Tag: energy
Economy 25.06.24 | 15:02

Major wind investment will help make Macedonia energy independent

Dubai based Alcazar Energy is the company that will develop a major wind farm near Stip. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, Energy Minister Sanja Bozinovska and Alcazar’s David Calderon presented the project today that will include 55 generators producing 1 terawatt hours of energy, enough for 100,000...

Economy 25.06.24 | 08:26

Alcazar Energy will develop the major wind farm near Stip

Dubai based Alcazar Energy is the company that will develop a major wind farm near Stip. The project, worth between 400 and 450 million EUR, will be presented today by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, Energy Minister Sanja Bozinovska and Alcazar’s David Calderon. During a visit to the area yesterday,...

Economy 24.03.24 | 16:51

Next Government will have an Energy Ministry tasked with reducing energy imports

An important part of the VMRO-DPMNE Platform #1198 program is to create a new Energy Ministry, said party official Sanja Bozinovska. This is in response to the serious energy crisis Macedonia fell into under the SDSM – DUI regime. We have a non-functional energy department in the Economy Ministry...

Economy 25.02.24 | 20:02

VMRO-DPMNE will make sure that the Bitola coal plant remains open

VMRO-DPMNE will not allow the closure of REK Bitola, Macedonia’s largest coal fired plant, said party leader Hristijan Mickoski during a round table in Bitola, a city whose economy, as the economy of Macedonia, is held together by the plant. Coal mining in Bitola collapsed under the DUI-SDSM Government,...

Economy 24.02.24 | 11:22

The Government is trying to close down the Kicevo power plant

VMRO-DPMNE warns about a new contract signed by the ELEM/ESM energy producing company, that points out to plans to shut down the second largest coal plant in Macedonia. The contract is signed with the Bitola based Markovski company, which is winning major contracts with ELEM linked to the Bitola coal...

Economy 30.12.23 | 13:14

New energy fee and price hike for those who use electricity for heating

The Energy Regulatory Commission (RKE) introduced a fee of 200 denars to access the power grid. It’s one of their attempts to hike the energy prices as the production sector continues to struggle. RKE also announced a 5 percent price cuts for households that spend less energy, but a smaller, almost...

Macedonia 22.10.23 | 22:32

VMRO: Macedonia is losing its energy independence in favor of Greece

VMRO-DPMNE accused today the ruling DUI and SDSM parties of trying to sell the large publicly owned MEPSO energy company to a Greek company. MEPSO is in charge of the electric powerlines. According to Greek sources, the Greek state energy company is about to conclude a deal to purchase MEPSO. VMRO notes...

Economy 14.07.23 | 18:23

Diesel price goes up by 2 denars per liter

Diesel fuel prices will go up by 2 denars per liter overnight, determined the Energy Regulatory Commission. Diesel will now be sold for 72.5 denars per liter, while prices of BS-95 and BS-98 gas remain unchanged at 80 and 82 denars per liter.

Economy 14.04.23 | 17:12

Company owned by the son of former Deputy Prime Minister Xhaferi had its debt erased by a state owned company

The U Power company owned by the son of former Deputy Prime Minister Musa Xhaferi is among the 14 energy trading companies who had their debts erased by state owned energy company MEPSO. The companies faced huge losses with the onset of the energy crisis, since they had signed contracts with fixed prices...

Economy 08.04.23 | 19:52

Public funds given for corrupt energy contracts were used to buy villas in the Aegean coast

Regarding the resignation of Vasko Kovacevski, head of the state owned ELEM/ESM power company ,VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that under his term the once profitable company had to be propped up with 200 million EUR from the budget just to keep the lights on. Only in 2022, the citizens,...

Macedonia 02.03.23 | 18:26

Ahmeti is expanding his energy business

Ali Ahmeti’s son Shkumnbin Ahmeti opened a new energy company. Two months after he registered the Theas Energy company, he now set up a company called SEE Power, registered in Bardovci near Skopje, along with businessmen from Israel and Romania, as well as Indian businessman Ranjit Nayak. With this,...

Macedonia 23.01.23 | 08:25

Energy crisis: In 2022, the power plant worked at barely a quarter of its capacity

In a TV interview, VMRO-DPMNE official Vlado Talevski presented the dire situation in the energy sector in Macedonia. The Kovacevski Government is on a PR campaign, insisting that it has ramped up energy production, but according to Talevski, the reality is dismal. In 2019, the state owned ESM energy...

Macedonia 06.01.23 | 09:43

After the marijuana craze, companies close to SDSM are entering a new “green” business – energy

If the Zaev years were marked by a strong push from politically linked businessmen and Zaev’s own family members into marijuana growing, now the new lucrative field of choice seems to be energy imports. Macedonia is in a deep energy crisis, with domestic electricity production in collapse due to...

Macedonia 05.01.23 | 21:54

Mickoski: The Government spent 73 million denars on energy imports for just two days

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski warned that the Government held additional purchases of electricity at the regional market for over a million EUR. The state budget is being drained for over a year as domestic production collapsed and politically linked companies entered the electricity import...

Macedonia 10.12.22 | 14:07

Mickoski blames the state owned energy company of signing new corrupt import contracts

Contracts to import electricity and cover the loss in domestic production keep going to the same company – EMTM energy, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. The company is receiving frequent orders from the state run ELEM/ESM company, whose shortfall in production from its coal plants...

Economy 10.12.22 | 11:39

Energy subsidies did not help bring down food prices

Even after the Government introduced subsidies for electricity for the biggest food manufacturers, prices in the supermarkets are not going down. The measure was meant to reduce inflation as prices have been spiking for months – the official inflation rate in November hit almost 20 percent, but...

Economy 17.11.22 | 18:22

Mickoski: Macedonian businesses went from paying the lowest regional energy prices in 2017 to the highest in 2022

On the issue of high energy prices, which are devastating the Macedonian economy, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski reminded the public that until 2017 we paid the least for electricity in the region. Mickoski managed the state owned ELEM energy company until 2017. Eurostat shows that in the first...

Economy 15.11.22 | 15:55

Bekteshi: Electricity prices should remain unchanged in early 2023

Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi said that electricity prices won’t go up at the start of the next year. According to Bekteshi, the country has sufficient reserves of heating oil, meant for the old TEC Negotino power plant that is now used to prop up the insufficient outpout from the REK Bitola...

Economy 02.11.22 | 12:33

Energy crisis: Government sets aside 61 million EUR to prop up the troubled key producer

61 million EUR from the central budget were diverted to the loss making ELEM/ESM state owned energy company which produces the bulk of the electricity used in Macedonia. ELEM was caught unprepared during the winter of 2021, with collapsing domestic production due to corruption and mismanagement in its...

Economy 30.10.22 | 19:15

Government will subsidize the food industry by providing cheaper electricity

The Government announced it will provide cheaper electricity to companies that produce essential food items. According to Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, these companies will pay 80 EUR per megawatt hour of electricity, far below the price that other businesses are forced to pay. The price for households...
