Tag: Hristijan Mickoski
Macedonia 19.07.24 | 15:53

Prime Minister Mickoski met with the King of the United Kingdom

Prime Minister Mickoski met with the King of the United Kingdom, Charles III, in London. The meeting was held in a friendly and constructive atmosphere, during which we discussed several important issues, including the bilateral relations between the two countries and the possibilities for further cooperation...

Macedonia 26.12.23 | 11:29

Mickoski: I have not had a secret meeting with Kovachevski, secret meetings are not part of my character

I have not had a secret meeting. Secret meetings are not part of my character. If Mr. Kovacevski wants us to discuss the technical government or some other political processes that follow, I am available, just to adjust the term, this is how the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, answered a...

Macedonia 28.11.23 | 20:17

Mickoski: With the organization of the OSCE Summit, the government proved its desire for criminal activities.”

We are waiting to see where those 5 million euros that we, as VMRO-DPMNE, talked about will be spent. We have witnessed where those million euros went for the rental of passenger motor vehicles. This is a process that raises significant doubts once again about crime and corruption,” said Hristijan...

Macedonia 22.11.23 | 23:09

Mickoski extended his congratulations for the Day of the Albanian Alphabet

We congratulate all our fellow Albanians on November 22, the Day of the Albanian Alphabet, writes the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, in his congratulatory message. Today, 115 years ago, in Bitola, which was then the seat of the Bitola Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire, which included the territories...

Macedonia 05.10.23 | 10:32

Mickoski: We will block the Amnesty Law, which was released after a shortened procedure

VMRO-DPMNE will block the amnesty law, which the government released after a shortened procedure, said the president of VMRO-DPMNE for Topic of the Day in Sitel’s diary, emphasizing that if the government puts that law under the European flag, then VMRO -DPMNE will leave the Parliament. I don’t...

Macedonia 18.09.23 | 14:23

Ahmeti: There is no agreement with VMRO on the constitutional amendments, and Mickoski withdrew from the k3 amendments

Hristijan Mickoski withdrew from the amendments to the Criminal Code, says Ali Ahmeti in a major interview on TV21. The leader of DUI says that in secret meetings between him, Zoran Zaev and Nikola Gruevski, a lot was discussed and agreed on those changes, and he thought that everything was agreed, but...

Macedonia 15.09.23 | 14:10

Mickoski: If you visit the sites where works allegedly started on Thursday, I guarantee that you won’t find anyone working there

If anyone visits the sites where they detonated dynamite yesterday, to symbolically mark the beginning of the construction of corridors 8 and 10d, you won’t find any construction machines or workers there, the leader of the opposition, Hristijan Mickoski, said on Friday’s press conference. Mickoski...

Macedonia 15.09.23 | 14:00

Mickoski: The changes to the law are made because the Government is preparing for opposition

The ruling coalition is preparing to go in the opposition, and that is the reason for the speedy changes to the Criminal Code, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski today, during his visit to Sveti Nikole. They believe that in this way they will be amnestied for all the criminal actions they did...

Macedonia 09.09.23 | 22:18

Mickoski: They are trying to cover up the horrid crimes in the Oncology Clinic

The new government led by VMRO-DPMNE will bring to justice all those involved in the robbery and those who are trying to cover it up, Hristijan Mickoski threatened on Saturday. “A couple of months from now, we will have a new government and all those who were part of this horrid mafia will face...

Macedonia 09.09.23 | 21:47

Mickoski: Sustenance expenses are huge, the government is incapable, the only solution is early elections

The basic sustenance expenses went up in August again and surpassed those in the eurozone by far – two or three times higher than last year. That is a direct consequence of having an incapable government, VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, said on Saturday. “There is barely one percent...

Macedonia 08.09.23 | 14:20

Mickoski: September 8 is the crown of the Macedonian struggle for freedom, statehood, and independence, and we have to preserve the endowment for the future generations

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski has congratulated September 8-Independence Day, saying it is a crown of the Macedonian struggle for freedom, statehood, and independence. “This day is a realization of the dreams of thousands of sons and daughters of the Ilinden and World War II struggles, who...

Macedonia 07.09.23 | 11:23

Mickoski: There is no way for the opposition to stop this because of the abuse of the “European flag”- the only way out is early elections

This is a shameful act in a democracy. The government’s intentions are clear, the end is nearing and they ill stop at nothing to protect themselves from punishment for the crimes they committed, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, commented on the amendments to the Criminal Law proposed...

Macedonia 06.09.23 | 15:16

Mickoski: They may push the amendments with a golden flag if they want to, but I promise that all of them will face justice

SDSM and DUI are preparing themselves for the opposition, and by these amendments, they want to cover all the crimes they did in the last six years, the VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, conveying his opinion on the latest SDSM/DUI proposal to amend the Criminal Law. Under the guises of the “European...

Macedonia 05.09.23 | 13:55

Mickoski: Kovachevski asked not to politicize the Oncology scandal, while all former and current managers are taking photos at the party’s headquarters

I was never the kind of person to politicize events like the Oncology Clinic scandal, because human fates and pain are involved, but also I can’t remain silent on the political campaigns that SDSM used to make when they were opposition and the promises they gave, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan ...

Macedonia 02.09.23 | 15:21

Mickoski on the cancer drugs scandal: There must be both, criminal and political responsibility for those involved in this hideous scheme

VMRO-DPMNE warned on the possible illegal sale of cytostatics two years ago, while the Macedonian reporters wrote about the scheme almost six months ago, but it took MoI Spasovski two years to even start the initial investigation. Pay attention – this is not even the start of a real investigation,...

Macedonia 31.08.23 | 11:43

Mickoski: SDSM morphed from a state-building political factor, into DUI’s lackeys

SDSM morphed from a state-building political factor, into DUI’s lackeys, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, stressed on Wednesday’s party meeting in Shtip. “They are the real masters of both, the government and SDSM. These petty politicians will tell you whatever you want...

Macedonia 29.08.23 | 11:42

Mickoski: Each DUI minister has his own firm, so does Osmani, there will be responsibility

Each and every DUI minister has his own firm, and each and every one of them is pumping the citizens’ money through corruptive tenders, the VMRO-DPMNE leader responded to a reporter’s question about the latest sandal with MoFA Bujar Osmani, who transferred an enormous amount of money for...

Macedonia 28.08.23 | 13:37

Mickoski: Together we will change the ugly existence and win a better tomorrow

On mine and on behalf of VMRO-DPMNE I congratulate the big religious holiday The Dormition of the Theotokos.  I also congratulate the Day of the Miners, which is also marked today”, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickski wrote on Monday. “Today is a day when we all have to remember the Christian...

Macedonia 28.08.23 | 12:47

There are no guarantees that this will be the last constitutional amendment, Mickoski told Serbian daily “Politika”

There are no guarantees that this will be the last amendment to the Constitution, VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, said in an interview with the Serbian influential daily  Politika, accusing the Macedonian diplomacy that it didn’t secure better positions and guarantees that there will be...

Macedonia 24.08.23 | 14:51

Mickoski: The DUI/SDSM government must leave as soon as possible

Genuine European values are when a person is capable of providing for the dignified life of their compatriots, not the miserable actions of this incapable government, VMRO-DPMNE leader said on Thursday, responding to a reporter’s question about the Government’s announcement of higher prices...
