Tag: lukarevska
Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:54

SDSM Vice President acknowledges defeat, announces that the leadership will assume responsibility

SDSM Vice President Sanja Lukarevska was the first to announce resignations in the party leadership due to the dismal results they are expected to have in the dual elections held today. SDSM needs to conduct an analysis of the elections in order to be able to move forward. We managed to achieve many...

Economy 21.01.24 | 12:20

Company from Strumica collected millions from the tax authority, before being sold to a businessman from Kosovo

VMRO-DPMNE named one of the companies at the heart of the growing scandal in the UJP tax authority, which has reportedly allowed reimburesment of taxes to companies that cited false turnover. AKTIKO, a company registered for trade with textiles in Strumica in 2022, sought 10.5 million EUR in reimbursements...

Macedonia 04.03.23 | 18:57

SDSM official Sanja Lukarevska announces a presidential run, but in 2029

SDSM deputy leader Sanja Lukarevska, who generally keeps a low profile despite her high position in the party, announced a presidential run. In an interview, Lukarevska assured incumbent President Stevo Pendarovski that she will not run against him, but that she will wait her time in 2029. The presidential...

Economy 20.03.22 | 20:52

Economic crisis: Mass tax raids discover over 100 cases of violations

Tax authority director Sonja Lukarevska informed about the effects of the massive raids conducted over the past two days to enforce the Government’s mandate limiting profit margins and the abolition of the VAT tax on foods. Out of 611 inspections, 114 companies were found to sell goods with the...

Macedonia 05.01.22 | 18:31

SDSM officials will meet on Monday to discuss the state of the coalition talks as they try to form a new Government

SDSM party deputy leader Sanja Lukarevska said that the party will meet on January 10th to determine the composition of the Government that its leader Dimitar Kovaceski is supposed to propose to Parliament. Kovacevski is trying to juggle growing demands from his coalition partners, who became restless...

Macedonia 22.07.21 | 23:13

Sanja Lukarevska acknowledges that the SDSM candidate in Lozovo is abusive toward women, but says that he will remain the party’s nominee

SDSM party deputy leader Sanja Lukarevska was asked today about the party’s mayoral candidate in the Lozovo municipality Aco Velkovski, who is notorious for mistreatment of his employees, including harassment of female workers. Lukarevska agreed that Velkovski is not a suitable candidate for a...

Macedonia 16.07.21 | 12:32

Lukarevska insists that SDSM will win the municipal elections

SDSM party Vice President Sanja Lukarevska assured party supporters in Krusevo that SDSM will win in the coming municipal elections. The party currently holds nearly all non-Albanian majority municipalities, as it did a full sweep in the 2017 elections, on the back of its power-grab earlier that year. We...

Macedonia 17.05.21 | 10:44

VMRO: The “new” SDSM party officials are already discredited

VMRO-DPMNE reacted to the appointment of new officials in the SDSM party by pointing out that they already have a track record of failure. Prime Minister Zaev led the party congress yesterday in which Radmila Sekerinska withdrew from the position of deputy leader, and was replaced by Sanja Lukarevska,...

Macedonia 16.05.21 | 17:49

Sekerinska’s replacement: SDSM delegates vote to appoint Sanja Lukarevska as new deputy leader

SDSM party delegates voted to appoint Sanja Lukarevska, the current head of the UJP tax authority, as the new party deputy leader. Lukarevska is replacing Radmila Sekerinska, who was Zoran Zaev’s co-leader since 2013, but refused to see another term. Lukarevska got 682 delegate votes, and only...

Macedonia 14.05.21 | 20:03

Faktor: Zaev has picked Radmila Sekerinska’s replacement

Zaev intends to promote the tax authority director Sonja Lukarevska to the position of SDSM party deputy leader currently held by Radmila Sekerinska. Sekerinska unexpectedly announced that she is not in the running for another term on the position that ensured the so-called “urban wing” of the party,...

Macedonia Economy 20.04.21 | 14:35

Huge spike in number of employees who did not receive their March salaries

Nearly 15,000 companies failed to pay out the March salaries to 54,662 employees, said UJP tax authority director Sanja Lukarevska. This is a huge spike, compared to just under 10,000 employees who were not paid in February. Lukarevska blamed this result to the delay in the adoption of the latest stimulus...

Economy 28.07.20 | 12:27

Tax authority threatens to name companies who claimed corona stimulus funds but didn’t distribute them to their workers

Tax authority head Sanja Lukarevska reported that companies from Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Struga and other cities claimed funds as part of the coronavirus stimulus package, but did not distribute it as salaries. A crisis measure introduced by the Government had companies able to request funds from the...

Economy 01.07.20 | 14:52

Tax receipts drop by 6,7 percent in June

Tax receipts have dropped by 6,7 percent in June, said UJP tax authority chief Sanja Lukarevska. According to Lukarevska, the biggest drop, of 17,3 percent, was reporetd in income tax. She attributed the issue to the fact that some major companies were urged to pay their tax forward, during the early...

Macedonia 24.06.20 | 22:32

Top SDSM candidate left stumped when she was asked to say where are the 230 kilometers of newly built highways

The north-eastern debate televised, which featured candidates from the 2nd electoral district, contained an amusing moment when VMRO-DPMNE candidate Vladimir Misajlovski asked his opponent from SDSM Sanja Lukarevska to name some of the highways her party claim to have built. SDSM politicians have made...

Macedonia 01.06.20 | 11:57

Straight from the campaign trail: SDSM officials go into coronavirus quarantine after meeting with Muhamed Zekiri

A long list of SDSM and Government officials are going into self-isolation after the deputy SDSM party leader Muhamed Zekiri was confirmed to be Covid-19 positive, along with his family. Some have been confirmed to also be positive, and others are going into isolation as a precaution. One of the newly...