Tag: ahmeti
Macedonia 15.10.24 | 19:29

Ahmeti expresses despair after Albania opened EU accession talks while Macedonia was left behind

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti issued a statement congratulating Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the opening of EU accession talks, and expressing regret that Macedonia is not opening the talks as well. I sincerely congratulate to all Albanians, and to Prime Minister Edi Rama, and his entire team, who worked...

Macedonia 07.10.24 | 22:39

Menduh Thaci confirms that he’s out of the DUI coalition

Menduh Thaci, leader of the Democratic Party of Albanians, confirmed today that he is no longer part of the DUI party led coalition. Thaci snubbed DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti who held a press conference to detail his criticism of the new Government on its 100th day in office, indicating that he may try...

Macedonia 06.10.24 | 21:53

Ahmeti needs to clear out the criminals from his party

In his remarks to the VMRO-DPMNE youth faction today, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski also sent a message to DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti. Ahmeti’s coalition is facing desertions in Parliament at a time when he is expected to begin a wave of protests urging ethnic Albanians to confront the Government. I...

Macedonia 03.10.24 | 12:40

Mickoski: We thwarted Ahmeti’s initial plan for destabilization of the country

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski believes that the initial plans by the DUI party to cause ethnic strife and disturbances in Macedonia have been prevented, but that Ali Ahmeti’s party is now gearing toward a different tactic. Ahmeti has been in power almost without interruption since the 2001...

Macedonia 02.10.24 | 18:46

Ahmeti denies reports that he was asking to join the Government, while facing renewed corruption allegations

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti dismissed media reports that he is sending emissaries to VMRO-DPMNE, asking to be allowed into the Government. According to the reports, Ahmeti was offering to replace VLEN as VMRO’s Albanian coalition partner, and would take a smaller share of the Government than what VLEN...

Macedonia 02.06.24 | 20:21

Ahmeti sends declaration to the diplomats, while Gashi reminds him that he was the first to violate the coalition agreement

In an interview with Radio Free Europe, Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi said that the newly created coalition between VMRO-DPMNE, VLEN and ZNAM does not violate the 2001 Ohrid treaty. DUI, which faces being relegated to the opposition for the first time since 2008, angrily insists that VLEN does not have...

Macedonia 19.05.24 | 09:48

On his way out of power, Ahmeti warns about conflict between the rival Albanian political blocs

The DUI party did not announce immediate steps after the State Electoral Commission and the Administrative Court approved repeat of voting in seven polling stations in the north-western and south-western 6th and 5th electoral districts, where DUI could lose two of its 19 seats in Parliament. Ali Ahmeti...

Macedonia 18.05.24 | 16:28

Ahmeti convenes his top officials as the DUI party faces being sent to the opposition for the first time since 2008

This afternoon the DUI party will hold a meeting of its Presidency, to discuss next steps as they are about to be left in opposition for the first time since 2008. Ali Ahmeti’s party, that was formed from his guerrilla movement that began a civil war in 2001, has been in power almost non-stop since...

Macedonia 02.05.24 | 21:22

Mickoski promises the citizens of Gostivar that he will send Ali Ahmeti in the opposition

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski addressed the citizens of Gostivar this evening, and particularly turned to the ethnic Albanians, urging them to rebuff the nationalist rhetoric coming from the DUI party. He accused DUI of outrageous levels of corruption that they are trying to hide behind the...

Macedonia 22.04.24 | 21:33

Mickoski: Ahmeti will be remembered as a petty crook

Following the heated exchange with Ali Ahmeti yesterday, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski again urged the voters to support his party in large numbers, and so put an end to Ahmeti’s threats. In a display of nationalism yesterday, Ahmeti led thousands of supporters gathered on the main Macedonia...

Macedonia 22.04.24 | 00:03

Nervous after the numerous corruption revelations, Ahmeti issues a threat to Hristijan Mickoski

DUI held a large rally in the main square in Skopje this evening, and the leader of this party Ali Ahmeti used the opportunity to issue a threat to VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. Mickoski has led a campaign to reveal a wealth of evidence about corruption in DUI, and the Albanian party is visibly...

Macedonia 14.04.24 | 21:37

Mickoski rejects Ahmeti’s blackmail, calls on Pendarovski to do the same

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski rejected the request by Ali Ahmeti and the DUI party that any future coalition partner for the Albanian parties must agree to changes in the way the President is elected. Ahmeti wants to end the practice of direct elections, where it’s always been ethnic...

Macedonia 31.03.24 | 19:54

Ahmeti rewards Sela for dividing the opposition with a winning seat in the 5th electoral district

The DUI party, which has lately dominated the Government it jointly forms with SDSM, held its conference today. Party leader Ali Ahmeti announced the lists of candidates for the general elections on May 8th. One of them is Ziadin Sela, former leader of the Alliance of Albanians, who quickly turned from...

Macedonia 19.03.24 | 21:16

Faced with an unprecedented political challenge, Ali Ahmeti begins to warn about “post-election unrests”

Faced with the failure to prevent the creation of a large opposition Albanian bloc, which greatly reduces its chances of being part of the next Goverment, the DUI party is now playing the ethnic card and warning about unrest after the elections. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, who sparked a civil war in Macedonia...

Macedonia 01.03.24 | 22:37

State prosecutors insist they are working on a number of major cases, including against their political patrons

Faced with a dramatic drop in public trust in the judiciary, state prosecutors, including newly appointed chief prosecutor Ljupco Kocevski, and the controversial head of the organized crime unit Islam Abazi, came out today to assure the citizens that they are still working on some of the best known corruption...

Macedonia 20.02.24 | 10:38

He was a visionary, not a functionary: The likelihood of Ahmeti becoming a presidential candidate is diminishing

Artan Grubi believes that the chances of Ali Ahmeti being a presidential candidate are decreasing and that it is difficult to convince him to agree. – Ahmeti’s persuasion is difficult. You know his attitude: I am a missionary and not an official. I am not in a political party, nor in politics...

Macedonia 19.02.24 | 22:14

Ahmeti is trying to back out of the presidential run

DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti is likely getting cold feet, after his underling, Deputy Prime Miniter Artan Grubi, last week announced his presidential candidacy. Comments from, echoed by news sites under DUI control and other party officials, clearly indicated that Ahmeti is entering the presidential race. “Only...

Macedonia 15.02.24 | 20:29

Ali Ahmeti plans to run for President?

DUI seems determined to nominate its leader – Ali Ahmeti – for President. Ahmeti’s main lieutenant, Artan Grubi, posted a social media comment declaring – Only Ali Ahmeti! – a clear indication that the former terrorist commander who began the 2001 civil war and has controlled...

Macedonia 07.02.24 | 19:26

Ambassador Geer says his meeting with Ahmeti in a Government office was a mistake

EU Ambassador to Macedonia David Geer acknowledged that he was wrong to meet with DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti in a Government office in December. Ahmeti is prone to using the Ministry for Political System, led by his protege Artan Grubi, as his office in Skopje. The large newly built office space was...

Macedonia 18.01.24 | 21:32

Kovacevski and Zaev patch up their differences during a joint meeting with Ahmeti

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti convened a meeting of the rival SDSM party leaders Dimitar Kovacevski and Zoran Zaev, to make sure that they are all on board ahead of the coming general and presidential elections. According to Klan TV, the three had a long lunch today to iron out the differences between Zaev and...
