02.10.22 | 19:53

Culture Ministry employees preparing a strike after their request for salary increases was rejected

The Culture Ministry is faced with a strike after the Finance Ministry refused a request to increase the salaries of its employees. Vecer is reporting that the Culture Ministry union is especially angered after reports that the Finance Ministry approved a 30 percent salary hike for its own workers, but...

Macedonia Culture 19.10.21 | 10:21

Culture Minister Stefoska opens an event dedicated to the fight against the Bulgarian occupation in World War Two

Culture Minister Irena Stefoska opened the event dedicated to the writers, poets, painters and other artists who were inspired by the partisan movement in the Second World War. At a time when the Zaev regime is preparing the Macedonian public for major concessions to Bulgaria on national identity issues,...

Macedonia Culture 11.05.21 | 17:31

Culture Ministry is waiting for an investigation into the actions of the previous Minister before it can begin paying artists in full

The Culture Ministry said it is trying to pay out funds in accordance with the latest annual program, but is also waiting for the outcome of the investigation conducted by the Financial Police into the previous management of the department. Minister Irena Stefoska from SDSM accused her predecessor Husni...

Macedonia Culture 10.02.21 | 11:55

Government freezes all payments from the Culture Ministry pending a review

The Macedonian Government ordered a freeze on payments from the Culture Ministry, for projects that were approved in the 2020 annual program signed by former Minister Husni Ismaili. The Government ordered an inspection into the projects. Ismaili, who is a doctor, was appointed to the position after the...

Macedonia 05.03.20 | 13:14

VMRO-DPMNE pledges to build 20 news schools and rebuild 50 more

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski presented additional elements of his infrastucture and reform program. The program provides for building 20 new schools and reconstruction 50 existing schools, and greatly increasing the salaries of teachers and university professors. Additionally, cultural institutions...

Culture 02.03.20 | 11:55

Macedonian publishers say the Culture Ministry is heavily favoring Albanian ones with its grants

The MAI association of publishers filed a protest with the Culture Ministry over its annual program of subsidies, that heavily favors Albanian language publishers. Led by the ethnic Albanian Alternative party, the Ministry is paying significantly more to Albanian language publishers than to Macedonian...

Culture 18.02.20 | 14:47

Culture Ministry funds book by a nationalist author who claims that parts of Macedonia are “Eastern Albania”

The Culture Ministry approved funding for a book by Albanian nationalist history professor Vebi Xhemaili, who claims that the western areas of Macedonia should be marked as “Eastern Albania”. Xhemaili will receive 3.000 EUR for his book, as part of the national program. There is no Macedonia...

Culture 03.02.20 | 20:40

Albanian Parliament paves way for a Macedonian cultural center to open in Tirana

A Macedonian cultural center will open in Tirana, after the Albanian Parliament ratified the agreement between the two countries. Vasil Sterjovski, the only ethnic Macedonian member of the Albanian Parliament welcomed the vote as a historic move. The opening of the cultural centers in Tirana and Skopje...

Macedonia 22.11.19 | 13:28

Controversial SDSM activist was a well paid adviser at the Culture Ministry

Miroslav Grcev, the former chief architect of downtown Skopje and the author of the current iteration of the Macedonian flag, has been receiving large payments from the Culture Ministry where he was hired as an adviser, Faktor reports. In less than three years, Grcev collected 17.000 EUR, the reports...

Culture 08.10.19 | 15:45

Cultural institution employees protest performing Nabucco in front of the Government

The SKRM union of employees in public cultural institutions protested in front of the Macedonian Government building today, to demanding a return to collective bargaining. Protesters sang the Jewish Choir from Nabucco in front of the Government, before detailing their demands. For 14 years we’ve...

Culture 06.05.19 | 14:29

Hungarian writers at the Skopje book fair

Hungarian culture will be represented at the 31-st international book fair which begins on May 8th in Skopje. Writers Edina Szvoren and Laszlo Bagoshi will be in Skopje to meet their fans, along with translators Paskal Gilevski and Zlatko Panzov, said the Hungarian Embassy. Cultural promotion is the...

Culture 06.05.19 | 13:10

Operation broom: Asaf Ademi resigns as Zaev’s Culture Minister

Culture Minister Asaf Ademi is the expected first victim of Zoran Zaev’s announced post election purge of corrupt or incompetent officials. Ademi, who comes from the small ethnic Albanian Alternativa party, resigned today, after a lengthy confrontation with a group of Zaev supporting artists whose...

Culture 03.04.19 | 13:23

Ademi on the verge of resignation after he cut public funding for many of Zaev’s supporters

Culture Minister Asaf Ademi, who faced extensive criticism after cutting Macedonian cultural programs from the budget in favor of promoting Albanian culture, is on the verge of resignation. According to the pro-Government Nezavisen daily, the resignation will be presented as caused by “health reasons”. The...

Culture 12.03.19 | 12:48

Culture Minister Ademi cuts funding for the Days of Macedonian music

Following several rounds of talks with artists angry after their projects were rejected for public funding, Culture Minister Asaf Ademi published a revised list, which approves money for some of the malcontents but leaves out other projects. One of those that remain left out is the Days of Macedonian...

Culture 20.02.19 | 15:36

Culture Ministry gives “stay of execution” to events it rejected for public funding

Culture Minister Asaf Ademi met with some of the artists whose projects were refused in the latest annual plan for distribution of public funding and promised to allow them to re-apply. Ademi faced fierce criticism within the ruling coalition after he cut funding for some of the best known cultural events...

Culture 13.02.19 | 19:48

Culture Ministry Secretary acknowledges funding redistribution was meant to favor Albanian artists

Valmir Aziri, State Secretary in the Culture Ministry, defended the decision of Minister Asaf Ademi to radically redistribute funding for cultural programs, saying that in the past Albanians were discriminated by the Ministry. Aziri, who like Ademi is Albanian, with this seemingly confirmed that the...

Culture 12.02.19 | 14:03

Culture Ministry will give money to the “Zlatno Slavejce” festival, but not to the other events that were cut from its program

The Culture Ministry acknowledged its error in cutting public funding for the “Zlatno Slavejce” festival of children’s music, but remains in its decision to reject requests from the Skopje Jazz Festival, Off Fest, Avalon production concerts and the Pece Atanasovski festival of folk...
